Getting to the PointThe purpose of energy healing is not to make a person into the Source of Creation. Rather the purpose is to provide a foundation for tangible fulfillment on all levels of life. Union of individual and Divine nature is a facet of this process, but is pointless if attained at the expense of individual personality, identity, or desire.
The point is to layer Divine intention with individual passion in such a way as to allow both Divinity and individuality to resolve into each other.
For example, imagine the process of creating a great work of art. The forces of nature spend eons creating a deposit of marble. The marble itself is the handy work of the Divine. It is complete, needing nothing but existence to be an expression of Divine beauty. However, it can't enter the museum as a finished piece without undergoing a relationship with the artist. It is only after the perfectly formed, natural marble has been touched by the creativity and technique of the artist, that is it elevated to a status universally recognized as art.
Once a sculpture is complete, there is no desire to return to the spot in the mountain where it was formed. The appropriate move is to a place of public or private display.
We can think of ourselves as a works of Universal art. Originating in the Source of Creation we are made of Divine Being. However, without the presence of personality, ego, and individuality, the story of life remains abstract and its full potential is unrealized.
The point of human life and the fulfillment of Divine intention is located in the present moment. We do not aim to become formless, nothingness, Pure Being only. The point is to live the eternal beauty of Pure Being as genuine, authentic, and intimate personal expression.
Without the marble and the hand of the artist, the artwork does not exist. The marriage of the efforts of Nature and nurture builds sufficient layers of creative expression to elevate the abandoned shells of innumerable ancient sea creatures, the origin of marble, to the status of a priceless art work.
One's life work involves bringing individual passion, intelligence, and creativity to bear on the reality of Divine Being as One's life work. The cycle of the Divine dialogue is consciousness folding in on itself in order to create endless fulfillment, and resolution in the details of individual reality. Individual reality is the point of life, and the reason why Being becomes multiplicity.
It is often not safe to express individuality. In our world, the process of individual expression is fraught with danger. The environment is ever ready to magnify and reflect every little flaw. Thus revealing where we have made a mistake and fallen short of our potential. If we reflect on these experiences, adjusting interaction with the world at each turn, refining action, beliefs and habits, then, in time, the rough edges dissolve, the aspects of our individuality which do not serve our true needs, desires, and ideals will be replaced with renewed self definitions which are useful, satisfying, and precious.
It is by accepting and working with individual characteristics and qualities that a vessel capable of containing the Infinite is forged. Thus we bind the boundless.
Living a life of fear of self-expression and self imposed repression, is like being a vein of marble still buried deep within the mountain. This also is not safe. It is not evolutionary and at the end of the day leaves one bitter.
So engage individuality in life with passion. Consistently use every incomplete experience to revisit your approach to reality. With each adjustment in beliefs, habits and self-definition you will be moving toward that state of inner balance where your life is a precious expression of Divine intention, and the power of the Divine ever fuels your every intention.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy Webinar August 4 and 5: Fulfilling Desires by Uniting Individual Life with Universal Life
Friday, August 4: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday,August 5: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25
The whole universe rises to bring individual desires to fulfillment when the individual breathes cosmic intention. The healings in this webinar will focus on the union of individual and universal reality, perception, and expression.
Pushing to make something happen when the surrounding field is wired to resist triggers experience which forms the foundation for loss. Such experiences show the importance of setting up the field surrounding us for maximum success. To do this, we unify ourselves with the field. The point of connection to establish this unity is the astral body. Since the astral and causal bodies work so closely, this webinar will address both.
We will discuss the road map of this process in the astral/causal area of consciousness. Additionally we will work with areas which require upgrade, support, and purification to prepare ourselves for maximum success in the manifesting process.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar.
Webinar August 25 and 26: Seeing as an Energy Healer and What It Means for Your Health
Friday, August 25: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday,August 26: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25
Ilness provides a guide or measure for the nature of health. Regardless of whether the illness is experienced in one’s own body or the body of another, it stands as the point of expansion for healing potential and perfect physical functioning.
In this webinar we will look deeply at the mechanics of how an energy healer “sees” into the body of another person, and how you can use that vision to create a formula for healing yourself and others that you can practice yourself. This new paradigm not only liberates the sufferer from the symptoms and seeds of illness, but communicates ideal, healthful functioning to the healer’s body at the same time.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. Distance Energy Work (Remote Healing)This budget-friendly option is perfect for those who require immediate attention and can benefit from short on-going doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.
Over 30 previous healing webinars are available as rentals at a nominal fee:
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. From the collective consciousness of about 8,000 years of human history, clearing impressions, cellular memory, from the etheric level of the body, very dense energies, very dark.
Disassembling a collection of matrices which act as justification for very dense thinking, feeling, especially fear. Something like a fear matrix, which has been present within the structure of Earth's energy field. It is connected to animal energies of various kinds. It is held in place by the food industry.
This energy goes back further, 60,000 years. It is inherited by Earth from within the solar system. There was a very great sacrifice of life back then. Nature was being kind by changing the historical course of our solar system. This shift, a big destruction left an impression on the whole solar system and had a compressing effect on the life matrix on Earth, a dampening of the energy frequencies, thus holding us down from our full potential as a planet and a people.
As we awaken to our true essential nature, it is becoming evident that this weight was shrouded from view and thus continued to exert a silent influence on all life. The awakening of consciousness is also bringing the task of counteracting this density to light. No sooner are we awaken than we must integrate the light of Divinity within ourselves to slough off the shell of darkness which has shrouded the potential of humanity to rise into an honorable level of existence for all.
We are as a people literally transforming, much as a caterpillar transforms into a butterfly. If the butterfly doesn't struggle out of its cocoon, it will never know its potential. We are the same. We are awakening only to find that we are imprisoned in an energy structure which is repressed by an ancient energy structure which blasted one planet to bits (asteroid belt), killed another (Mars) and is threatening our beautiful Earth.
This density is so big that if we fight it, we will loose. Fighting only feeds negativity. If we take a fighting attitude toward this thing it will grow immensely strong and all will be lost. (This is the mistake that Mars made) If we ignore it and hope that it goes away, it will remain present, slowly killing everyone. (This is what we have been doing so far)
This dense cultural ethos is the ground which sprouts the seeds of all illness and discord, as well as the good that we have. Addressing the dense part, which is responsible for problems. One of the elements which seems to have expanded over the centuries is the lust for power. Looking at this, it comes from an inner condition of feeling powerless, vulnerable, weak, fearful. Mother of creation is asking the web of life to put these incompletions in her hands.
Seeing a great transformation in the web of life in the form of energy, or sound vibrations which are of a very nice, light frequency. The light is good but it needs to stabilize. From the astral bodies of everyone in this healing session, an energy matrix is being offered which will overlay a sacred geometrical blueprint upon the light frequencies to bring them into such a state of order that they remain as a permanent support for the web of life. The presence of these light vibrations is also creating a river of light. This river or channel of light is a structure which nourishes everyone.
The web of life has many dimensions. There are filaments of light which are so small they are at the quantum level of creation, and so large that they span multiple galaxies. What is happening right now, is that Mother Divine has rerouted a great beam much larger than anything I have ever seen on Earth before to all of us. It is moving around Earth like a winding snake, or river. It is the most luminous thing I have ever seen on Earth. Mostly blazing white light with slightly yellow or shimmery gold at the edges. This white river is encircling the Earth many times following lay lines, basically. The brilliance and purity of this form is washing away the density of the cultural ethos which was founded on a greed for power. The prefrontal cortex is resonating with a frequency of intelligence which coordinates with ancient wisdom, and life on Earth when all people lived at a higher level of their potential than at this time. For this reason, the work that we are doing in this healing session is creating a link or channel of open communication with those times. This will be very helpful for us as we attempt to create a state of heavenly life in the present time with the addition of extreme technological expansion. We are able to exchange support, knowledge, friendship, and appreciation between the present time and ancient times. Because our souls have always been, this is in fact a self referral loop created between present self and ancient self.
We know that the past is a lesser state of evolution. However, time moves in cycles, and there have been times in the distant past when the present soul was closer to Source. We are cycling back around to access capabilities which have not been exercised in the human condition in so long that they have been long forgotten. This self referral loop is allowing a reawakening of the memories which will bring the full potential back into expression.
This is a great collective doing which will be accomplished as we all awaken as we all focus our sights and Being to the task of the cosmic dance of dark and light.
Thank you so much for your role in this process!With love and gratitude, Dorothy