YouTube Live Streaming Webinar on January 2:Healing for HumanitySaturday, January 2 at 2 pm U.S. Central Standard Time Well begun is half done. This live event is intended to offer support through energy healing to everyone who attends and through them to our family of humanity.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.
I look forward to sharing this event with everyone. Click here to visit the YouTube watch page for this event.Two Other Webinars in JanuaryIdeal Weight Management Friday, January 8 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time, or Saturday, January 9 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time Most dieters expect to deprive themselves for as long as it takes to get to their ideal weight. The problem is that deprivation is not sustainable. The Ideal Weight Management program is designed to eliminate the emotional blockages, habits, impressions and lack of self love responsible for the weight imbalance in the first place. Ultimately, doing so eliminates the need to diet at all. Restructuring oneself from the inside out, spontaneously results in ideal weight without effort, without deprivation, sustainably.
Every weight management webinar is designed to address the specific needs of the attending group, and new more powerful knowledge is coming out in this area all the time.
Healing the Feminine and the Masculine in Relationships Friday, January 22 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time, or Saturday, January 23 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time
The natural dynamic between men and women has the potential to support an incredibly life-enriching expression of Sacred love. So often one or both partners bring past challenges to a relationship, or misunderstand the essential nature of their role which can inhibit the flow of the Sacred or the Divine in a relationship. This webinar will look in detail at the rich interaction between partners and examine how to harness the full potential in the male/female dynamic, while addressing blockages which may stand in the way of a perfectly open flow of support for the relationship to reflect its natural beauty.Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $15 per location for weight loss webinars, and $25 per location for all other webinars.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselves webinars available for free viewing.
New Videos on YouTube
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, webinar excerpts, and how-to videos. You Are Important
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This healing is activated when read.
You are important. What you experience is important.
The reasons that brought you to be in a human form are important.
Regardless of what anyone at anytime thinks or says, know that your existence in this present moment is the means by which the Light of the World is knowing Itself as this multiverse. For all practical purposes, there is only one experience of this Light, and each of us is living it, each of us is a different facet on the crystal of this one reality.
Loving every nuance of this experience opens the door for grace to find expression in life. The presence of grace binds the individual experience to cosmic evolution. It ensures success beyond expectations.
Everyone is basically thoughtful, compassionate, sensible, innocent, and wonderful. Your very existence on Earth is itself your permission slip, your ticket to the freedom of choice necessary to allow you to live a life of knowledge, exquisite health, affluence friends, joy, physical comfort, and achievements on all levels.
Love and gratitude,
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All. Thank you to the ancestors.
Locating the sacred inner sanctum of each participant in the field of Pure Innocence and Truth. This is opening the door for the power of your celestial body to shine forth engaging denser levels of the body to protect, to educate, to cleanse, to nourish, to uplift.
The function of the celestial body is like the function of a muscle. The muscle likes to be used and doing so makes it stronger. Your celestial body has the capacity to activate various laws of nature which will self interact to produce specific results. So, the awakening of the celestial body marks a moment of empowerment and the experience of self knowing which leads one to the gentle, delicate internal moves resulting in expansion of Self understanding and new capabilities.
May this recognition of your celestial body capabilities begin by aligning the identity with its highest potential, stabilizing the perfection of progressive change, and smoothing the path with such grace that you can fulfill all obligations without strain. The moment you feel strain, this is the indicator that change is required.
Integrating grace and change result in a formula for positive evolutionary growth. Both grace and change are constants in the creation. We can infer that they are therefore very close to the Source of creation. Together they can be guided by Pure Hope to act as a catalyst for the manifestation of your dearest desires.
To find Pure Hope, we must visit the moment when you decided to enter this world as your present self. Love motivated you to embrace the challenges presented by the relative field of creation. There was a feeling of pure light, acceptance, and above all a vision of all good for all people. The excitement present at that time was based on the concept of entering into the course of cosmic evolution. The process of cosmic evolution is so massive that there is never a time when we are out of that.
If you ever doubted for a moment that you were in the right place at the right time, or that you were doing exactly what you were meant to be doing, there is now no more room for doubt. The very fact that you are living in a human body on Earth at this moment means that you are living your perfection and are inseparable from the intelligence of the Divine which structures the evolution of the multiverse.
Layers in multitudes of imbalances are clearing from the four dense levels of the body. There is a brilliant quality of light in the upper portion of the physical body. Ancestors are involved in this process as many kinds of discordant feelings, primarily fear, are clearing from their four dense levels as well. Compassion is the predominant feeling radiating from the celestial level of the body. The desire to wash away the blockages to pure spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical progress is augmented by softest compassion and your innate capability to fulfill such an honorable desire.
May you ever float in the comfort of your own love and intention as the one person truly capable of completely fulfilling your desires with maximum grace, efficiency, and appropriateness.
Thank you for being with me, Love and gratitude, Dorothy
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