Live Webinar on February 11 and 13:
Manifestation: Creating from the Inside Out
In this webinar we will look at how the celestial and causal levels of the being interface with the spirit, astral, emotional, and mental levels to create continuous awareness of the manifestation process, smoothing the path of progress from desire to fulfillment.
We will also take an in depth look at the Heartbeam technique as a tool for manifestation, while ever honoring the role of Infinite Being as the source of all fulfillment.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.
Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions with the lively interaction of private consultations. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating from consciousness alone.
I look forward to sharing this event with everyone. Click here to register for Thursday, Feb.11 at 8 pm CST or Saturday, Feb. 13 at 11 a,m CST.
Other February and March Webinars
Addressing Health Concerns through Energy Work
Friday, February 26 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time, or
Saturday, February 27 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time
This webinar will primarily be an extended group healing session. We will discuss the principles of energy work and uncover finer understandings of how the energy fields of the body work, while exercising the ability to use them effectively.
Ideal Weight Management
Friday, March 11 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time, or Saturday, March 12 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time
Most dieters expect to deprive themselves for as long as it takes to get to their ideal weight. The problem is that deprivation is not sustainable. The Ideal Weight Management program is designed to eliminate the emotional blockages, habits, impressions and lack of self love responsible for the weight imbalance in the first place. Ultimately, doing so eliminates the need to diet at all. Restructuring oneself from the inside out, spontaneously results in ideal weight without effort, without deprivation, sustainably.
Every weight management webinar is designed to address the specific needs of the attending group, and new more powerful knowledge is coming out in this area all the time.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $15 per location for weight loss webinars, and $25 per location for all other webinars.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
Healing to Strengthen Intimacy by Aligning Expectations
Healing for the Feminine and for Mother Earth
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.
New Blog Post: Differences between Energy Healers
Dear Dorothy: When I first read your biography on your website, I felt very strongly that we may have seen the same healer. Did ******** help you with your health concerns years ago? If so, this is the same person I told you about who cured me of Lyme disease. I just had to ask because it was coming through so crystal clear, and I have not been able to shake it. Perhaps I am completely wrong, but I had to ask. :)
Dorothy: Yes, I saw ******** in 2008 when I was really quite ill. I was experiencing subtle perception at that time but hadn't put 2 + 2 together to realize that my ability to perceive energy was a key to self healing. When I saw him it was in a large group at the local public library. I was aware of the energetic forms accompanying him which were activating healing transformation for the meeting participants, including me. These values of intelligence could penetrate the body and were shifting energies around to help myself and others heal. Since I could see inside my own body, it occurred to me that I might be able to affect the energy transformations myself. If they could do it, I could do it. This turned out to be correct. It was a great "Ah-ha" moment.
There are quite a lot of energy healers in this area. They all work from a common source of understanding but express and work from that understanding in a diverse spectrum of ways, each unique, each amazing.
The basic differences between myself and the other healer you mention are:
1. This other energy healer feels that he is one of a kind, and that no one else can do what he does. From his perspective, he is doing something that is affecting others in a unique way.
In my perspective, what any healer does is not unique. At any moment the entire universe is reflecting everything which you are back to you. In my experience, people heal themselves. I select to reflect the cosmic healer that is within the client. Everyone has a choice of what part of another to reflect.
The fact is, I don't heal you or anyone. One's own Divine Nature heals them. I recognize and honor That, then express what I experience of It. Your attention is itself the breath of the Divine in you. During our sessions, both group and individual, we collectively direct attention to intelligently address the area that requires change from the capability, power, and resource of the inner healer. Everyone's healing potential is infinite.
2. This other energy healer experiences a retinue of healing helpers as separate entities which work on behalf of his clients.
It is my perspective that there is only the Self. Everyone is a part of the whole, and the whole is reflected fully in each of its parts. In essence, you are this entire universe. If a blessing or healing comes from a source of pure intelligence, this is an aspect of one's own intelligence.
All that you know, all that you see, all that exists is an expression of your very Being. So, angels, saints, masters, etc.-- these are expressions of the body's celestial level, one's most abstract intelligence, endlessly folding in on itself in wondrous ways to create evolutionary change.
I like to work from the premise that everyone has autonomy over their own healing process. This puts the responsibility but also the power in one's own hands.
The expansion of consciousness taking place on Earth at this time supports self-empowerment and sustainable forms of cultural expression in all areas, including energy healing.
Thank you for your insight and question. You were right! And just because two energy healers do not experience the healing process identically, doesn't mean that one is wrong and the other right. Different people need different approaches in order to activate their internal healing mechanisms. Everyone is attracted to the healer who works best for them.
Thank you again for asking, Dorothy
Read previous posts on Dorothy's blog.
Ideal Weight Management Program
Daily healings and webinars establish the energetic structures for optimal body size, robust digestion, and wholesome mental and emotional habits which positively affect personal choices of diet, exercise and daily routine. Here is a description of webinars and distance energy sessions for weight management.
With love, Dorothy
Distance Energy Work Sessions
YouTube Channel
Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter
Photo credits: Whitby Abbey Sunset by James Whitesmith, 2010, Whitby, North Yorkshire, England Down the Trail by Laura Shreck, 2012. Colorado Orchidee by Alfred Borchard, 2016 Dawn in Livermore by Gary Romin, 2010, Livermore, California
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All. Thank you to the ancestors.
Clearing sadness from the head and sinus area. Under this clearing hopelessness. These discordant feelings are in both the physical body and the etheric body.
There is a feeling of letting go of hopes which needs to be addressed. Clearing grief in the chest (physical and etheric) connected to this feeling. Pure Love and Pure Compassion are establishing a holy space in the heart where the Mother of the Universe abides permanently. She radiates happiness, compassion, and love from this location.
There is also something here which looks like a crystal of light. Very bright and beautiful. This crystal light seems to have two functions: 1) Stabilizing all good in this part of the body and 2) acting as a point of reference for wisdom and truth.
Seeing cords of time folding in on themselves in a churning fashion. This is happening at the spirit level of the body and is creating an increase in light. It appears that there are some fears about past and future. These are being released through the churning action.
This moment is the only moment. All moments are contained within this one. So, regardless of the appearance of the past and future, this moment is the point from which everything is being created. I realize that most of you know this well, but it is going into the spirit body and communicating to you in the past, prior to the expanded spiritual understanding that you currently possess.
From the power of this moment, love is flowing to the spirit body, to all the past of yourself. Self-forgiveness for those times when what appeared to be failures, shortcomings, and weaknesses hid the Divine Self.
Expectations are a combination of enthusiasm over a possible manifestation mixed with a desire to control the process of that manifestation. The first part of the process is beautiful and tells you that the intial desire is aligned with your highest potential. The second part limits the ability of the Eternal Self to exceed the expected outcome.
The desire to control is an outgrowth of six aspects and fear. So these, along with habits and memory patterns, are clearing from the mental body: all four layers and the gaps between them.
The celestial and causal levels of the body are simply bowing down in humility to the Creator of the Universes at each moment, with each thought, desire, intention. This healing is now creating a simple pattern of folding back into infinity in the present moment with each wave of intelligence, and the Mother of the Universe is folding total love and support for every intention back into the manifest self.
Thank you for being with me, Love and gratitude, Dorothy
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