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Thursday, June 4, 2015

Distance Energy Work Newsletter No. 4

Issue No. 4: Latest Blog Posts and Videos; New Webinar Format Coming in June


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Following Your Internal Compass

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 

Aligning Your Internal Compass

Please Dorothy, can you tell what I can do to help facilitate me to be in an ethical, caring, honest, kind and supportive environment?

I am working in a company that is really without ethics and lies abound. Money is the only god here. I feel so bad that I need to be here as I don't want to support these principles.

Please tell me how I can facilitate a change in a way that will not damage myself.

My realm of expertise is the internal reality. I suggest that you find your stable center. Get your inner compass aligned with your highest potential. Then, check every moment against that. Aligning the inner compass is like tuning a string on a violin. The violinist must check three places:

First getting the correct string in the correct groove. This is akin to the input of the physical body. The body comes from a 100 million year old tradition of bodies on this Earth and has a deep wisdom, which knows what is happening in all of nature. The body's wisdom is expressed as the instinct to keep itself comfortable in the present moment. To be at your best, being in a space of physical comfort is basic.
.....continued in the Distance Energy Work Blog.

How to Live in a Crowded World

I am often feeling as though I don’t want to be in crowds---they make me uncomfortable and I feel like I am drained of energy afterwards. I really prefer solitude, but often due to my work and life I have to be in crowds. What can I do?

The Astral level of the physiology is the kavach (shielding). If it is has been compromised due to illness such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites, this can make a person vulnerable to influences from the outside. 
 ....continued in the Distance Energy Work Blog.

Energy Work Fundamentals - Lesson 7 - Beings 

This lesson discusses the range of beings existing in different levels of manifestation, their connection with universal being, and the beautiful role of some of these beings in energy work. 
Watch Lesson 7: Beings

 Celebrating Springtime with a Lilac Healing Video

Filmed outside, the smell of the lilacs was inebriating. I offer a healing to strengthen subtle bodies, purify mental and emotional bodies and the nervous system, and comfort ancestors for all viewers of this video. Only those who wish to receive this healing will receive the work. Some people like to rest after these healing sessions.
Watch Lilac Healing Video

New Interactive Webinars Coming in June

In June I will be starting a series of webinars giving out knowledge related to energy work and incorporating group healings. These webinars will be interactive. Participants will be able to ask questions and offer their own insights. Please check the Distance Energy Work Website during the last week of May or watch for the next newsletter for details. 

With love,

Distance Energy Work Sessions

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Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter




This healing is offered to all who read this newsletter and wish to receive the work.

The healing will be activated as you read it. This healing may be read and activated as many times as you wish.

Thank you to the Highest Intelligence, the Source of the Creation, for your presence and contributions to the good of all who join us for this work. Thanks to the ancestors of all readers, and to the presence of God in each of us, for orchestrating the process with perfection.

Reading the energy patterns of all present. Checking the cord of light which runs from the crown of the head to the center of the Earth. Activating an open flow of energy through this cord from the center of the Earth to the heart of each person, and from the Center Sun through the crown of each person to the heart. Stabilizing light structures in subtle and concrete levels of the body.

Loosening and clearing 6 aspects in the form of self-doubt, self-judgment, self-sabotage from the astral level of the body through the physical level. Rewiring central nervous system to run new patterns of being self-honoring, self-protecting, self-adoring, and self-supporting.

Downloading specifics for making causal body medicines which will augment this behavior. Activating the ability to self-nourish, (outside the context of food). Clearing open channels from causal body to heart chakra, to allow clearer flow of Divine love through the self. Extending flow of love through dimensions of the body to molecular level, where it affects ancestors and awakens areas of the DNA which may have been laying silent since childhood. Great transformation in DNA, more than can be covered here. Clearing so many feelings which were blocking pure expression. Love and gratitude flowing through each person as a wave of pure Divine Being, which loops back into the self as blessings and grace in never ending loops, restructuring the universe.

Thank you, to each of you for partaking in this healing. May you forever enjoy the effects of this session radiating through you to the whole creation.

All my love,


Copyright © 2015 by Distance Energy Work.  All rights reserved.

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