Live Webinar on January 22 and 23:Healing the Feminine and Masculine in RelationshipsThe natural dynamic between men and women has the potential to support the most incredibly life-enriching expression of Sacred love. So often one or both partners bring past challenges to a relationship which can inhibit the flow of the Sacred or the Divine in a relationship. This webinar will look in detail at the rich interaction between partners and examine how to harness the full potential in the male/female dynamic, while addressing those emotional issues which may stand in the way of a perfectly open flow of support for the relationship to reflect its natural beauty.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.
Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions with the lively interaction of private consultations. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating from consciousness alone.I look forward to sharing this event with everyone. Click here to register for Friday, Jan. 22 at 8 pm CST or Saturday, Jan. 23 at 11 a,m CST.February and Early March WebinarsManifestation: Creating from the Inside OutFriday, February 12 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time, orSaturday, February 13 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time In this webinar we will look at how the celestial and causal levels of the being interface with the spirit, astral, emotional, and mental levels to create continuous awareness of the manifestation process, smoothing the path of progress from desire to fulfillment.
We will also take an in depth look at the Heartbeam technique as a tool for manifestation, while ever honoring the role of Infinite Being as the source of all fulfillment.Addressing Health Concerns through Energy WorkFriday, February 26 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time, orSaturday, February 27 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time This webinar will primarily be an extended group healing session. We will discuss the principles of energy work and uncover finer understandings of how the energy fields of the body work, while exercising the ability to use them effectively.
Ideal Weight Management Friday, March 11 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time, or Saturday, March 12 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time Most dieters expect to deprive themselves for as long as it takes to get to their ideal weight. The problem is that deprivation is not sustainable. The Ideal Weight Management program is designed to eliminate the emotional blockages, habits, impressions and lack of self love responsible for the weight imbalance in the first place. Ultimately, doing so eliminates the need to diet at all. Restructuring oneself from the inside out, spontaneously results in ideal weight without effort, without deprivation, sustainably.
Every weight management webinar is designed to address the specific needs of the attending group, and new more powerful knowledge is coming out in this area all the time.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $15 per location for weight loss webinars, and $25 per location for all other webinars.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
New Videos on YouTube
Healing for Humanity: Full Recording of Jan 2 YouTube EventOvercoming Sugar Addiction - Tips for Weight Loss, Part 1Changing Eating Habits - Tips for Weight Loss, Part 2
Energy Work for Weight Loss: Selection from January 9 WebinarHealing to Alleviate Oppression
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos. Wealth Has an Energy Signature That You Can Cultivate with Self-Love and a Simple Exercise
Dear Dorothy: Perhaps my personal situation will mirror others. Achieving any wealth or financial stability has remained an elusive endeavor. Nearing 70, it looks pretty bleak in creating a secure and fulfilled life money-wise. It is not for lack of trying but my work life often centered on working for nonprofit organizations. I find myself having to live off a very small pension. Also money just flows out of my life not into my life.
I have done a lot of inner work over the years but lack of money is one huge obstacle. This lack of money and the stress that accompanies this lack limits choices and often joy.
Dorothy: Many people believe that the capacity to develop themselves ("You can't teach an old dog new tricks.") and achieve great things, (believing that this will take a long time) decreases as they grow older. However, from the perspective that the present moment is the platform of ultimate power, this in not the case.
The feeling of lack underlies the experience that money flows out not into one's life. Lack has an energetic frequency which increases as it is harbored in the awareness. Shifting from a perspective of lack to perspective of financial abundance is a great place to start one's journey toward increased abundance in life. The deeper and more powerful the shift in consciousness from thinking of oneself as being a "poor person" to being a "financially fulfilled person" is the key.
You are brilliant, capable, sensible, and resourceful. You have so much good to offer the world. Through your offerings you have the potential to be well rewarded financially.
A helpful exercise to eliminate the feeling of lack and replace it with an internal experience of affluence can be done with a blank check register.
- Using the blank check register, imagine possessing a bank account into which you will be depositing money every day for a year. The more completely you can imagine this as real, the more powerful the transformation of consciousness will be.
- On the first day deposit $1,000 in your "bank account."
- Each successive day's deposit will be $1,000 more than the deposit of the previous day. Example: deposit $1,000 on day one, $2,000 on day two, $3,000 on day three, etc.
- Keep a running total of the money in your account. Pay close attention to how this makes you feel. The feeling will be different for different amounts of money. It is very interesting.
- It is important to record expenditures as well. Imagine what you would buy, or how you would use the money after it has come into your possession. Notice the different feelings between spending money on mundane expenses vs. things you really want.
How this exercise makes you feel is important! It is the feeling which restructures self identity, thus your perspective. Anytime a pleasant feeling arises, adopt that feeling, cherish it, own it. Accepting the feeling achieves the purpose of the exercise.
Clearly feel what it means to have financial abundance--more than enough to meet all personal needs. This feeling will be regularly recognized as an aspect of your self. Pay attention to how the feeling affects other areas of life. The experience of this feeling in the field of consciousness means that it already exists within you. Great wealth is within the range of your potential regardless of your age, gender, race, or history.
Changing feelings takes seconds. Consistent increase of actual income takes a little longer. Restructured consciousness and imagination fueled by excitement, joy, and creativity will restructure the world around you to bring the information, resources, and perfect timing required to manifest fortune.
Most people find that the transformation from little wealth to great wealth requires an expansion of self-love. One must truly know that they are worthy of living in a state of genuine comfort, power, and happiness. Authentic self-love spontaneously expands to embrace the world with empathy, compassion, devotion, and generosity. Establishment in true self-love, unbounded and devoted to the well-being of all, positions you to avoid the pitfalls of the wealthy in previous centuries (vanity, conceit, narcissism, etc.)
May you find your financial status evolving forward with unbounded freedom from this time forward.
Love and gratitude, DorothyRead previous posts on Dorothy's blog.
Ideal Weight Management ProgramDaily healings and webinars establish the energetic structures for optimal body size, robust digestion, and wholesome mental and emotional habits which positively affect personal choices of diet, exercise and daily routine. Here is a description of webinars and distance energy sessions for weight management.
With love, DorothyDistance Energy Work SessionsYouTube ChannelArchive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work NewsletterPhoto credits: Snow scene: Austria, Salzburg, Kleinarl, Winterwonderland by Markus Leupold-Löwenthal, 2003 Ocean scene: Choo choo train clouds over the Atlantic Ocean. Salvador, Bahia, Brazil by Tiago Fioreze, 2008Other photos: Rowe Family
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All. Thank you to the ancestors.
Feeling a "calling out" from the being of the participants in this session. This request falls into the silent field of the Source of creation, the field of Pure Potentiality. Working at an exceedingly delicate level, the impulse to integrate the presence of Divinity with individuality is of basic to all healing processes.
Imagination is an internal language shared between the mind and the God presence. Through this language of perception and experience, the way is made clear for your dreams to be realized. Your individuality knows its longings and the God presence knows how to make those longings become a reality. To bring your dreams to fruition the individuality and the God presence must communicate. That communication takes place through the common language of imagination. Imagination is another way of looking at the universal language of perception and experience. Imagination is a whole brain activity involving all of the subtle senses. When we imagine an experience our bodies respond chemically to our inner vision as if the experience is actually happening.
This physical response is picked up as a direct communication to the God presence.
It is the power of emotion which fuels the manifestation of the vision which has been cultivated between the individuality and the God presence. The best time to coordinate efforts between the mind, body, and Being is when you are settled, when you can immerse yourself in the internal experience of living the life of your dreams. It is best to find a consistent time each day to take a few seconds to entertain your cherished goals. Notice how these goals make you feel.
Own the feeling of joy that comes with conception of your dreams. This ownership redefines who you are. Only a new you will be able to structure a new experience. The power in this exercise is not in its length, but its depth. When the feeling is deep within you and you know it to be the very definition of your true nature, then it will give rise to concrete changes. The purpose of this exercise is achieved when the internal transformation occurs.
This healing is augmenting your ability to use this tool of imagination most effectively. Clearing discordant feelings from the second chakra primarily, also first and third. Second chakra is characterized by creativity. Now clearing fear of shame, embarrassment, guilt, ridicule. Under that, clearing self identification, habits and memory patterns. Clearing the same discordant feelings from the spirit body (past/distand past) along with impressions, memory patterns, and individual identification. Love matrix and 32 point matrix establishing in lower three chakras and spirit body. Also seeing primordial white light flowing into the 1st, 6th, and 7th chakras.
Now clearing from parents and grandparents the illusion that it is shameful to expend energy and personal resources on oneself. Serving others, family and community is basic to the process of heart expansion. However, there is no shame in addressing the needs of one's own body, mind, and heart. It is so healthy for you and for your heart to expand through the process of kindness to yourself. So, enjoy what it feels like to be exquisitely happy, fulfilled, and living a quality of life which serves the requirements of your personal evolution as well as that of others.
Thank you for being with me, Love and gratitude, Dorothy