Nonduality and Divine Love
The examination of duality and nonduality is a vast field of inquiry. These terms are used in many different spiritual and philosophical traditions. For the academics and scholars reading this post, I present the disclaimer that I am not a expert student of this term as it is commonly used today in either western philosophy or Buddhist thought. My background is Vedic Science, which upholds the truth that we are the microcosm of the macrocosm; that reality is essentially One. In Vedic Science, Atman, the individual soul, is in essence Brahman, the totality of existence.
The concepts of duality and nonduality are presented here in terms of the way that they interface with the experience of Divine Love.
One way to consider duality is the common western belief in two distinct and separate realities, material and spiritual. If you are of European decent, then most of your ancestors believed in this dualistic view of creation. In this scenario God resides in a beautiful, lofty heaven. Although He is the Creator of the material world, He is separate from his creation. The human race, God's children, are living in a material reality, separate from the Divine realm. In this view, we might glimpse the glory of heaven after death if we had been a believer in scriptures, divinely chosen, or especially righteous.
Even if you don't personally believe in this view of the world, your ancestors may have, and they reside within your body at the level of DNA. Your ancestors and their beliefs are present within your heart and mind at a fundamental level.
One of the values of energy healing is that it can help ancestors feel more comfortable with a expanded view of reality. Energy healing incorporates a nondual view of creation and allows the establishment of new mental and emotional patterns which support inner progress. Wherever the souls of your ancestors are, right now, they are continuing to evolve and grow. Expanding their awareness and their belief systems is entirely within their range of potential. As the ancestors evolve through energy healing, DNA upgrades.

This nondual outlook may be new in the west, but in the east it is ancient, existing in some of the earliest recorded spiritual texts of mankind---the Rg Ved and Upanisds of India, for instance. In these ancient traditions, nondualism means that the Divine Creator is enmeshed in the creation to the smallest detail and has been so since the beginning of the manifestation process. All is One and God is All that Is. "Having created the creation, the Creator entered into it." --Taittiriya Upanisand, 2.6.1.
Similarly, in Buddhism, nonduality is a pervasive concept. The Heart Sutra says that "Form is emptiness; emptiness is form..." The fact that forms (phenomena) are empty does not mean that forms are meaningless. It means rather that emptiness and phenomena are two sides of the same coin. The Dalai Lama calls emptiness “the true nature of things and events,” Phenomena have no independent existence. We know this also from quantum physics. But this does not mean that everything is devoid of meaning. On the contrary, every moment of life is significant. The Buddhist concept of emptiness is embedded with this positive value, as exemplified by the life of the Dalai Lama himself. Another great Buddhist saint, Shunryu Suzuki said of emptiness, “I do not mean voidness. There is something, but that something is something which is always prepared for taking some particular form.” He once also said, “Emptiness is like being at your mother’s bosom and she will take care of you.”
Truth is one. The wise know it by different names. Nondual traditions find Divinity within the each of us because we are all part of the Wholeness...or Emptiness, if you prefer.
It can be argued that both nondual and dual philosophies provide value and explanations about the human experience. However, there is no question in my mind that the dualistic paradigm has prevented the growth of the heart value in the western world. Our ancestors accepted the idea that they were sinners, born into a material world of trials and tribulations which separated them from the Divine kingdom. This belief supported the experience of suffering and feelings of being unworthy of love.
A nondual view, on the other hand, allows for an intimate union between perceiver and perceived. If one accepts one's Divine nature as reality it becomes easy to be self-accepting, not in a vain way but in the same way in which we honor the Divine in all things.
Accepting for a moment that the initial point of manifestation of the universe and of ourselves was a self-referral act of the Creator, and that the unfoldment of creation is a natural consequence of that original act, then one cannot deny that all aspects of the universe are essentially Divine and intimately connected.

So where does Divine love come into this picture? Human expression is a continuum from pure Divine Being to physical form. We can think of love as a law of Nature which is present at every point in that continuum. At various levels of density, love takes on different characteristics and expressions. At the subtlest levels of the being, love's expression is closest to pure Divine Love.
Nondualism implies the whole continuum of love's expression is accessible to the soul's inner perception. Dualism presumes that human awareness cannot fathom the heavenly realms of experience and therefore cannot appreciate the tenderest expressions of love.
Divine Love is that infinity which resides at all levels of manifestation simultaneously. When we experience ourselves ranging from the depths of pure inner silence to the most outward expression of manifestation, then we develop the facility to explore the finest, most profound expressions of love, Then true Divine Love naturally and spontaneously unfolds through life's experience. This development is a combination of the experience of finer aspects of creation, the growth of emotional strength, and the capacity to sustain more intense experiences of bliss through devotion.
The decision to see Divinity in all things is a choice. The intention to explore love in the celestial and causal realms near the Source of creation is a choice. Selecting these life options has a highly transformative effect on the heart center within us.
The richness of emotional intensity at the finest levels of non-material manifestation can be overwhelming at first. The key is to apply awareness systematically in comfortable doses, then integrating what one has gained before experiencing more. This will result in an overall change in the way in which we experience our existence. Nonduality and Divine Love will become a living reality.
From a material point of view, the act of devotion stabilizes Divine Love faster than any other type of behavior. Simple acts of devotion spiritualize our engagement in the world of friends, family and relationships. Through dedication to the upliftment of all those with whom we interact, awareness of Divine Being in all beings blossoms. Ultimately all acts of devotion originate within one's own Divine Being and flow to the Divine within others. Then personal experience upholds the understanding that there is only the Divine interacting within its own nature for the sake of the evolution of its multiple expressions. Each of us is an antenna of Being, intimately connected to each other through our source.
Webinar February 17 and 18: Falling in Love with Divine Nature
Friday, February 17: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday, February 18: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25.
The most efficient way to use time and energy is to work from the core of an issue. The heart of a relationship is where souls reside in their pure essence. We reside in union with those we love in the heart of our own true nature. Understanding the details of our connectedness with others can extend to understanding our natural of connectedness with all of life throughout the creation.
All relationships are expressions and extensions of the first relationship: Divine Being with its own nature. This webinar will be an exploration into this relationship, efficiently upgrading everyone’s capacity to create, nourish, and sustain relationships in all areas of life which truly embody the highest values and life supporting effects that are the real potential of relationships.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per webinar, or $140 for a six-month webinar subscription which includes both Friday and Saturday webinars held on eight webinar weekends during the next six months.
Webinar March 10 and 11: Empowered Self-Healing Friday, March 10: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday, March 11: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Standard Time $25
Why not push the boundaries of what is thought possible in the field of health?
This is the time for the western world to evolve the ability to self-heal through energy work. Western medicine understands the human body in terms of a fleshy machine—our material existence. What it lacks is the ability to harness the vast field of our inner experience. When the knowledge of energy healing is added to the vast body of western medical science, a comprehensive approach to health emerges.
The beauty of energy healing is that the exploration of our inner realms are immediately accessible through the intelligent direction of our awareness. We already have all the resources we need to activate our tremendous healing capacity, right now.
In this webinar, we will be looking at the energy work process to support ever-improved health. For those who already enjoy good health, these principles will support the development of exceptional health.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar.
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Photo Credits
Waterfall: John Byer, United Kingdom, 2010
Pink Roses, Dorothy Rowe, Iowa, USA 2016
Gran Canaria Mountain Landscape, Lars Sundström, Gran Canaria Island, 2010
Pink Azaleas, Dorothy Rowe, Iowa, USA 2016
Autumn Sky, Dorothy Rowe, Iowa, USA 2015
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. This healing is for relationships, particularly within families, and with individuals who are facilitators of difficult or challenging life lessons.
Now compiling a comprehension of all the relationships past, present and future which adhere to the conditions of this healing. These relationships fill an archive of experiences and memories which are connected with your personal karma and the highest intentions of your soul. They are connected with the part of you which longs for full comprehension of Divine reality and courageously takes on painful experiences for the sake of internal strengthening.
These relationships have formed around the precise spots in the field of your consciousness where Divinity is not fully ripened, not fully integrated. These are the locations where the Creator of the universe wants to know itself more thoroughly.
Our job in this healing is to bring balance and order to these precise locations in the body and being so that Divine intention can be realized. Scanning for the locations. Your inner light is doing this and I am helping shine my light too. As we put our attention together the dynamism created by this union, the relationships spontaneously begin their transformation. Together we are creating a blueprint for healthy, harmonious coordination of relationship which supports highest evolution without suffering.
Reviewing contracts made in the spirit world. At the collective level of the body (7th level of subtlety), these contracts have a life of their own. At this level of self you are the laws which determine the way in which the universe manifests. You are the intelligence responsible for karma and experience of all kinds. Putting our attention together at this area of the body spontaneously activates all kinds of potentials. We are focusing even more precisely on those aspects of the collective body which are responsible for the most challenging relationships which you face, or have faced in the past. The contracts are literally infusing with deepest happiness, tender fulfillment, and a natural sense that all is well, you are safe, no matter what.
Organizing specific energy resonations, specific manifestations of self which are especially capable of creating balance between the passion to evolve and the need to work with care and delicacy so that progress occurs without undue suffering.
Clearing the illusion that life is not meaningful unless there is some discord, drama or pain, from the four dense levels of multiple generations of ancestors. (The number of generations varies from person to person in this healing session.) Restructuring the memory center in the brain (hippocampus) to support recognition of significant events and lessons learned while cooling and soothing the amygdala (pain center). Clearing dopaminergic pathways to integrate the experience of joy in association with the evolutionary experience.
For most people in this healing session present and past relationship contracts are restructuring to include growth and evolutionary values while restructuring to reduce dramas and emotional pain typically associated with such progress. The fact that I am not seeing many challenging relationships in future incarnations means that we are already successful in this healing!
These contracts make it possible for people to work out anger and fear issues. Ancestrally the anger sits in the heart area, with fear under that. The head and gut are also involved. This healing just addressed the head. As the anger and fear clear from the ancestors the DNA (the home of the ancestors within your body) upgrades with expanded potential. Additionally, the anger and fear working together are looking like frustration. These values are clearing from the gut at a very fine level. They are sitting at the fine point where individuality meets universality. The gut bacteria are also benefiting from this healing.
For you and for everyone around you connected to these contracts, the healing is now clearing 3Ms from the gaps between head, heart and gut. Also from the gap between individuality and universality. This will help you feel move complete, more in touch with your reality as Totality. This will also improve the communication flow between your presence and the life force which is your microbiome.
Clearing ego associated with one's identification with personal intelligence in the collective through mental levels of the body. Creating balance in the flow of gratitude and appreciation for the intelligences in the collective body which are ultimately your resource for manifesting maximum success at the relative level of interpersonal interaction. Balancing the distribution of awareness throughout the body system so that as much attention is dedicated to monitoring the subtle activities of the soul as the external physical activities.
This balanced distribution of awareness supports a great beaming channel of life force moving up through the Sacred Cord which runs through the body, from the center of our galaxy through the soul center of Mother Earth, through our bodies, out the crown of the head and into the astral body of Mother Earth. This is nourishing us and adding strength and stability, love and appreciation into Earth's protective mechanisms and to the Soul of the Universe, Divine Being.
Stabilizing self empowerment, self sufficiency, and stable access to the vast universe of internal healing resources. All of this is anchoring in the astral body, as an echo, through you, of the blessings which your existence manifested for the Earth.
Earth energies rising to sustain, support, and heal your astral body. Lots of energy moving. So soothing. The radiance of this healing session is experienced both by your individuality and by the Soul of the Universe as a sacred act of healing.
Thank you for being with me.
With love and gratitude, Dorothy