The Big Sneeze
The big sneeze of our current political storm has started to blow. It has been building in the collective consciousness for over a year and promises deep fulfillment in its aftermath.
Here is an opportunity to self-position for maximum spiritual progress and evolution as power of this collective purification unfolds. Praying for fullest benefit to all members of our world family, we joyfully engage with this great sneeze.
Taking a deep look into the mechanics of this cleansing process, we see opposing forces pushing out and holding back. In a healthy sneeze, ultimately, the expulsion energy dominates, so that impurities are released from the system. Until then, resistance counters, thus strengthening the power of the release. The releasing energy must rise to such a pitch that the deepest-rooted toxins are successfully loosened and completely eliminated.
The discomfort experienced during the building phase of a sneeze is balanced by the pleasure of its completion. Certainly, these diametrically opposed pressures are forces of nature. We must therefore conclude that the discomfort and pleasure of the experience is also natural.
 In a sneeze, successfully building pressure ensures the satisfying release of impurities. A sneeze is an opportunity to function effectively under pressure. From the level of the conscious mind and personality, we have the autonomy to make choices which dynamically enhance the evolutionary value of the sneeze or disburse and weaken that energy.
The point of this blog is to look at how we address the challenge of this current political sneeze collectively. The reason this is important is because it is my perception that most people are experiencing the pressure only mildly from an individual perspective, but quite intensely from a collective perspective.
The magic lies in how we handle the resistance. Purifying energy is ever flowing, perpetually supporting the process of cosmic evolution. When resistance starts to build, this indicates a big opportunity for evolution. Since the resistance phase of the process involves pressure and therefore possible discomfort, the first step is to embrace the resistance, rather than recoil. This is the point where Divine Self is in charge. The more true Divine Self is allowed to direct the process, the less self-delusion will have a chance to inhibit success.
 Adopting a "take it as it comes" attitude, without expectations, makes the process much more comfortable without weakening the energy flow. Focusing attention on the excitement, dynamism, and overarching beauty of the situation will help keep perspective broad and help nourish the compassionate vision for the outcome.
It may be necessary to internally encourage this broad focus, even while contrasting details are presenting themselves. Remember these contrasts are to be expected as they are natural to this phase of the process. Embrace them, but don't forget who you really are. You are Eternal. You are the whole universe, witnessing itself from the perspective of the antenna of the body and mind.
Sometimes the whole universe brings opposing forces together to make a dynamic transformation. This is a beautiful and amazing thing. This big sneeze is a sign that collective consciousness is evolving at an ever quickening pace. Our lives have aimed for this time. We are designed to transform reality in ever increasing alignment with Divine intention. We are fully capable of meeting all coming situations with grace and contributing to an outcome which will bless the whole world family.
All the tiny actions exercised all over our globe by all of us working on our own evolution knit together a vision of hope for mankind. May this big sneeze serve Divine purpose, purifying the political process and bringing humanity one step nearer to its collective destiny of spiritual awakening and peace. May our work bless the political processes in every country and contribute to election outcomes which reward all with enlightened leadership.

Webinar This Weekend: Healings for Challenging Relationships
Friday, November 4 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, November 5 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25
Happy relationships run themselves and are a source of endless joy. However, energy healing for dysfunctional relationships, past and present are the focus for healing in this Live Webinar.
Tools for maintaining wholeness in the face of adversity, for turning impossible situations into spring boards of fastest evolution, and for self strengthening by letting go of the seeds of discord will be presented and stabilized.
We will look in-depth at the principle of self protection and what is really required to manifest a world which reflects the beauty, softness, safety, freedom,and comfort which everyone deserves and is a basic human right. From such a platform fastest evolution is not only possible, it is inevitable.
Next Webinar: Advanced Topics in Energy Work, Sessions One and Two Session One: Friday, November 25 Webinar 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25. Session Two:, November 26 Webinar 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.

New Videos on YouTubePlease click on a photo below to view the video on YouTube.    Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.Subreddit for Energy HealingReddit is a huge online community of forums organized by topic. Here is a new subreddit for Distance Energy Healing. This was created with the intention that it be of service to the whole healing community around the world, a forum where energy healers and those interested in energy work could discuss ideas and exchange information. Reddit has a massive readership. I encourage any of you who are doing this type of work or have questions about energy healing to go here and offer or receive information. It is simple to join: 1. Go to reddit.com2. Create a reddit account. You can post with anonymity, if you wish, by creating a reddit account that does not display your given name, which seems to be a tradition on this site. 3. Search for distanceenergyhealing or click here to find the subreddit (forum group) on Distance Energy Healing. 4. Join the subreddit and start posting. You can post either text or links---see the upper right corner of the reddit screen. May we, through this new communication format provide a sincerely needed service to the body of humanity, making available the blessings of energy healing to our world family.
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. The purpose of this healing is to enliven and stabilize Infinity through all levels of the body, abstract to concrete.
Starting in the gap between Infinite Being and the celestial field. Attending to the location where focus turns from Infinity to a point. Finding the most gentle rocking motion here. When the rocking of awareness moves to the deepest aspect of the celestial body, purest of the pure is the first manifestation. Innocence.
The celestial body is resonating in a frequency of deepest devotion to the Mother of Creation, folding into the heart of Oneness again and again.
This process is so deep, it is so complete that even the physical body experiences it as an internal communication. The physical body understands this as dedication to the Highest. There is no separation between Divine Being and the body's wisdom of it's own Nature. Divinity and humanity are One. This understanding cultures an abiding peace deep in the body tissues. It speaks peace to the nervous system, to the brain. The inner brain knows this peace.
From the center of the deepest area of the brain, this peace can effectively communicate to all areas of the body. Peace is permeating the body at ever finer levels. It is communicating eternal life to the finest levels of the tissues, cellular, sub cellular, molecular, atomic, sub atomic 1, 2 and quantum levels.
From celestial to the astral levels of being, experience of self is an experience of multiplicity of Being. Blockages of the illusion that there is anything here other that life force, tender intention, sweet presence of self are washing away.
The light which radiates from Being as a star of absolute purity in the heart of the sacred inner sanctum of the self is doing it. That light is functioning from every point in the four subtle levels of manifested self. This is You interacting with you. This is the power of your incredible Being exercising It's true Nature in order to affect a glorious transformation of highest good, of perfect form. The result for the conscious self, for the individual self is the allowance of the flow of gratitude, adoration, exaltation, and grace.
The four subtle levels of the body (celestial, causal, spirit, and astral) are experiencing and discriminating the relationship between impulses of devotion to the Highest and the resulting flow of Divine Grace, Divine Light. With utmost innocence, and full support from the dense levels of the body and also the environment, energy is sparkling, it is scintillating through the four subtle bodies as these levels of being transform to become the instrument of Divine Love, intimate with all wisdom, and ready to pounce into action.
I am just looking in amazement at how clear, how clean, how devoid of shadow are the subtle bodies. Because this healing reaches so many people, this clarity of vision, of existence is influencing the field of life. It is communicating symmetry, aesthetic proportion, brightness, and radiant health to the field of creation. These qualities are integrating with the environment. That scintillating energy is continuing to move back and forth over the gap between individuality and collectivity. This is a very soft, delicate massaging action which addressing varieties of imbalances which inhibit the perfection of Divine flow.
The point where awareness is resting is in the ability to support the flow of gratitude, adoration, exaltation, and grace in the junction between individuality and collectivity. There is a condition of seeing ourselves and others, still in isolated terms. There is the fogginess of attachments. Clearing the illusion of doing from individuality in an area of the brain stem while also clearing from the mental and emotional bodies. I am seeing some mucus material in the brain associated with this illusion. From the four subtle levels of the body, energy medicine is manifesting which can effectively dissolve any mucus in the brain. This is happening, clarity returning.
The beauty and perfection of this process is offering back to Divine Wholeness, Oneness. As Infinity reflects upon the experience the path is clearing to allow the effects to move to the environment with grace. Beautiful. Waves of energy which are a bit choppy are helping bring clarity into foggy areas of the collective consciousness and helping to dissolve mucus in the brains of nearly 200,000 people. These are the people who are ready and willing to receive this healing.
With heartfelt gratitude to this wonderful world of awakening souls. Thank you so much for reading this healing and thus making it possible for me to reflect your brilliance. Thank you for being. As you are, all blessings radiate from you to the whole family of humanity, to the glorious universe, manifested and unmanifested. Together we are stepping consistently forward, into the light.
With love and gratitude, Dorothy