Healings for Detroit: The City and the River
First Healing - Detroit River and Belle Isle
From a desire to provide energy healing support in places which can use it most, we traveled to the economically depressed city of Detroit, Michigan. Although the energy healing went on all afternoon and through the night, we recorded three segments of healings for the people of this area who are suffering from poverty and depression.
The first healing session was filmed at the Detroit River, a source of affluence, abundance, happiness, and well being. The river is a vast source of exquisite love and charity. Somehow the flow of well being from the river is not reaching most of the nearby city.
To conduct this first healing, we visited Belle Isle, a city park of Detroit, which is in the middle of the Detroit River and connected by bridge to city neighborhoods. Belle Isle is an oasis of greenery in this majestic, wide river which flows only 24 miles from Lake St. Clair to Lake Erie.
I was expecting to do a healing for the soul of the river, but found that there was no actual problem with the river itself. The Detroit River is like a milk-giving cow, just nourishing without end. Belle Isle itself got a healing as we were leaving the area, though. The island is a kind of heart-centered energy node for the area.
Click here to view Healing for Detroit River and Belle Isle
Second Healing - Mack Avenue in Detroit
From Belle Isle we drove through very wealthy neighborhoods nourished by the abundance of the river to Mack Avenue, where a readily apparent energy barrier prevented the wealth of life-supporting energy from the river from reaching the poorer areas of Detroit. The contrast between the extremely wealthy neighborhoods on one side of Mack Avenue and extremely impoverished neighborhoods on the other was absolutely astounding. The feeling of the energy shift over Mack Avenue was palpable.
The energy barrier at Mack Avenue, a construct of fearful hearts over five generations, was intense and went deep into the earth. The energetic barrier was creating an unhealthy pressure for those living on the wealthy side and a blockage of the flow of abundance to those living on the poorer side. I conducted a healing to first to identify the exact nature of the blockage and then to dissolve it with energy work. At the point when the healing came full circle a butterfly encircled me, a validation from nature that this healing work was on the right track.
Click here to view Healing for Mack Avenue in Detroit
Third Healing - Detroit School System
The third healing was filmed at an abandoned school yard deep within the depressed area of Detroit. Our hearts were breaking to see sweet families with little children living in burned out shells of homes.
This session aimed at opening the flow of collective life-force to heal the children, their families, the school system, and the community, local and national: all parties affected by the challenges facing the Detroit School System, represented by this abandoned school.
The key to the effectiveness of this session is the awakening of an integrative function in the celestial body which brings together the ability to feel deeply into painful situations while maintaining a stable connection to the Source of Creation, thus perpetuating and accelerating the evolutionary flow of love, which itself becomes the vehicle for healing. By watching this video you are participating in the healing process.
Click here to view Healing for the Detroit School System
Just a little later in the day, the rains came, another validation that the healing was successful.
In the night, much more work took place, including organizing an energy matrix which stretches for miles with nodes representing various aspects of Nature's intelligence. The role of this matrix is to act like a magnet for the fullness which radiates from the river, attracting that fullness into the areas which have long been starving for light and love. The matrix is many times larger and more powerful than the original dark barrier at Mack Avenue which was blocking the flow of fullness from the river.
Opening the flow released a lot of frustration and anger. The constraints upon the flow of fullness have been responsible for so much of the anger which resulted in destruction of homes and businesses in this area. In the night, anger was the main energy cleared. I didn't mention anger much in the videos because at the time of the healings this massive block was covered by illusion. So clearing the illusion had to come first.
Love and gratitude,
Webinar Schedule
Healings for Healthy Relationships
Friday, July 22 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, July 23 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25
Healthy relationships need physical aptitude, mental clarity, and emotional maturity to grow to their full potential. Healing work will be addressed for all of these areas. During this live webinar we use the powerful tool of energy healing to enhance and strengthen relationships, making them healthier and more enjoyable. We will focus on improving interpersonal communication, heart flow, closeness, and joy in relationships.
All relationships are founded in the relationship with one's Eternal Self. The nature of this relationship is deeply subtle, delicate, and precious. Even the tiniest shift in this relationship results in dynamic improvements in relationships with others. Using the power of the relationship between self and Self, all good can evolve into the relationship between self and others.
Please visit my website to sign up for this webinar. The fee is $25 per location.
Mechanics of Manifestation
Friday, August 12 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, August 13 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25
Pure consciousness, our most essential nature, the most intimate and sublime level of who we really are in essence, manifests as this whole phenomenal universe.
Because it is the mechanics continuously happening within our own Self, the process by which creation unfolds lies within the possession of each one of us. Yet so many of the details of this process remain unseen, unrecognized, under utilized.
We have approached this topic in previous live webinars, laying a foundation for even deeper examination and understanding of the mechanics of creation now. In addition to specific healings to enhance your own manifesting skills, we will evolve technologies together which allow us to use collective intention to create a better world, a sustainable Earth in which everyone's desires are mutually supportive and in tune with cosmic harmonies.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.
Distance Energy Work Group Sessions
This budget-friendly option is perfect for those who require immediate attention and can benefit from short on-going doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.
In this remote Distance Energy Work Session, we do not talk on the phone or Skype with one another while the session is happening. Your concerns are addressed by Divine Intelligence directly while I quietly witness during the session.
Here are some more details regarding the Standard Distance Energy Work Group Sessions:
- Sessions begin at 11 am CST/CDT, the first weekday after application and continue daily, Monday through Friday, until the series is completed, unless otherwise specified. Note: Dorothy will be on vacation from July 6 to 13 and August 3-5. July and August sessions will be scheduled on weekdays before and after these dates.
- Each person receives attention and transformation from the Source of Creation as manifested through their own internal healing potential.
- Specific concerns are directly addressed. Please list concerns in the form below. If more space is needed, please email distanceenergywork@gmail.com with any details you wish to include.
- One may feel the movement of subtle energies during and after the time of the healing session.
- Profound work at every level of the body by your own Divine Intelligence results in concrete improvement in DNA, past lives, Chakras, environment, relationships, and much more.
- An email report will be sent after each day’s session is complete. Unfortunately, due to the number of individuals involved in each daily group session, it is not practical for Dorothy to give individual feedback on what happens during these sessions.
Five Energy Work Group Sessions: $60.00
Ten Energy Work Group Sessions: $100.00
Twenty Energy Work Group Sessions: $180.00
Please order Distance Energy Work Group Sessions using our Online Order Form.
Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter
Photos credits: Abandoned Home near Mack Avenue, Detroit, USA, Dorothy Rowe, 2016 Lily, Iowa, USA, Dorothy Rowe, 2016 Plitvicka National Park, Croatia, Martina Radić, 2016 Echinacea, Iowa, USA, Dorothy Rowe, 2016
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
Clearing fear from heart chakras, from circulatory and nervous systems. The fear in the heart chakra seems to be interlaced with the structures of the astral body. The astral body has an energetically protective in the body system. Celestial body is activating qualities of acceptance and unconditional love. These qualities are soothing the relationship between heart chakra and astral body, where fear was present, for yourself and your parents. Unwinding belief patterns in the outer layer of the astral body which lead to defensiveness, sabotage, abuse of self and others, and the perception that choices in challenging situations are limited. The energy of expansion, is communicating from the heart to astral body. These two areas are coordinating their function, organizing to work in tandem. The effect is increased softness, sweetness, and trust between the heart chakra and astral body. These two areas create a self referral loop of devotion to each other first. Through devotion, anything is possible. The result is improved immune system functioning, much greater sensitivity to conditions within the body, and an increased flow of self love.
Extending this effect to the relationship between the individual body/mind system and the environment. Our bodies are antennas of the universe. The Universe is the Self. You are the whole universe, but the part which "knows" this, is the body system. The Self perceived and appreciated by its own antenna. The trust necessary for open communication between heart chakra and astral body is extending, like a transmission to the creation. Come what may, Ma, we accept the experience of human life as an expression of Your intelligence. Clearing arrogance from 6 generations of ancestors' four denser levels of the body. Clearing the illusion that I do anything, and that my individuality (the antenna) is responsible for the perfection of the creation. It is not reasonable to expect perfection and the capacity to create the universe from the individuality (body, mind, ego). The antenna (individuality) which is both a receiver and a transmitter, allows Divine Truth to flow to and from the Source of Creation. The doing is in the hands of Divinity, and That is your essential nature, your true Self beyond individuality.
This understanding is communicating particularly to the body elemental which is responsible for overall health of the physical form. The body elemental oversees balance of the body systems, and the subtle intelligence which maintains balance at every level of physical functioning. Extensive waves of forgiveness are also flowing through many generations of ancestors for innocently accepting the idea that they are anything but Pure Divinity incarnated in a physical form.
Opening and organizing pathways throughout the Earth energy system to allow better flow of cosmic information for everyone. In the Detroit healings, an energy blockage was identified which stopped the flow of goodness to the people of Detroit, all of whom deserve to live in dignity, comfort, and peace. I am seeing similar blockages in other parts of the world. The particular blockages in the areas where terrorism is destroying quality of life. As in Detroit, in these areas poverty and oppression are responsible for the problems. Under the poverty and oppression is greed and selfishness on the part of very few. Along with this is a complete lack of empathy for humanity, for life, for the precious nature of existence. Addressing this underlying energy which cannot see life as Divine or precious.
Asking Ma the best way to proceed.
Clearing entrenched layers of illusion that these barriers are necessary, that without suffering and darkness, the light of Divinity cannot be efficiently or completely expressed. This illusion is simply incorrect. In fact the opposite is true. Belief in suffering disallows the light of life from shining. The weight and heaviness of this conception is the byproduct of long established misinterpretation of cosmic influences.
It looks like a double bind. The blockage expresses itself in the family of humanity in the heart chakra area as entrenched fear. It is like a twist in the energy field when viewed from a collective level. Meanwhile the fear creates the structure which causes the twist. Bowing down to the Narasimha manifestation of the celestial body. This energy is now moving with ease and grace from the stones of the Earth. There is an energetic resonation between the stones in the Earth's crust and the weight and aggravation set up by the current Saturn/Mars retrograde alignment. Humanity has been working on this challenge, this combination for tens of thousands of years. The fear originates from the consequences of past attempts to address this combination. Subtlest Divine Intelligence talking to the stones, and the asteroids from the belt between Mars and Jupiter. Fear is also in their memory.
The solution is coming as a karmic clearing for our solar system and 6 other nearby solar systems. The actual adjustment is extremely fine, tender, abstract, from a cosmic point of view. Devas of the Earth's crust are receiving a download which activates the ability to blissfully appreciate the evolutionary value in every point in the mandala like flow of Being through the manifestation process. Offering this download to the feet of Ma. Into the silence it reflects infinitely off of its own nature. The energy is moving in choppy waves, but it is moving, which is good. More forgiveness. In the very heart of our Sun, and from sun to sun, the light is flowing unobstructed. The aspects of our human systems which area associated with the sun, such as the Thalamus, are evolving, transforming, upgrading. Thus allowing humanity to realign itself with a higher truth regarding the interpretation of the influences of Saturn and Mars conjunct and retrograde.
This time we have the advantage of unfettered creativity and wisdom to help us overcome the combination of these influences. We are adapting our physiologies to accommodate this situation. We are evolving the ability to expand and contract our energy field to embrace, bless, and adore these massive intelligences which have lived in this solar system much longer than we have been in these bodies, (all lifetimes combined). In a stabilized state of devotion, thus aligned with cosmic evolution, Divine intelligence can now create a stable energy matrix over areas of Earth where greatest suffering currently sits.
This healing offers, through direct experience, that the tumultuous period which we are experiencing supports the potential for accelerating evolutionary transformation.
Thank you so much to everyone who participates in this healing and for giving me the opportunity to serve.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy