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Monday, October 19, 2015

Distance Energy Work Newsletter No. 12

Issue No. 12:
"Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselves"  Webinar Oct 9 and 10
New Video: Manifesting Wealth by Doing What You Love
Q&A about the Weight Management Program


Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselves

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 

Webinar Friday and Saturday, Oct 9 and 10

We are all intimately connected to our whole world, the precious family of humanity, and the universe as a whole though the field of our consciousness. Healing ourselves necessarily includes the healing of the world as well. The deeper we go into the field of abstract expression, the fewer boundaries exist. The separation between ourselves and the world around us dissolves, self-healing becomes world healing and vice versa.

The reason I am so excited about this particular topic is that our webinar groups have become increasingly powerful. Whenever an Earth healing arises it is always very thrilling and transformative. To capitalize on our healing potential during the webinars, it seems natural to extend our work to our world.

It will be such a huge honor to have our dear Mother Gaia joining the webinar, to teach us, to show us how to heal ourselves even more efficiently, to show us how to love her more perfectly.

Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions with the lively interaction of private consultations. Each webinar emphasizes energy transformation and lucid explanations of the process. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating from consciousness alone.

Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselves
Friday, October 9 Webinar at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time
Saturday, October 10 Webinar at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time
Please visit
 my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.

New Video to Help You Manifest Wealth 

Manifesting Wealth by Doing What You Love is my latest Youtube video and includes a healing for the heart to facilitate the process of manifesting your material desires from love, which is the real commodity of the universe. Watch for another new video release tomorrow Thursday, 10/8/15 on healing relationships. 

Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, webinar excerpts, and how-to videos.

Questions and Answers from New Weight Management Program Participants 

Dear Dorothy: I am finding this to be a very profound journey with many subtle changes. One noticeable happening is my dreams at night - non stop - very involved and many. I am just observing and telling myself during the dreams that these are just clearings/past life I believe, as I recognize no one- but there are feelings attached and I have been requiring more sleep each night. Is this correct?

Dorothy: Taking more rest is always good. At this time of year when the seasons change, especially, most people need more rest. The fact that you are naturally doing this displays a good attunement between your physical body and self awareness.

It is not unlikely that integration of the work we are doing together in the Ideal Weight Management sessions happens during sleep. This is a natural time for the body to renew and rejuvenate, for the nervous system to integrate the important events of the day. The intense dreaming is certainly a reflection of the dynamic changes which are happening now to restructure the new you.

To make this experience smoother I highly recommend a fifteen minute soak using magnesium bath crystals before bed brings the sleep of a baby. The effects last for days. If it is too much to soak the whole body, just the feet will be nearly as good. 
Find them here.  

​Dear Dorothy: I have been effortlessly making new food choices, I feel a shift happening with no weight loss as yet and often when I ask my body what it wants to eat it's a total blank. I run through all kinds of possibilities but no response. The idea of not eating still brings up fear so I eat something then wish I hadn't.  : (    Any suggestions?

​Dorothy: ​ One reason you are not getting a clear answer from the body is because the answer is not food. The answer is a behavior or activity which really thrills or excites you. Something you will totally enjoy and will be completely in line with the development of your full potential.

A huge congratulations on the new food choices! It is important to appreciate yourself for every step in the direction of permanent, sustainable thin behaviors. They add up and will result in long term, stable weight normalization. Also, when these changes come it is good to receive them as the "new normal". If you back slide a bit, no worries, know that sometimes that can happen when integration of a new behavior is taking place. We are aiming for effortless normalization for life. Yes?

When in doubt of what to eat, here are some simple points. 
Click here to read more on Dorothy's question and answer blog.

Ideal Weight Management Program

Assisting weight loss through energy work for less than a dollar a day, seven days a week. Daily reports outline clearing emotional triggers, blockages and habits. This energy work is not a diet, exercise plan or lifestyle change. Diet, exercise, and rest patterns change naturally and sustainably when consciousness changes.

The daily healings and webinars will establish the energetic structures for optimal body size, robust digestion, and wholesome mental and emotional habits which positively affect personal choices of diet, exercise and daily routine. 
Here is a description of  webinars and distance energy sessions for weight management.

With love,

Distance Energy Work Sessions

YouTube Channel

Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter



Thank you to Highest Intelligence, the Source of All as expressed in each person who participates in this healing.

Feeling a powerful integration of Being as we collectively synchronize our intention to support the highest possible outcome for this session.

Intention and love combined with innocent desire for the good of all. This is expressed physically as an increase of awareness in the prefrontal cortex and the heart simultaneously. There seems to be a flow of frequency out the front of the forehead, which is showering light into the environment in a highly orderly fashion. It has a quality of both offering and asking, as in a humble request.

The question being posed is what can be the most orderly and effective way to support all life now. The answer back is being received through the same channel that a beam from the heart also will make a more powerful signal. The frequency of these two beams is creating a relationship as between two musical notes. There is an effect like a choir resulting from the collective of this healing session. Many exquisite patterns of light/subtle sound radiating to the soul of mankind, and the creation.

The sound is highly integrative, causing an activation of the celestial level of the body of each participant. This is a self referral loop of consciousness which is awakening the inner power in each person, the ancient, capable aspect of everyone to self heal, to address situations with grace.

The two principles which are surfacing just now are:
1. That every single situation and circumstance is for the sake of evolution. Even destruction can be seen as blessed as it clears the way for further progress.
2. That letting go of expectations is the key for results to exceed expectations.  

With the power of our healing collective, this message is going to all parts of the world, purifying misunderstandings and dramas. Under that masses of layers of pain bodies, and attachments to suffering. I am seeing millions of souls clearing addictions, attachments, and contracts with their suffering. They are coming to simplicity and prepared to genuinely love themselves, some for the first time in their lives.

Deep waves of forgiveness flowing as internal loops within the hearts of these millions. This is also flowing to their ancestors. So much gratitude, appreciation and above all compassionate forgiveness flowing.

This flow is so vast and powerful that it is touching areas of emptiness, places where the deepest fears and misunderstandings have been sitting in the souls of mankind. Simplicity and order are structuring in areas which have been chaotic and misunderstood for ages. I am feeling a sense of great relief. This is happening in the physical body in the area of the throat and heart. It is allowing individuals to feel free to express their truth, to feel safe expressing what they feel, and resolving situations which were the result of fear and constraint for generations.

Gratitude and appreciation, innocently offered, is flowing back into the collective of this session. We, in turn, innocently allow that love to flow through us to the Highest Divine. Like a machine which is creating the manifest world from unmanifest consciousness, a profound restructuring of the universe is taking place by the blessings of the Mother of the Universe in her gratitude for the beauty which has been offered at her feet through this healing session. The result is an increase in synchronicity at all levels of creation.

Living in tune with this synchrony is the spontaneous byproduct of the integration of heart and mind with which we began this healing session. May you always feel the relationship between heart and mind. May you always spontaneously know which direction is most auspicious to take. May you be ever blessed by the grace of the Divine, and may you come to find your goodness reflected back from every corner of creation.

Thank you for being with me,
Love and gratitude,


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