Live Webinar on February 26 and 27:
Addressing Health Concerns through Energy Work
This webinar will primarily be an extended group healing session. We will discuss the principles of energy work and uncover finer understandings of how the energy fields of the body work, while exercising the ability to use them effectively.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.
Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions with the lively interaction of private consultations. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating from consciousness alone.
I look forward to sharing this event with everyone. Click here to register for Friday, Feb.26 at 8 pm CST or Saturday, Feb. 27 at 11 a,m CST.
Other Webinars: Schedule for March
Ideal Weight Management
Friday, March 11 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time, or Saturday, March 12 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time
Most dieters expect to deprive themselves for as long as it takes to get to their ideal weight. The problem is that deprivation is not sustainable. The Ideal Weight Management program is designed to eliminate the emotional blockages, habits, impressions and lack of self love responsible for the weight imbalance in the first place. Ultimately, doing so eliminates the need to diet at all. Restructuring oneself from the inside out, spontaneously results in ideal weight without effort, without deprivation, sustainably.
Every weight management webinar is designed to address the specific needs of the attending group, and new more powerful knowledge is coming out in this area all the time.
Living Your Passion for Success
Friday, March 25 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, or Saturday, March 26 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time
This live webinar will focus healings for the emotional, or feeling level of being to support successful manifestation, relationships, and evolution. The deepest level of feeling, the mode of in which we hum drives the process of unfolding consciousness. It determines the direction of life's change. This live webinar is designed to open awareness to the details of this area of consciousness, and clear impediments which hamper the ability to harness its full potential.
I am so excited about the work that we will do in this area because it is at the very forefront of evolution for everyone. We are moving into and area which I consider to be very advanced with regard to creating a quality of life which will result in the greatest benefit for our precious world and our family of humanity. The potential benefit resulting from the work in this webinar is really vast. I am looking forward to sharing it with all my dear friends and everyone who can gain benefit from joining the event.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $15 per location for weight loss webinars, and $25 per location for all other webinars.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.
New Blog Post:
Dharma, Duty, and the Heart
Dear Dorothy, I'm praying for the Divine to use me for Her purpose. Does Divine Mother "care" WHAT I do--meaning, does She care if I an attorney or a dance teacher , etc ? Or is it that She cares only that it comes from love, and that I'm happy doing it?
Dorothy: My perception is that Mother Divine wants to experience and express through you regardless of the particular activity at hand. Even if you are a lawyer six hours a day, She wants to be integrated with your activities the rest of the day too. Therefore, what ever you choose will be perfect.
On the topic of Dharma, (one's life duty) you will know that you are doing what you are meant to do when it benefits yourself as well as others, supports spiritual growth, you have the skills and resources to do it easily, you get more energy from that activity than you spend. When you think about doing a particular job, how does it make you feel? Is the idea exciting? Does it meet your particular requirements for physical, mental, and emotional comfort? If the feeling in your heart is light, happy, and enthusiastic about a particular occupation, then it is most likely the direction to pursue.
Another way to test an action is to take a step in the direction of your idea. If the step goes easily and the environment around you seems to rise up to support, this indicates that another step is in order. If you try and try and it just doesn't work, then this is an indication that you would be better off moving in another direction. Read more in Dorothy's Blog.....
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All. Thank you to the ancestors.
Starting with self acceptance. Clearing impressions and memory patterns in the physical body associated with self judgement and self criticism. Activating a recognition in all four levels of the mental body, (conscious mind, sub conscious mind, unconscious mind, and avenue of awareness) that the physical form is not just a gift from the Divine, but literally is the Divine expressed. Through the mechanics of the Divinity of all Creation knowing itself, the body functions as the instrument, or receiver of Divine cognition. Through the crown of the head the flow of light from your Infinite Self flows to be received by the conscious mind as a byproduct of activity in the pineal gland.
Clearing from the four dense levels of multitudes of ancestors illusions about the body being sinful, imperfect, coarse, non Being, etc. Layers of forgiveness flowing between the body and the personality, flowing from the form of the body to the deepest dimensions of the body. Working at a cellular and subcellular level, to increase receptor sites where input of grace, pleasure, comfort, self love, validation, understanding, etc. are received.
Clearing guilt, karma, and fear from the neck, throat, fifth chakra and the auric field of the fifth chakra. There seems to be a blockage at the back of the body where the fifth chakra sits. Clearing from this location, low vibrational frequencies (dark energies), sticky self identification with low vibrations, heavy discordant feelings, heavier than fear. Fear of loss of identity. Gently awakening Divine Truth in the celestial body. Self identification with Divine Being (expressed, unexpressed, becoming expressed, and dissolving) is the state which yields maximum environmental support, safety, capability, freedom. Although these qualities seem like opposites, you are possessing all of them simultaneously.
In energy work attention has the freedom to favor any one of these options over the others, or any combination. However, the mechanics of creating balance are activating. Thus allowing you to experience all of these values of Divine Being together, equality important, equality precious, equally powerful, woven into a single wholeness of experience.
Looking at the gap or junction between the unmoving, unexpressed, infinite, eternal Self and the most dense level of expression. In the gap between expressed and unexpressed, at the point where these values meet, awakening recognition of the eternal nature of consciousness. Awakening recognition that everything that the senses perceive is the precious gift of Divine Knowingness endlessly self interacting. Clearing multitudes of layers of individualize identification with the manifested form of creation, discordant feelings associated with the concept of failing or falling short of perceived expectations. Only these short comings can slow down the flow of Divine Grace enough to allow us to fully appreciate the penetration of light into darkness.
Lower frequency vibrations are present to show how sweet and amazing the light of Being really is. The light of Divinity is integrating in a more complete way in the mental body. Working with the subconscious and unconscious levels of the mind, clearing illusory beliefs which conflict with the reality that Divine Being is all that really exists. Clearing physical pain, painful memories, pain bodies, emotional pain. Under this clearing the habit of trying to hold onto the relative level of creation. Clearing habits in the personality of feeling responsible for how things turn out. Things turn out the way they turn out for the sake of efficient spiritual evolution. Things turn out for the sake of slowing the radiance of Divinity into the darkness so that we can know every detail with deepest gratitude and appreciation.
Establishing the habit of responding to life, first with gratitude then with devotion. Regardless of whether life circumstances are being interpreted as joyful or unhappy, the approach is the same. "Thank you for the gift of life experience. What can I do to uplift the frequency of this situation? How can my interaction with this experience result in highest good for all involved?" Very simple.
Sometimes you may have to ask for more detail. If the asking comes from the heart, with quiet, nonjudgmental openness, answers will come from within that are founded on pure truth. We are all growing into a state of greater capability, wisdom, and freedom.
Thank you for being with me, Love and gratitude, Dorothy
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