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Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Distance Energy Work Newsletter No 8

Issue No. 8: Improving Health through Energy Work Webinar This Weekend; Great Lake Healings


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Healings at the
Great Lakes

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 

Healings at Lake Michigan, Lake Superior, and Lake Huron

North America's Great Lakes are among the largest lakes in the world. Together they contain over 20% of the world's surface fresh water. The purity of these ancient custodians of life has been under assault for the past two centuries.  
I had the good fortune to visit three of  these magnificent bodies of water this summer and it was a privilege to be able to conduct healings on their beautiful shorelines. The results amazed me as my family recorded the healings and my impressions on videos.
Videos of the healings conducted on the shores of Lake Michigan, Lake Superior and Lake Huron

Improving Health through Energy Work Webinar This Weekend

Improving Health Webinar,  Friday July 24, 8 pm CDT  or  Saturday, July 25, 11 am CDT

This webinar will be useful for both those who are already using energy work and for those of us who want to start learning how. No matter what your skill or experience level, you can take advantage of basic knowledge of the healing power of energy work to promote physiological balance and well-being.  The purpose of this webinar is to integrate the experience with all the theoretical information which I have already enjoyed sharing. So we will favor healings over explanations. My goal is to empower each of us to become our own healer. As always, there will be time for questions and answers.

Webinars Scheduled for August

Weight Loss Assistance through Energy Work
Friday, August 7 Webinar 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time
Saturday, August 8 Webinar 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time

Advanced Explorations of the Sacred Gardens of Heart
Friday, August 21 Webinar 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time
Saturday, Augusts 22 Webinar 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time

Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location

How to Free Ourselves from Vows Made in the Past

Dear Dorothy, Are we allowed to manifest  a happy life? It seems to me that somewhere I believe that I have to be unhappy in order to survive. This must be an old conditioning that I am sustaining, and believing that is the way to stay alive. So I dare not be happy. What can I do?

Dorothy: Certainly everyone deserves increased happiness in all areas of life. We live in an expanding universe, so it follows that happiness expands.

That said, the very awareness that the belief is there puts you in a state of witnessing the belief, rather than being gripped by it. Liberation from the belief is the nature of the witnessing perspective. In this moment, your work is already nearly done.

From this position, keeping the belief is more a matter of choice than habit.

I am proud of you for taking this step of being aware of your old belief. Well done! 


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With love,

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Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter


Offering love and gratitude to the Mother of the Universe, to her presence in everyone participating in this healing, to the ancestors, and to all beings of light, in all places in creation.
Looking into all natural places, forests, deserts, waters, mountains, beaches. Feeling the life force in these places. Looking into the deeper parts of Earth, her cosmic counterparts, and the cosmos. Upon this structure, humanity is sustained most delicately. Seeing a gathering of angelic forces around Earth.
Loving attention from the cosmic spheres directed to the soul of mankind. Two things happening:
  1. The Master Healers are applying a form of light medicine to the astral level of human bodies which creates stability and protects our energy fields from low-vibrational frequencies which may come from cosmic sources, or from subtle strata of creation (entities).
  2. Angels whispering into the subconscious and unconscious levels of people's mental bodies that we are safe, all is well and as it should be.   
In the sacred inner sanctum of the self, forgiveness and self-acceptance are flowing in the form of light medicines. The causal body is receiving an activation to produce these materials in a sustainable way and radiate them to all levels of the body.
Very importantly these two qualities are going to the spirit body to reconnect the present moment with all moments in the past. The reason this is so important is because the past is always a lesser state of evolution. Being so, there is a tendency to think of it as inferior. In reality all expressions of the self are completely vital to the potential of the present moment. In order to heal completely, manifest anything, structure reality precisely and awaken to your highest reality, it is necessary for every single part of yourself to be accessible and embraced as an expression of Divinity. You need all of you to be able to participate in the dance of Divine Unity. All parts are precious when accepted without judgment and adored as expressions of the Creator.
Frequency upgrades in the sacred inner sanctum. Memory is being reawakened in this location of ancient information about original decisions to participate in the story of Earth. Some connection between this information and what we think of today as ancient cultures and star cultures. This information is being stabilized directly in the hearts and minds of each person receiving this healing. It is a little different for each person and the story line is unique to each of us.
The universal themes are that our souls gathered themselves here to take a chance at creating our reality within a context that allowed for a greater range of the expression of creativity than the options which were available previously. We knew that the risks were great and used this information to determine exactly where the tipping points could be found between success and failure. Again and again our life stories have played at the edges of these two factors. It is by virtue of the support from our past and future that we stay in our comfort zone.
The restructuring in the spirit body (life story past and future) and the inner space of the self is designed to support greater flow of resources from all areas of life to support maximum success in the present moment. This action cultivates the ability to function holistically, as it necessitates the involvement of the God presence of everyone along with the mind and body. Spontaneously these three act in unison to create integrated action which supports every level of creation and harnesses the full potential of nature as well as one's self.
You are all extremely awesome for eliciting this healing from the creation, and I consider myself extremely fortunate to have been the scribe.
Deepest gratitude and love to all,

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Distance Energy Work Newsletter #7

Issue No. 7: How to Use Your Hands to Heal; Webinar Schedule for July; Filaments of Consciousness


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Using Your Hands
To Heal

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 

Dear Dorothy,  I have often heard of people healing with their hands. Is it possible for me to learn how to do this?

Dorothy:  Absolutely! We all have powerful healing chakras in the palms of our hands. This is one of the gifts of being in a human body. You can use the energy that emanates from the center of your palms to support healing in any part of the body which is in pain or other need of support. The process is simple. Here are the steps:
  • Place your hands a few inches away from your body near the afflicted area. Here you will be touching the etheric body, which is holding most of the pain.
  • Allow your attention gently to be in the area of your heart.
  • Ask lovingly that the presence of the Divine within you produce the quality of energy required to heal the body, or body part. Let go of expectations, judgments, or ideas about how this should feel or happen. Innocence supports success.
  • Feel the awakening of this energy in your heart area.
  • When the heart is very full, use intention to direct that energy from the heart chakra down through the arms and out from palms of your hands into area that needs attention. 
  • With the pure intention of loving, forgiving, and healing the area, this energy will do wonders for repairing tissues removing pain, eliminating infection, etc.
 If you are dealing with physical pain in the back of the body, you can put your hands on the front of your body and direct the energy through the torso to the spine and ligaments of the back.

Our bodies are always trying to help our souls grow.   
Read more....
Or watch my video about hand chakra activation.

 Live Webinars Scheduled for July: Energy Work for Wealth and Health

Each webinar topic is offered twice to accommodate different time zones and work schedules. No one anywhere in the world should have to miss a good night's sleep to participate in a webinar!

1. Manifesting Abundance:  Friday July 17, 8 pm CDT  or  Saturday, July 18, 11 am CDT

Love is the currency of the universe. Love is the “real” money. How can we transmute love to a commodity that can pay bills and buy food? The answer is wealth activation and healing for the unrestricted inner flow of love. This webinar will examine subtle mechanics of manifestation and provide specific energetic codes for the creation of wealth. Healings will be conducted to clear karmic structures which inhibit the flow of abundance and to create internal forms which will stabilize wealth.

2. Improving Health:  Friday July 24, 8 pm CDT  or  Saturday, July 25, 11 am CDT

This webinar will be useful for both those who are already using energy work and for those of us who want to start learning how. No matter what your skill or experience level, you can take advantage of the knowledge and healing power of energy work to promote physiological balance and well-being. The webinar goal is to empower each of us to become our own healer. Group healings to achieve this purpose be conducted during the webinar. As always, there will be time for questions and answers.
How to Make Light Medicine (Healing Water Activation)

 This video shows how to make a simple and effective medicine from water. Here is the recipe:

1. Hold a cup with some water in your hands. Any amount of water is fine, but not tea, or other liquid.
2. Quietly ask your highest, inner intelligence to make the medicine you need. You can specify the part of the body, or condition for which the medicine will be used. Technically speaking your God Presence is instructing the causal body to create the substance that will heal you.

Filaments of Consciousness Connect Everything

Here is a video excerpt from my May 9 Webinar.  This video accompanies the YouTube Healing Video for Ancestors and DNA.  Topics include: 
  1. Filaments of consciousness connect everything with everything else, throughout all time and space. 
  2. This is what makes energy work, or energy healing, possible via distance and for our ancestors as well as ourselves in the past. 
  3. Since we are so intimately connected to everything and everyone in the universe through these filaments, or channels of consciousness, we can better understand the perspective of unity, in which everything exists as part of our own Self, as an expression of our own Self. 
  4. From this perspective, healing angels are expressions of our future selves who have all the knowledge necessary to deal with the challenges we face in the present moment.



This healing is offered to all who read this newsletter and wish to receive the work.

The transformation will be activated as you read it and may be read as many times as you wish.

This healing is offered with gratitude for the presence of the Birther of all the Universes, the highest intelligence of the whole creation, and through each reader the flow of that Divine intelligence. 

Feeling the diversified flavors of existence, of life in the field of humanity. Feeling the presence of those who came before us and who forged the foundation for the conditions of today. A sifting on the spirit and astral level is taking place. The light and vision of Divine plan is expanding as the expectations and visions of the harshness of reality are separating out.

There is a clearing for the heart from damage of the past. In many past lives, and due to overlap of everyone reading, also in ancestors, the belief in the harshness of reality is dropping off. Embarrassment, shame, and the conspiracy of silence are also dropping off.

Angels are whispering the appropriateness and comfortable intimacy of all things real to the mental and emotional bodies. Activating a sense of charm in the simple realities of life. Integrating the relationship between the reality of humanity and the divinity of love. This process is happening in beings and bodies of the past while occurring now in the subtle layers of each reader.

This process forms the foundation for deep self acceptance in the sacred space of each reader. Releasing walls in the sacred gardens of the heart of each reader and of filters which disallow the frictionless flow of understanding one's own truest nature, one's Divinity and humanity as a wholeness of Self.

Re-awakening memories in everyone of times which spoke this truth directly to the whole Self and moments from early childhood when events and flavors of consciousness mixed to create an experience that was both relatively enriching and cosmically connected. 

Rewiring of the brain itself to make order of all such experiences, both in this lifetime and throughout the history of the soul, to make a fabric of finest order, which underlies each memories, uplifting them to their highest status in the eternal archives.

This change in brain structure speaks to the heart, opening a flow of self love, so stable, so complete, that at every moment one is awe struck by the preciousness of every aspect of creation. Channels of consciousness from the heart to the rest of creation are crackling open.

Subtle filters which block the flow of consciousness, sinister force, low energy frequencies, maya of many kinds, entities, karma, and fear are are loosening and falling back into the purifying tumult of Mother Earth's inner mantle area, where all this is broken down to its simplest form. 

Ascended Masters and angels are bringing golden templates, like cosmic crystals, containing the blueprints of higher functioning for mankind. These templates offer upliftment and support for one's individuality. They also help the collective and particular actions which enhance the balance of the Divine with the Earthly, stabilizing the matrix of life all around each reader and imbuing it with the qualities which are maximally supportive of this more integrated form of existence throughout the field of the Earth and around each individual. 

Clearing gaps between the collective matrix and each reader of subtle filters that block the flow of consciousness. Activating the astral field of each reader and the astral field of the environment to disallow the manifestation of any life force which would lower the frequency of this energy.

Creating a sacred space for each reader which spontaneously attracts the very highest, purest, sweetest, most life-affirming energies in to the individual and collective sacred space. Gifts of architectural order are offered by ancient ones responsible for structuring, stabilizing the whole area, thus allowing the flow of love and grace to move unrestricted from all areas affected by this healing to the rest of the creation.   

May this healing align with the highest goals of every soul, may it speed up the progress toward global unity, may it pave the way for even more tender expressions of God's will in the field of phenomenal expression.

Love and gratitude, 


Copyright © 2015 by Distance Energy Work.  All rights reserved.

No. 49: Medicines of Light and Other Healing Methods

Distance Energy Work Dorothy Rowe - November 2017 Medicines of Light and Other Healing Methods   Live Webinar o...