How to Get Rid of an Infection
Here is a little exercise to get rid of an infection. No reason for it to stick around!
The process works like this: When your body detects a cold virus, the good bacteria in your body take a sampling of the DNA of the virus, which is kept in an archive.
Based on their analysis of the virus DNA, the bacteria produces a protein (CAS9), which eliminates the virus from within the body of the bacteria. The virus DNA sample is kept in an archive so that immunity to that particular virus will, hence forth, be maintained.
For the average person, overcoming a cold takes seven to ten days. Other infectious diseases can take longer or shorter amounts of time. However, your Divine Self can provide resources of wisdom and energy to your helpful bacteria to greatly speed up this process. Click here to read more in Dorothy's blog.....

Webinar This Weekend: Healings for Long-Term Health Concerns
Friday, December 16 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time, $25 or Saturday, December 17 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Standard Time $25
When we hear of a “long-term” or “chronic” health situation, we often think “incurable.” Luckily, complete healing is possible for all conditions, regardless of their labels. This webinar gives us a chance to look at and transform the more hidden energies which underlie life’s most challenging conditions.
The deeper the darkness, the brighter the light required to dispel it. This webinar, occurring during the silent depths of winter, will celebrate the dazzling luminosity of Being. As we cuddle up in the cozy cocoon of our own Divinity, we will be engaged in collective healings that benefit not only our own long-term health conditions, but the long-term health of our world family.
Early January Webinar: New Year's Manifestation Workshop Friday, January 6: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25. Saturday, January 7: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per webinar, or $140 for a six-month webinar subscription which includes both Friday and Saturday webinars held on eight webinar weekends during the next six months.
New Videos on YouTube Please click on a photo below to view the video on YouTube.

Please visit my YouTube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.
Previous Energy Healing Webinars for Rent
Distance Energy Work (Remote Healing)
This budget-friendly option is perfect for those who require immediate attention and can benefit from short on-going doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. Looking first at the exquisite potential of the subtle levels of the body to create health and structure fulfillment, in contrast to the denser levels where discord most often blocks the flow of Divine expression. Looking at the form of the blockage. Seeing illusion in the gap between dense levels and subtle levels of the body. This illusion, that "I am not Divine in nature." goes back many generations. Based upon a desire to be humble, the ancestors didn't dare consider their relationship with Divine Being as a form of self-identification. There was some feeling of intimacy with God, and a personal relationship, but the feeling of Oneness, Union, was outside their range of comprehension, and therefore their understanding. Illusion, subtle filters, emotional trauma, and justification are clearing from the subconscious and unconscious levels of the mental body. For some people this illusion and its trappings extend from the the spirit through the mental levels of the body. This mix is clearing from many past incarnations as well as the present. Under this, clearing judgement, the habit of creating internal and external pressure in the name of evolution, trauma and pain bodies associated with that pressure, from astral through physical bodies. When illusion clears, wisdom comes. The wisdom that Being is all that there is. The doer in every situation is the Divine aspect of oneself, which possesses a long-term vision for personal and collective life. This understanding dissolves the pressure that one must strain to come up to expectations from within and without. It is useful to avoid the trap of replacing illusion with illusion. This means liberating oneself from the misunderstandings of our ancestors and common western thinking only to replace it with modern spiritual concepts which continue to limit in some way or another. Awakening Pure Truth at the celestial level of the body to consider all belief systems, concepts, ideas, and paradigms and expand them in terms of infinity, total liberation, Pure Being. Asking the God presence to present for consideration any of the above which are not serving life's highest goal. Going into detail regarding the fine mechanics of creation, and clearing away all concepts of separation. This process could take hours or days. I expect that it will be different for different people. I applaud each of you for taking part in this internal exercise, which will unfold sequentially and spontaneously. You deserve to keep only the real gems and let go of beliefs which do not serve.Belief systems becoming simpler, more innocent, and based on direct experience of the integration of inner and outer reality. Softening habits and patterns of getting stuck in negative thinking, self-delusion, heaviness, worry. Clearing worry from the throat particularly. With this, clearing fear also. From the etheric body clearing memories of trauma to the neck and throat area, both as a direct experience and sharing the experience with others. Lots of karma is moving with this clearing. Clearing the energies (pain bodies, attachments, and more) which bind one to a feeling of guilt, shame, remorse, embarrassment, particularly self-judgement. So much forgiveness, layers upon layers, of unconditional acceptance, self-understanding, and self-love as Divine love, flowing through the dense levels of the body, especially, neck and throat. The seeds of action (karma) are modifying to include union with one's Divine nature as a foundation for action along with the pursuit of individual goals and fulfilling personal needs. A permanent enhancement in the ability to function through devotion is causing the brain to rewire, causing the nucleus accumbens (pleasure center in the brain) to expand in size.Devotion spontaneously aligns individuality with the Source of Creation. The Mother of the Universe serves. Engaging in service ourselves, we create a foundation for the basic energy frequency of "Mother is at Home" to dominate at the celestial level of the body. We come intimately close to the very energy which is responsible for the manifested creation, and establish our own energy frequency in a supremely safe, comfortable, and holy space, which is optimal for healing and progress.
With love and gratitude, Dorothy
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