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Monday, October 24, 2016

Distance Energy Work Newsletter No. 31: The Profound Meaning of Everyday Experience

Issue No. 31:
The Profound Meaning of Everyday Experience: Webinar on Oct 14 and 15
Six New Videos on YouTube

Energy Healing Subreddit

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The Profound Meaning of Everyday Experience: Energy Healing Webinar
October 14 and 15, 2016

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 


The Profound Meaning of Everyday Experience 

The entire creation, which is your reality, is a fractal by nature. Whatever happens anywhere is reflected everywhere. Therefore, utilizing your ability to create from within consciousness, one can manifest the resources, information, and process for any outcome. Some outcomes are more likely than others due to restrictions which we accept and place on our reality. Some things may have to wait longer to manifest than others. However, engaging in this manifestation process over and over softens the field in which the process occurs, making each successive exercise in manifestation all the more successful.

We pull together the diversified factors which are required for manifestation through the infinite silence of the foundation of Self. Then, entering into the manifesting process, Infinite silence takes on the characteristics of the very laws of Nature responsible for upholding this reality. Individuality knows itself as the laws of Nature, as the finest aspects of creation which administrate the cosmos to support life. 

At this time in history we are fortunate to have the opportunity to exercise our manifesting capabilities in the presence and company of an awakening collective. We are experiencing this process, not through our own eyes, but through the precious perspective of so many soul brothers and sisters, each of whom, by their very existence, expand our understanding. The task at hand is to work through our collective reality to manifest field effects which support the beautiful vision of each person, individually, and all of us collectively. Our task is to master the manifestation process through collective intention.

Never in history has such an undertaking been so important and so accessible. We are, of course, joined at the celestial and causal levels of creation all the time, with all life present throughout the universe. This field of life is of such immense diversity that mental imagination itself is a limiting factor. So many beings of so many forms, all of which are working for the evolution of the whole. If we look at this situation from the surface of life, the job of coordinating every relative desire of every living thing, appears impossible. However, when we self-synchronize with cosmic evolution, we spontaneously align with the desires of every living thing, thus gaining the support of all.

Some practical points involve taking specific steps to increase alignment on the surface as well as internally. Increasing the ability to let go and, without expectations, perform actions which reflect softest compassion, empathy, and coordination with the will of All creates a condition whereby great support for desires is gained. Self-positioning to integrate with the heart of all knowledge also keeps the deepest flow of the Essence of Life washing every moment of experience. This too sets the tone for highest success.

Together, our capacity to accomplish supreme achievement is limitless. Together we are helping each other evolve faster, more gracefully, and more powerfully than ever before. 

Next Webinar: The Profound Meaning of Everyday Experience

Friday, October 14 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or
Saturday, Octobver 15 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25

Totality is present in every particle of creation. From the well spring of our own eternal connection to Totality, the Source of Creation, literally anything is possible. In this live webinar we will continue to dive into the expansion of synchronicity within the context of human experience. Utilizing energy healing tools and the exciting relationship between these manifestations of our own consciousness and the beauty and perfection of sacred geometry, we will start to explore advanced effects in the manifesting process.

Other Upcoming Webinars

Healings for Challenging Relationships
Friday, November 4 Webinar 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25.
Saturday, November 5 Webinar 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25.

Advanced Topics in Energy Work, Sessions One and Two
Session One: Friday, November 25 Webinar 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25.
Session Two:, November 26 Webinar 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25.

Please visit 
my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.

New Videos on YouTube

Healing for the Environment at the Bakken Pipeline

Healing for Better Sleep -- Filmed at Moonlight Beach in Encinitas

Clearing Self-Made Dramas

Energy Healing - What Is It?

Mechanics of Manifestation - Full Recording of Energy Healing Webinar 

Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.


This healing is activated
as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.  

At this moment we stand in the waters of global change and transformation. Who we are, not what we think, intend, or decide, determines the course of this change. Who are you? Are you your thoughts, feelings, or life force? All that we identify as self is essentially Divinity playing in the waves of manifestation, subtle and dense. Therefore we are spontaneously reflecting of the collective, but experienced as intimate, individual, personal. For this reason, one often experiences personal ownership over thoughts and feelings, when in fact these are merely interpretations of the state of the collective. Your internal collective, (ancestors and past lives) are responsible for much of the emotional and belief system content of the inner landscape. This moment in creation is responsible for the rest.

You are the antenna, experiencing, analyzing, understanding. Even the process of understanding is in fact deeply Divine in its nature.

The connection between everything we have ever been and this current moment of Self is intimate and deep. Therefore, working with oneself from the perspective of collective reality is a beautiful way to affect change in the present moment.

Offering in this healing, light medicine produced by a combination of functions at the celestial and causal level of the being. This light medicine is nourishing the nervous system primarily and the senses of perception directly. To enhance the effectiveness of this work, a flower of life matrix is stabilizing in and around the skull. Centered in the Anya chakra, this matrix is extending out to fill the auric field of this chakra.

Natural forms such as flowers, crystals and stones are like three dimensional snapshots of movement in consciousness, frozen (in the case of crystals and stones) in time, for us to observe. They reveal to the finest details the reality of various types of subtle manifestation. In so doing we have the privilege of analyzing and understanding the deepest manifestations of life force through the senses. The God presence is opening to detailed information regarding realms of creation where we ever reside in grace. There isn't one heaven where this happens, but infinite heavens where we currently exist in total integration of Divine Union. Words are so ineffective to communicate this information but the perfection of Nature speaks it to the softest, most intimate wisdom, which actually resides as a integration of intelligence from the head, heart, and gut.

Another flower of life matrix, this one in the body as a whole is enhancing integrated internal communication between all levels and areas of the body. The beauty of this matrix is that it exists, like a fractal at many dimensions of the body, connecting cellular intelligence with the intelligence of tissues, organs, organ systems as well as the whole body. It also connects each energy center, main chakras, secondary chakras, marmas, etc. The overall effect is a beautiful knitting together of all the body's intelligence from the astral level to the physical level.

Deeper than astral, you are the matrix, you are the laws of integration, you are the light. You are infinite silence, perfection.

Stabilizing this work by bringing it to each moment in the past when you felt yourself to be anything less than this. Every time that you felt rejected, disappointed, harsh, or imperfect, the completion of the flower of life matrix and comprehension of self as Pure Divine Reality is gently communicating truth to your Being. In each of these moments, an incomplete understanding of self is finding joy in the completion, the Totality of Infinite Self.

This is creating a transformation in the physical form of the central nervous system. The sensory cortices are rewiring to accommodate Divine Perception. If you suffer from failing hearing, sight, etc. this is the time that the areas of the brain, including their extension into the organs of perception are changing, re structuring, rebuilding to evolve the ability to know infinity through interaction with the relative field of creation.

In the Divine realms, in the heavens, your place is secured, and you are existing there now. However, some fatigue, is still veiling the ability to fully grasp this reality. Asking Ma, how to eliminate fatigue. The answer back is that the fatigue is the manifestation of inefficient functioning due to inconsistent energy availability. Asking how to make greater quantities of  better energy available all the time. In certain heavens there is unlimited energy available. Fine tuning the refinement of senses to access these areas. Part of this process is perceiving the energy of the heavens, part is getting used to how it feels so that the body can feel comfortable with great flows of ancient resource while staying in balance.

Balance is itself a manifestation of the celestial body. Therefore, easily this aspect of self is communicating the nature of balance to the body elemental. The body elemental is the overseeing intelligence of the body as understood from a celestial level of reality. This intelligence is receiving the concept of balance with grace and offering deepest gratitude to the creator for this gift which is basic to all aspects of healing and health.

May you always experience healthy balance in all areas of life. May you enjoy the comfort and pleasure of existence in the relative and subtle realms of creation. May you always feel safe to reside in your infinite silence regardless of the details with which you find yourself dealing, daily. May you always have sufficient energy, creativity, and resources to meet every situation with grace.  

With love and gratitude,


Copyright © 2016 by Distance Energy Work.  All rights reserved.

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Sunday, October 2, 2016

Distance Energy Work Newsletter No 30: How to Make A Divinity Sandwich

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How to Make a Divinity Sandwich
Mental and Emotional Wellness Webinar:
Establishing Inner Balance for Outer Success

September 23 and 24
Five Free Distance Energy Work Sessions after Five Webinar Purchases

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 


How to Make a Divinity Sandwich

Earlier this week I went to Walton Lake near our town to take pictures of the sunrise. As my heart flowed with gratitude for the moment, my camera filled with rainbow light. The camera picked up only the light, not the incredible range of color spectrum which I was seeing nor the glory of Divine love which filled my heart as the experience unfolded. Still, the images I think turned out nicely. It is a huge joy to share some of these beautiful images with you. 

A Divinity sandwich incorporates a dissonant experience with Totality, experienced internally and externally, to create miracles.

I had walked about a mile and a quarter to take a picture of the sunrise from a particular spot on the loop trail, only to realize that the power lines run right through exact area of the horizon where the sun was rising.

The sunrise is like the field of Natural Law, infinite, pure, holy, sacred, the bottom of the sandwich. The power lines are like the obstruction, illness, limitation, boundaries, lack, the middle of the sandwich. The top of the sandwich was the Being within me surrendering to the moment and integrating with the reality of this situation, seeing the beauty of the metaphor presented for the sake of evolution.

The first relationship is between the wholeness of Divine Being and life's challenges. The challenges naturally create a dissonant relationship. No matter where I turned I was blocked from getting a shot at this sunrise without the power lines. There was a tall barbed wire fence to my left. 

Through the vehicle of my mind/body system, Being brought a resolution to the "situation" by creating a new relationship, a harmonic perspective on the original dissonant situation. This is like making lemonade when life gives you lemons. I realized that the sunrise with the poles in front were a perfect metaphor for the relationship between Totality and life's challenges. Embracing this reality, I went ahead and photographed the scene.

I wondered why I had spent a good bit of my morning on this already quite familiar lesson. The finer point of the lesson was a greater appreciation of the obstruction. When the man-made value is accepted and married to Divinity, not seen as separate in any way, the integration of these values yields a third value which exceeds expectations.

In this case, the combination of all the conditions of the moment, position of sun, atmosphere and surroundings, humidity, my camera having the lens cover off for just the right number of minutes, etc. created a synergy which set the stage for the dynamic photos of light above. The most important factor was the state of my heart, experiencing the flow of Divine Being within the vehicle I call myself. I was so happy taking these photos. On the walk back I felt as if I was in love with the whole universe. For this reason, there was no hesitation to take a few more photos of the risen sun on the return trip. 

To my delight, my camera created these wonderful, mystical photos of light energy all around the sun and its reflection in the waters of Walton Lake. I could not have "made" this happen intentionally. It was made for me, and the body/mind system was thrilling with the experience, realizing that it was a once in a lifetime opportunity. Sunrises happen everyday, but how often are all the conditions just right to take pictures of light itself?

Every negativity in life can become the vehicle for miracles with this beautiful formula.

Totality of creation overlaid with blockages, barriers, or problems is sandwiched with the realization of Totality through the vehicle of the self. From this combination, all variety of miracles emerge.

May this formula allow you to leverage any discord anywhere, to bring on a state of absolutely robust health and manifestation of your dearest desires. 

Mental and Emotional Wellness: Establishing Inner Balance for Outer Success

Friday, September 23 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or
Saturday, September 24 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25

A feeling of lack on the surface of life can be traced to incompletions in the more abstract levels of life. In this webinar we will approach the topic of mental and emotional wellness from the angle of healing deep within the field of consciousness to bring resolution and fulfillment to those issues which seem impossible on the surface.

As a species, human consciousness has suffered much inner and outer trauma from many centuries of oppression. This oppression arises from a very few expanding personal gains from the losses and contraction of consciousness of many. Now is the time to reveal the truth: we have the ability to collectively arise from this long darkness and to stabilize our infinitely expanding nature.

Please visit 
my website to sign up for this webinar. The fee is $25 per location.

Free Distance Energy Work sessions

Our webinars started a little over one year ago! Thank you if you have been with me in this collective journey. To celebrate our webinar birthday, I would like to offer everyone who has purchased five or more webinars this past year one free distance healing for each webinar purchased. (Please see 
here for a description of these sessions.)

This offer is even sweeter... 

I would like to extend this offer to future webinars as well. For every five webinars that you purchase, I would like to offer you five free Distance Energy Work Sessions. When you have purchased five webinars, I will send you an email with instructions on how to redeem this offer.

May these Distance Energy Work sessions help accelerate your progress toward ideal health, happiness, and well-being in all areas. There is no expiration date for this offer. You can decide when you would like the sessions to begin and what concerns the sessions should address. 


For a detailed description of Distance Energy Work group sessions please check out this page on my website:

Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselves webinars available for free viewing.

Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.

Subreddit for Energy Healing

Reddit is a huge online community of forums organized by topic. Here is a new subreddit for Distance Energy Healing. This was created with the intention that it be of service to the whole healing community around the world, a forum where energy healers and those interested in energy work could discuss ideas and exchange information. Reddit has a massive readership. I encourage any of you who are doing this type of work or have questions about energy healing to go here and offer or receive information.

It is simple to join:
1. Go to
2.  Create a reddit account. You can post with anonymity, if you wish, by creating a reddit account that does not display your given name, which seems to be a tradition on this site.
3. Search for distanceenergyhealing or click 
here to find the subreddit (forum group) on Distance Energy Healing.
4. Join the subreddit and start posting. You can post either text or links---see the upper right corner of the reddit screen.

May we, through this new communication format provide a sincerely needed service to the body of humanity, making available the blessings of energy healing to our world family.


Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter

Photos by Dorothy Rowe in Fairfield, Iowa, USA 2016



This healing is activated
as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.  

As we move into the transition between summer and fall, this is a wonderful time for a healing to strengthen the immune system and heart chakra. The heart, by nature, synthesizes life experience through loving appreciation. By contrast, the thymus (administrator of the immune system, holding physical space for the heart chakra) uses a uses a form of analysis which is a marriage between head and heart. In the thymus these questions are felt, not thought: "Will a particular set of immune cells be effective in protecting the body, or not?" "Should these cells be allowed to go into the body system or be destroyed?" This body perpetuated analysis, a synthesis of thinking and feeling expands the definition of decision making to be more aligned with Nature's intelligence. The mid to upper torso is also the area where instinct is synthesized.

Intelligent body decisions are easier when the underlying atmosphere in the body/mind system is lighter, brighter, clearer, stronger. This atmosphere is initiated at the celestial level of the body and perpetuated through the denser levels. With a great foundation, all aspects of the self spontaneously support highest health. In order to establish the ability to maintain a really useful body atmosphere, some clearing will be helpful. 

Now clearing mistrust and doubt about the relationship between the body/mind and Divine reality, from the emotional and mental bodies. Clearing judgement through the ancestral lines and habits of looking for, or interpreting cues from life experience that one is separate, disconnected from the rest of creation, and especially not worthy of direct connection to the Source of Creation. From the mental and emotional bodies, clearing self judgement, habits of analyzing situations divisively. Clearing impressions, habits, and dismantling neural pathways associated with these old habits once the higher path has been tasted. Increasing neural flexibility to embrace positive change when it comes, to accept oneself as ever renewing, ever refining connection to the Source of Creation. 

Bringing clarity and perspective into the four dense levels of the body to recognize what behavioral and thinking patterns really serve evolution and which don't. Establishing patterns of letting go of that which is not valuable to the most contemporary state of progressive change.

Strengthening and clearing fear from the connections (meridians) between the astral body and both denser and subtler levels of the mind/body system. Resonation of simple innocence, truth, and acknowledgment in the connections between 6th chakra and astral body. Increasing the value of awareness in all organs and tissues of the body to the astral level of creation. All of this will support the strength and capability of the astral body to protect the denser levels of the body from invaders, parasites, viruses, harmful bacteria, etc.

Experiencing a light medicine being produced at the causal level of the body which has love as a base material. This medicine designed specifically for the astral body is causing a systemic upgrade which allows the astral body to actively integrate the energy of a sacred or holy space all around the body. This atmospheric space has a vast range of ways in which it can self express, and astounding potential for healing, protecting, and uplifting the physical form. Most of all this newly developing capability of the astral level of the body can be used to further align the mind/body system with Pure Truth, Pure Consciousness, cosmic evolution, etc. 

Downsizing everything which is connected to identification with small values. This doesn't mean letting go of small thoughts and ideas. On the contrary, sometimes the finest, tiniest impulse can be the most powerful and best aligned with cosmic law. It means letting go of any intentions, decisions, goals, or patterns connected to self identification as separate, rather than oneness, unity, etc. The reality is that we are all a collective of Being. We are the collective of our ancestors, the collective of our past and future, the very point of the whole universe that experiences this whole universe, and we are really experiencing our self as the eternal, unbounded universe. 

Celestial body humming is a resonance of self trust, full comprehension of the inner capacity to meet any situation with grace, strength, infinite creativity, lightness, and joy. The celestial body will hum like this for a little while, until this feeling has a chance to modify the places in the being where feelings of lack were lurking. Then, the Being can rise into another resonance which fulfills another need in the system. Gently downloading the range of helpful resonance patterns which you can easily apply to produce the precise effect needed at any given moment. 

The celestial body likes to hold a sense of inner peace, deep, deep physical comfort, and tender joy as a foundation for most effective healing. This setting of the celestial body frequency is replacing standard, lower vibrational settings for many in today's group healing. Because of the value of tenderness, this resonation will allow your physical body to gain the adaptability, the deep flexibility required to throw off very intense, deep stresses in the most graceful, comfortable way. Thus supporting faster, more powerful growth toward the goal of reflecting Divine Being perfectly in every detail of human expression and experience.

May you enjoy adapting to this softer underlying resonance. May it color your world with sweetness, radiating to all who know you, like the fragrance of a flower. May you accomplish your intentions with all grace and success. 

With love and gratitude,


No. 49: Medicines of Light and Other Healing Methods

Distance Energy Work Dorothy Rowe - November 2017 Medicines of Light and Other Healing Methods   Live Webinar o...