Share-A-Webinar Program
Now you can give webinars as gift to a friend or loved one at no additional cost when you sign up yourself.
Everyone signing up for a March or April webinar will receive a courtesy registration email for the same event that may be sent to one friend or relative who has never experienced a Distance Energy Work Webinar.
Webinars make amazing gifts. Share a webinar with a dear friend or relative, even if they live in a distant city, so you may participate together in the dynamic interplay of consciousness for individual and collective evolution.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.
Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions and the lively interaction of private consultations with the dynamism of a powerful group consciousness. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating directly from consciousness.
March and April Webinars
Ideal Weight Management
Friday, March 11 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time $15, or Saturday, March 12 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time $15
Most dieters expect to deprive themselves for as long as it takes to get to their ideal weight. The problem is that deprivation is not sustainable. The Ideal Weight Management program is designed to eliminate the emotional blockages, habits, impressions and lack of self love responsible for the weight imbalance in the first place. Ultimately, doing so eliminates the need to diet at all. Restructuring oneself from the inside out, spontaneously results in ideal weight without effort, without deprivation, sustainably.
Every weight management webinar is designed to address the specific needs of the attending group, and new more powerful knowledge is coming out in this area all the time.
Living Your Passion for Success
Friday, March 25 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, March 26 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25 This live webinar will focus healings for the emotional, or feeling level of being to support successful manifestation, relationships, and evolution. The deepest level of feeling, the mode of in which we hum drives the process of unfolding consciousness. It determines the direction of life's change. This live webinar is designed to open awareness to the details of this area of consciousness, and clear impediments which hamper the ability to harness its full potential.
I am so excited about the work that we will do in this area because it is at the very forefront of evolution for everyone. We are moving into and area which I consider to be very advanced with regard to creating a quality of life which will result in the greatest benefit for our precious world and our family of humanity. The potential benefit resulting from the work in this webinar is really vast. I am looking forward to sharing it with all my dear friends and everyone who can gain benefit from joining the event.
Infusing Relationships with Divine Love
Friday, April 8 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm US Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, April 9 at 11:00 am to 12:15 pm US Central Daylight Time $25
Liberating the flow of Divine love to penetrate all aspects of one’s relationship with the self and others is the purpose of this live webinar. Gracefully awakening to a state of greater synchronicity internally and externally will establish a ground for the frictionless flow of Divine love in the vast array of relationships in which we engage.
Stabilizing a condition of total self-acceptance, self-understanding, forgiveness, and comfort from the densest to the finest levels of the body will empower each participant to approach all external relationships with the capacity to create deeply fulfilling relationships which serve the individual and society alike.
Love Is the Currency of the Universe
Friday, April 22 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm US Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, April 23 at 11:00 am to 12:15 pm US Central Daylight Time, $25
This webinar is about manifesting wealth, affluence, and abundance. We will look in detail at the most effective method of actualizing wealth by harnessing the potential in the modes of consciousness which originate at the finest manifest level of individuality.
Collectively we will clear away blocks so we may gain clear access to the power of the celestial body. Specific modes of celestial resonation will be examined in detail. Most importantly, everyone participating in the live webinar will receive valuable experience and understanding working with their own multi-dimensional body system to create precisely the transformations in finance which best reflects the infinite abundance of cosmic reality.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $15 per location for weight loss webinars, and $25 per location for all other webinars.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.
New Blog Post:
You Are More Powerful than Any Curses or Viruses
Dear Dorothy: I have come under a spell from which I cannot be released under my own power. I am desperate to come out of this and back into the light of God. Many know me as a very good, sweet and comforting person. This spell was successfully cast by a person I know, for no good reason Can you help me? I never imagined that I could be so completely blanketed that God would not or could not resolve a situation but that apparently is my situation. Peace, love and blessings to you.
Dorothy: Thank you so much for contacting me and sharing your story. You sound like a very darling person. May your situation be resolved soon. I would like to start by offering this short video about clearing negative influences from your energy field.
In my opinion, a curse goes two ways, both the giver and receiver must agree to the exchange. Therefore, when you are ready, you can choose to disallow this person to have the power to define you. Everyone is powerful in their own way, but no one has more power over you than you have over yourself. No one's opinion of you is more powerful than your opinion of yourself.
This situation has arisen in your reality to make you stronger. The person with whom you were interacting is reflecting your strength back to you. He is only a reflection. The negativity is not the part that you are supposed to focus on. It is the ability to move consciousness which is important. When one resists negativity this makes it stronger. The trick is to meet it with devotion. Every energy pattern wants to resolve somehow. Ask the negativity how to bring it to its conclusion. In so doing you are meeting the low vibrational frequency of the darkness with the light of devotion. This uplifts the dark energies to the light of your love. The Heartbeam technique will be especially helpful.
This other person may be able to move energy, but so can your Divine Being. Anything that can be moved out of balance can be moved into balance. Check out my Mechanics of Healing video for some basic points on this process.
I know this person and don't feel that he intended harm. He may be thinking that he was somehow helping you or showing off. People are just doing what they are doing and we have to find an evolutionary angle to support personal progress through the experience.
It is possible to look at holding a curse like holding a virus. There is a state of being which supports the presence of the curse and there is a state of being which is free of all curses. The following exercise works for both curses and viruses. I suggest doing this while drifting off to sleep, so that a good night's rest can settle the healing deep into the body.
1. Note how you feel with the presence of the curse, and remember what it feels like to be free of the curse, or the feeling of being with and without a virus. It is important to have these two resonations side by side so that the difference between them is quite clear in the awareness. 2. With attention, favor the state which is free of the curse. Although at this point in the process you may feel that the cursed state is dominating, it is of value to keep the antithesis of the cursed state, or goal clearly in mind. 3. Cherishing the feeling of perfect health, or freedom from the curse, let it go. Offer it to your Divine Self, to the Source of Creation. You may have to offer it hundreds or thousands of times. This can go very fast. Just keep offering, and offering, and offering. 4. Very soon, non verbal feelings/knowingness/sensations will come to the body. This is usually felt first in the crown or head area. These feelings carry the transformative energies to bring you from the state of illness to the state of health, from the state of holding the curse to a state of liberation. It could take a few minutes for the transformation to complete. At this point favor the new sensation. 5. If the new sensations seems to weaken or disappear, resume the offerings of the vision of the goal again, and the transformative energies will return. If your nervous system is flexible enough to make the offerings and enjoy the transformative energies at the same time this condition is optimal for shaking out of the limitation and awakening to liberation. If not, favor the transformation when it is present, and return to the offerings when it has faded away. 6. Never strain. Just do this easily as long as you have the energy and attention to do so. 7. Enjoy a good sleep and the pleasure of awakening the next day relieved of the weight of outside invaders.
I hope that this helps. Thank you so much for asking. With love, Dorothy
Read more posts in Dorothy's Blog.....
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
As I start this healing I am feeling the energy of this day as a celebration of wisdom and priorities of the spirit. The liveliest laws of Nature present today support letting go of that which is not useful or necessary and embracing simplicity. This energy is a gift to help everyone participating in this healing to streamline their systems, their bodies, their belongings, their beliefs, and habits, in favor of spiritual boons such as expansion of consciousness, devotion, gratitude, health, and wisdom.
Clearing energies which constrict the flow of consciousness at the cellular and sub cellular level of the body allowing for more efficient cellular metabolic function. Upgrade in efficiency by increasing discrimination, favoring higher vibrations, and letting go of the lower spectrum of energy structures in the astral structures of the cells and the walls of the cells. Special self made medicines from the causal level of the body designed to address the activities are purifying the cells and increasing absorption of nutrients. In the gaps or boundaries between cells, in the waters of the body, Holy union is awakening. In the gaps between cells, discordant feelings are clearing to be replaced by happiness, gratitude, acceptance, and discrimination. All this work on the physical body enhances the body's ability to be an effective antenna for Divine cognition.
There are tiny lines of consciousness connecting each cell to its own Divine nature. Establishing stability in these meridians. As this happens a read is taken by your Divine self on the health condition of every cell in the body simultaneously. There are some cells which are not living up to their potential. For these cells, clearing the low vibrational energies, (discordant feelings held in place by illusion, held in place by forms of ego, held in place by fear). There is an energy form which looks like a sheet or blanket of light which is radiating into these less healthy cells. This is the light of wisdom. It is discriminating, illuminating, transparent. There is a force and power within this light that has the capability to clear the karma which is behind cellular imbalance. Feeling the energy of this transformation like a gentle pressure, like a hug, in the matrix of creation, the matrix of life. This gentle squeeze is softening the energy field in and around the body. It is wearing off rough edges, it is creating a safe space both within and outside the body. All this is being affected by activating a loop of recognition between Divine intelligence and the celestial/causal level of the body. Your future self along with a fierce, powerful, capable form of celestial intelligence work together to balance that karma which sits at the basis of the lower energy patterns.
The connection between the energy that was in the unhealthy cells and the environment is unmistakable. We as a race have participated in the play of good vs. evil both individually and collectively for as far back as our collective memory can see. This is part of the challenge and gift of being human. By allowing darkness to exist in our world, we create a condition which slows the light of Divinity and teaches again and again how these two seemingly opposite values interact to give rise to evolution, manifestation of truth, cultural progress, etc. However, I feel that the laws of Nature which oversee this process on our beautiful planet, in the family of humanity have favored harsh lessons, have created conditions where sweet, devoted, well meaning people have needlessly suffered in the name of evolution. It is time for the organizing principles in our world to expand and embrace a more compassionate, empathetic, humble, and understanding approach to the dynamic relationship between silence and dynamism, light and dark, good and evil. The environmental energies are trying to maintain some kind of balance and consistency, but each persons place in the evolutionary process is a bit different. Some people may need to be slapped into moving forward. However, in this particular group, very few need this. It doesn't make sense that a person, utterly dedicated to blessing the world with the grace of their devotion should be made to suffer needlessly in the name of spiritual evolution.
I am asking the Mother of Creation if a modification in the laws of Nature can be made which accommodates the delicate difference from one person to the next, so that those who are already deeply dedicated to their personal evolution and the well being of all mankind can learn their lessons in an air of dignity, comfort, and joy, enthusiastically embracing each lesson as it comes with the basic resources needed to meet each new challenge. That the laboratory of Earth can support healthy, happy, sustainable growth of consciousness in an environment which enhances the strengths of each person while allowing them to expand in the areas which require more attention and love.
To accomplish this, subtle layers of illusion are being stripped from the collective consciousness of mankind, which had confined thinking into very limited conceptions of the nature of evolution, spiritual and otherwise. Under that clearing habits, personal identification, impressions, and memory patterns in the mental and emotional bodies associated with these limited beliefs. Seeds of light are being gathered by Earth's subtle intelligences, (devas) which will grow in the hearts and minds of our planetary family and awaken a clear vision of the possibilities of a coherent, peaceful, life supporting world structure which will maximally benefit all people everywhere.
Thank you so much to the Divine love, and intelligence in everyone in this healing for your role in this session,
Love and gratitude, Dorothy