Locating and Disarming Karmic BombsKarma means action which produces a reaction. The nature of human life is to work in this field of action and reaction. The process of working through karma leads to understanding, which ultimately neutralizing it. Illness is karma in some form or another. For the royal road in life, catch the karma before it emerges as the symptoms of illness or tragedy..
The nature of the spiritual path is to experience the growth and expansion of consciousness. When we organize our human life before birth, we decide on how far away we want our karma to be. As consciousness expands we "bump" into karmic loads. Then look out! That thing will come right into the heart of your world and create chaos, shaking life to its core.
When consciousness is sufficiently expanded to provide the tools to deal with the challenge, then the task is easier. Exercising the ability to use those tools integrates and stabilizes the expanded state of Being.
This process does not have to catch one off guard or create tremendous trauma. How do we identify these karmic loads before they detonate? How to disarm karmic loads gracefully so that the soul's purpose is satisfied without losing quality of life?
1. What goes up must come down Karma unfolds in waves. Expansion of consciousness must integrate and stabilize. Therefore a time of fullness, resource, and expansion will naturally be followed by a time when those very resources are put to the test.
Maintain balance between passion and caution when the wave is up. Save some resources for the collapse. Look at the collapse as one side of the Divine Dialogue where the old paradigm breaks down so a definition of self, which better serves the embodiment of Divinity, can emerge. The collapsing wave serves the call of evolution, embrace it.
2. Know Thyself A new definition of self is coming, one that aligns with a more fully expanded consciousness. It is common for the old definition to get shaken up before being discarded. Feeling dissatisfied or disappointed in yourself is common as the wave collapses. These feelings are the form of the collapsing process.
Do not be fooled. You are always bigger than your feelings. Give yourself permission to identify with the highest sense of Self. When the going gets tough, the tough turn to pure truth for answers. You are the whole universe, holy and Divine. We all are. We just forgot this important truth when we came into this life carrying our suitcase of karma.
3. Resolve to Resolve Karma is naturally incomplete and therefore a symbol of non-wholeness. The soul recoils from this opposition to its essential nature. Karma is a reaction to what you were, not what you are. The discomfort of dealing with karmic challenges makes letting go of the old and embracing the new, easier. Pain makes us prioritize.
When functioning in a field of discord, look to Wholeness. All incompletions are completed in the field of Pure Being. Pure Being is your true nature. The deep, inner, silent Source of All That Is, is the solver of all problems, the completer of all incompletions, the fountain head of fulfillment of all desires. It is in the times of greatest pressure, pain, and suffering that one can see what is real, and what is not.
When the resources are readied, and understanding in place, then you will intelligently position yourself to masterfully expand into your highest Divine Nature with every wave of karma. You will will build skill and confidence as you enjoy the process of disarming karmic bombs before they blow.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy Webinar July 7 and 8: Healing the Past and Future History of Humankind
Friday, July 7: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday,July 8: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25
You are the universe, as it has always been and as it will be.
In this moment, health of the body and health of the society is not really separate. We create health in our bodies, by healing the collective reality of our being. No wonder it is so difficult to heal some illnesses when the seed of the illness lies deep in the annals of human history, through ancestry as well as culture.
Since the field of consciousness is unbound by space and time, it is possible to draw upon the advanced evolution of the future to heal the past. When the past has released trauma, pain, and transformed beliefs which are often the source of suffering, then our future becomes brighter and brighter.
In this webinar we will stabilize the relationship with those aspects of our collective bodies which have mastery over time, karma, and the laws of nature in order to protect the trajectory of our collective life stream and ensure a beautiful future for ourselves, our families and the human race.
I am looking forward to your company on this amazing journey..
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar.
Webinar August 4 and 5: Fulfilling Desires by Uniting Individual Life with Universal Life
Friday, August 4: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday,August 5: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25
The whole universe rises to bring individual desires to fulfillment when the individual breathes cosmic intention. The healings in this webinar will focus on the union of individual and universal reality, perception, and expression.
Pushing to make something happen when the surrounding field is wired to resist triggers experience which forms the foundation for loss. Such experiences show the importance of setting up the field surrounding us for maximum success. To do this, we unify ourselves with the field. The point of connection to establish this unity is the astral body. Since the astral and causal bodies work so closely, this webinar will address both.
We will discuss the road map of this process in the astral/causal area of consciousness. Additionally we will work with areas which require upgrade, support, and purification to prepare ourselves for maximum success in the manifesting process.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar.
Webinar August 25 and 26: Seeing as an Energy Healer and What It Means for Your Health
Friday, August 25: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday,August 26: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25
Ilness provides a guide or measure for the nature of health. Regardless of whether the illness is experienced in one’s own body or the body of another, it stands as the point of expansion for healing potential and perfect physical functioning.
In this webinar we will look deeply at the mechanics of how an energy healer “sees” into the body of another person, and how you can use that vision to create a formula for healing yourself and others that you can practice yourself. This new paradigm not only liberates the sufferer from the symptoms and seeds of illness, but communicates ideal, healthful functioning to the healer’s body at the same time.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. Distance Energy Work (Remote Healing)This budget-friendly option is perfect for those who require immediate attention and can benefit from short on-going doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.
Over 30 previous healing webinars are available as rentals at a nominal fee:
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. This is a healing to strengthen the immune system and heart chakra. The heart, by nature, loves, and by loving it synthesizes life experience. It doesn't analyse or respond logically. Ironically, the thymus which is located in the physical space of the heart chakra, does analyze. "Will a particular set of immune cells be effective in protecting the body, or not?" "Should these cells be allowed to go into the body system or be destroyed?" This body perpetuated analysis comes from the level of Nature's intelligence, instinct, and deepest feeling. Heart and thymus work together. When love permeates the body, then the organs, systems, cells, chemical compounds naturally function with greater attunement to Nature's intelligence. The fine decisions, those made by the thymus from the cellular to the organ level, spontaneously support highest health. Clearing mistrust from the emotional and mental bodies. Clearing judgement through the ancestral lines. From the mental and emotional bodies, clearing self judgement, habits of analyzing situations divisively. Clearing the tendency to fall back into old habits once a deeper truth and higher path have been revealed. Increasing neural flexibility to embrace positive change when it comes. Bringing clarity and perspective into the four dense levels of the body to recognize what behavioral and thinking patterns really serve evolution and which don't. Establishing patterns of letting go of that which is not valuable to the most contemporary state of progressive change. Downsizing everything which is connected to self identification with small values. This doesn't mean letting go of small thoughts and ideas. On the contrary, sometimes the finest, tiniest impulse of intelligence are the most profound. It means any intentions, decisions, goals, or patterns connected to what we have been, rather than what we really are, and what we are becoming. We are the collective of our ancestors, the collective of our past and future. Each person is the very point of the whole universe experiencing Itself as eternal and unbounded. Celestial body humming is a resonance of self trust, full comprehension of the inner capacity to meet any situation with grace, strength, infinite creativity, lightness, and joy. The celestial body will hum like this for a little while, until this feeling has a chance to modify the places in the being where feelings of lack were lurking. Seeing an integration of impassioned intention with the capacity to create amazing light medicines which speak directly to the cells of stable self love and clearly defined directives to upgrade cellular efficiency, particularly in the area of specialized function and improved metabolic process. The celestial body likes to hold a sense of inner peace, comfort, happiness, or versions there of, as an underlying default setting. This lighter setting is replacing a lower vibrational setting for many in today's group healing. May you enjoy adapting to this softer underlying resonance. It colors the world with sweetness, radiating to all the matrix of life, like the fragrance of a flower, a vision of all the potential good which is ready to blossom forth in our world.With love and gratitude, Dorothy