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Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Distance Energy Work Newsletter No. 14

Issue No. 14:
"Understanding the Process of Manifesting Health"  Webinar Nov. 13 and 14
New Videos on Youtube: 
Mother and Baby: Awakening of Pure Truth in the First Relationship 

How to Heal Relationships that Ended without Resolution
Healing to Find Your True Love Without Losing Yourself


Understanding the Process of Manifesting Health

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 

Webinar on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 13 and 14

The laws of Nature which oversee the process of manifestation are basically the same whether we are dealing with health or any other area of life. In this webinar we will discuss the application of these laws of Nature to the body and look at the peculiarities of manifesting effects for our bodies, with which we are so intimately familiar. Everyone’s potential to create ideal health is infinite. The intention of this webinar is to empower you to harness your healing capability with maximum efficacy.

Understanding the Process of Manifesting Health
Friday, November 13 Webinar at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time
Saturday, November 14 Webinar at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time

Another upcoming webinar is 
Ideal Weight Management
 on November 13 and 14..  Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.

The last webinar series, Successful Relationships and Intimacy, is 
now available for rent on Vimeo. The same site also have both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselves webinars available for viewing for free.

New Videos on Youtube

Mother and Baby: Awakening of Pure Truth in the First Relationship 

How to Heal Relationships that Ended without Resolution: Webinar Excerpt

Healing to Find Your True Love Without Losing Yourself

Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, webinar excerpts, and how-to videos.

Questions and Answers about Healings for Our Ancestors
Dear Dorothy: I have been curious about ancestors. You always extend healing to them in your opening prayer. I don't think I understand how ancestors relate to us in the present moment. Are ancestors our own un-resolved pieces?

Dorothy: I just LOVE your question.  One great place to go for an introduction to the topic of healings for ancestors is this video.

Dear Dorothy: Thanks for the link. I checked out the video. I understand things to be a continuum. Changes made at a given moment change the whole, and this is how far I got. :)

Dorothy: Yes, you got it. Our DNA is constantly changing and we can affect the direction of that change by uplifting the energy frequencies of the ancestors by interacting with them in such a way as to support their evolution. Since we are the expression of their immortality, any evolutionary progress we make reflects back to them as well.

So, by helping them, we are helping ourselves, and vice-versa. We are recreating our bodies from the molecular level up to reflect Divine intelligence, Divine love.

Dear Dorothy: Does this relationship and change occur whether one has a good, bad or indifferent connection or expression with their ancestors?

At a basic level an ancestor is one who is dead, but one who in someway contributed to our DNA. Or can it be someone more than that, one who is wise and has some deep impact on our life? Could other people in this life, for example, spiritual guides or teachers on our journey, be our ancestors? I see them affecting change on a deep level as well.

Or, is ancestor a word/idea used to relay the gritty feeling of some very deep connection with ones family members of origin only? Good, bad or indifferent, this gritty feeling of connection never goes away. Is this what this word describes?

Dorothy: To answer your first question, yes, you can affect change in the ancestors regardless of whether you like them or not. The important point to note is that what you do to them, you are actually doing to your own DNA. Educating them, loving them, forgiving them, etc. affords you control over the way in which your DNA changes. It is by interacting with our ancestors from the finest level of feeling that we affect specific changes in our own DNA. Always enter the ancestral archive with the intention all good for everyone, unity, wholeness.

Regarding who is an ancestor: the whole universe affects us. The ancestors, as our predecessors, affect us on the level of our physical form. One needs a very flexible, stable, buoyant nervous system to support more expanded consciousness and refined perception, which are the constituents of spiritual development.

It is known that one parent is often more dominant in the body than the other. This principle goes back for generations. So with all the genetic material to choose from, we are favoring some ancestors over others all the way along.

Certainly other wonderful people also have an impact on our thinking, perceptions, and understandings. Many people who have not contributed to your current physiology genetically can well be members of your soul family or family members from past lives. Also, just doing the math, anyone of European descent today is related to any bearer of offspring who was living in Europe 1,700 years ago. If you go back further, all human beings on Earth are related, of course. We are all one family.

The gritty feeling which you experience seems to me to be an energy frequency within your personal family line. So, yes, it is an ancestral feeling, but not universally experienced. Some families have other kinds of feelings. The fact that you feel this is so fortunate for you and for your family. It is the kind of sensation which, when felt, can be modified, healed, transformed into light, evolved into pure Divine energy. So, keep it logged until you are ready to address it. Some people never notice such feelings and end up being pushed around by them. The fact that you feel it means that you are in a position of power to make it change.

Thank you for these great questions!

Love and gratitude,
Click here to read more on Dorothy's question and answer blog.

Ideal Weight Management Program

Daily healings and webinars establish the energetic structures for optimal body size, robust digestion, and wholesome mental and emotional habits which positively affect personal choices of diet, exercise and daily routine. Here is a description of  webinars and distance energy sessions for weight management.

With love,

Distance Energy Work Sessions

YouTube Channel

Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter



This healing is activated
as you read it.

Thank you to the presence of Divinity in all who participate in this healing. Thank you for being the light of life on our sweet planet Earth and for contributing your wise perspective to the evolution and expansions of consciousness in the family of mankind at this time.

Deep in the central nervous system a stabilization of the Light of God is taking place. A room is being prepared to house the presence of God within you. For the average person, the presence of God hovers above the physical body. However, the purpose of this healing is to bring that Divine energy directly into the physical form and stabilize it centered in the heart area, so that it becomes the guiding light of life in every moment.

Feeling into the energy field of everyone reading. Seeing the Divinity as it sits in relationship to the body. Expanding the three-fold structure of energies which reside in the sacred chamber of the heart to the whole field of the body, so that the whole body takes on the nature of the sacred chamber of the heart. This is particularly affecting the etheric body, which is knowing its nature to be akin to that of the celestial body, beyond dimension, large and small at the same time.

A beautiful integration of the law of Nature responsible for transcending space/time is stabilizing in all four denser levels of the physiology. Doing this spontaneously creates an independence within the being from getting caught up in small considerations. It frees one from constraints set up by the individualized ego. This awakens clear perception and appreciation of thought, speech, and action as simultaneously expressed within space/time and cosmic, infinite, eternal.

The presence of the Divine can now descend into the area occupied by the physical form. Having created the body, the creator enters into it. There is an energy upsurge in the brain and spine area, with an awakening of awareness or sensitivity in this area. The eternal nature of Being gently, (this may take a minute of two for some people) slides into the body.

As the light of one's pure eternal essence enters the body, it clears each chakra as it penetrates. Chakras eight through twelve are not so deeply affected as they are by nature more abstract. Starting at chakra seven however, a restructuring of the energy frequency to resonate precisely with the Eternal Self is occurring. As the God presence moves from 7 to 6 to 5 etc, an integration takes place between the chakras as well. A tuning of the frequency is creating a spontaneous clearing of the meridians between chakras as well.

I am seeing bodies sloughing off pain of various forms as the God presence flows into the form.

As the God presence comes to the heart chakra, the hub of the wheel of life, the ability to self-love within the context of loving God is activated in its fullest value. As the God presence moves into the thicker, more stable energies of the lower chakras 3, 2, and 1, these areas are filled with wholesome energy capable of carrying forth the intentions of the heart, of establishing solid health throughout the whole body, of providing the resources of energy and creativity needed to accomplish anything.

At this point the God presence has direct access to Mother Earth through you, thus positioning you to be of real use to the cause of healing your world and the rest of humanity through your love, creativity, intelligence, and wisdom.

May the light of God within you radiate into every corner of your universe. May it unmistakably mark every thought, word, and action. May it reflect out of every corner of creation back to you, ever multiplying its power to maintain balance throughout all the worlds, and establish your consciousness in the Highest Heaven, even as you live your life on Earth. May grace flow before you, behind you and through you always. May the fact that you exist bring happiness to all life everywhere, especially your own soul. 

Thank you for being with me,
Love and gratitude,


Copyright © 2015 by Distance Energy Work.  All rights reserved.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Distance Energy Work Newsletter No. 13

Issue No. 13:
"Successful Relationships and Intimacy"  Webinar Oct 30 and 31
New Videos on Youtube: Healing Mother Earth and Weight Management Webinars
New Blog Post: Using Anger as a Tool for Emotional Liberation


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Successful Relationships and Intimacy

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 

Webinar Friday and Saturday, Oct 30 and 31

Without question, the area of romantic relationships and intimacy is one of the most complicated and impactful areas for the whole of the human population. It is an area marked by some of the greatest joy known to humanity and greatest suffering. This dynamic area of human life will be the topic of examination with the intention of revealing the roots of centuries of intense interaction between lovers. 

Successful Relationships and Intimacy
Friday, October 30 Webinar at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time
Saturday, October 31 Webinar at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time

Another upcoming webinar is 
Understanding the Process of Manifesting Health on November 13 and 14..  Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.

New Videos on Youtube

On Youtube now are the full versions of a Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselves webinar aired on October 9, a webinar on the same topic from October 10 and aManifesting Ideal Weight webinar aired on Oct 16.

Astral Body and Self-Protection is another recent Youtube video and includes an exercise for clearing hooks and cords which may have been unintentionally directed your way. 

Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, webinar excerpts, and how-to videos.

New Blog Post: Using Anger as a Tool for Emotional Liberation

Dear Dorothy: You talk about how the environment reflects our stuff---the issues that we may have repressed and stuffed away in a closet.  So for example, I may have chosen not to express anger, and so it has gotten repressed and is in my energetic baggage. I have tons of repressed anger, I think that's why am experiencing physical challenges.

Dorothy:   I can sympathize with the tendency to resist expressing anger. I did this most of my life until it caused a miscarriage. Frustrating situations were compounding. I was so afraid of hurting other people's feelings that I kept working harder to accommodate everyone. My liver got too hot. I was bleeding too much, and couldn't stop because of the heat. Baby died and I ended up in the hospital. It was awful. More painful than my live births.

The baby was my teacher. She showed me that anger is sharp. It points internally to that which requires attention. The discomfort of anger draws awareness to inner locations which require the flow of love and understanding to heal.

Many people direct attention outward when they feel angry. "She or he made me mad" or "that situation is so frustrating." Blaming an unborn child is simply not an option, right?

Baby showed me that anger is a gift which lets you see the root of a problem which would have otherwise have been hidden from view. The person or situation that seems to be causing anger is creating a stirring within which allowed the hidden anger within us to surface. Once one is aware of the heat of the anger, then one can follow that feeling to its source and locate the original damage responsible for the angry feeling.

As attention floods into this area it brings with it a host of healing energies. Healing anger from its source affects permanent life improvements.
Read more.

Love and gratitude,

Click here to read more on Dorothy's question and answer blog.

Ideal Weight Management Program

Daily healings and webinars establish the energetic structures for optimal body size, robust digestion, and wholesome mental and emotional habits which positively affect personal choices of diet, exercise and daily routine. Here is a description of  webinars and distance energy sessions for weight management.

With love,

Distance Energy Work Sessions

YouTube Channel

Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter


Thank you to Highest Intelligence, the Source of All as expressed in each person who participates in this healing.

Feeling deeply into the physicality of the body and its relationship with the primordial force of consciousness. Opening a clear channel of communication between conscious awareness and the body's ancient wisdom, long established over millions of years of life on Earth.

Establishing an alignment between physical knowingness and the devic intelligence within the Earth. There are details to the universal language which is spoken by all of Earth's creatures. The details of this language are downloading to the God presence of everyone experiencing this healing. Along with the language comes a new, broadened understanding of one's nature as both a spiritual and physical being.

A coherent energy grid is forming within the astral body strengthening the immune system and sensitizing awareness to the finely-tuned allocation of life force protecting you this fall season from microbial pathogens.

This effect can now extend to your loved ones and your home. The energy structure which is allowing this protection to extend is a deep compassion and sense of the dignity for all life. Clearing habits in the mental and emotional bodies, connected to ancestral behavior patterns of criticism, cynicism, and 
judgment.  Under this, clearing feelings of separation.

Download for the ancestors on the value of noticing what is good, true, and reflective of life's highest goals in the actions, reactions, and intentions of others. With this an activation at the celestial level of their being to support the evolution of making this evaluation of humanity the default setting.

At a deeper level, there is a flow of energy moving from celestial and causal levels of the body to the mental and emotional levels which structures a sense of unity among the family of man.

We are united through our condition of being human, not only to each other but to the Creator of all that is. This level of understanding can best be understood as waves of celestial experience, for at that level of the being, all structures reflect each other, and are both larger and smaller than each other. So individuality and Divinity are easily seen as facets of the same underlying reality.

This healing brings the celestial level of the body's intelligence to bear on the physical level, uplifting the understanding of the status of the physical to be known in terms of Pure Divinity. 

Thank you for being with me,
Love and gratitude,


Copyright © 2015 by Distance Energy Work.  All rights reserved.

No. 49: Medicines of Light and Other Healing Methods

Distance Energy Work Dorothy Rowe - November 2017 Medicines of Light and Other Healing Methods   Live Webinar o...