What to Expect in 2017...and what we can do about itWelcome to 2017 everyone! This blog presents a reading of the energies presenting themselves to us at the dawn of 2017.
As the pace of collective awakening quickens we are fortunate to witness the way Nature is responding to our expansion of consciousness and increasing acuity of essential truth.
Humans have the freedom to live life in varying degrees of alignment with Natural Law. Free agency is so important to the universe that constraints which might ensure comfort submit to those which support freedom of choice. Although this freedom makes life interesting, it has also been responsible for centuries of human suffering.
As we evolve, individual sensitivity to the finer mechanics of manifestation increases. As this happens, the environment becomes more sensitive to us. What this means is that 2017 is bringing a shift in the cosmic order which until now supported the illusion one can escape the consequences of wrong action.
Faster karmic returns on behavior motivate us to clean up the way we run our lives and our world. On a larger scale, our society will be more determined than ever to get honest people into positions of power who will make policies for a healthy future. However, everyone, across the board, no exceptions, will have to account for their actions.
The good news is that those dedicated to cultivating life with integrity will experience gain greater freedom to act upon their intentions and follow their dreams. The bad news is that those who have been getting by with various violations will be facing swifter retribution for their actions. They will face barriers to progress trying to forward unhealthy agendas. For the soft-hearted, sweet-natured people, it means that a finer awareness is coming. It means that the mistakes which lead to small discomforts, such as poor food choices, exaggerations, or selective insensitivities will also be under scrutiny. This opens the door for deep inner cleaning, which ultimately leads to a greater flow of inner light.
History shows that collective violation of life leads to cruel dictators or wars. Nature swings back to make people more accountable. We are in such a swing, right now. We are lucky to be avoiding WWIII at the moment, but many are afraid of what the future will bring. People feel helpless and at the mercy of leaders whom they do not trust. This is the emotional setup which is present during collective disasters.
Here is the interesting thing. The feeling of disaster is present without an actual disaster. Look around. There is no WWIII. Instead, there is a concern over what "might" happen, but at the moment we are holding steady. So, hold on.
The feelings of fear right now in society is not because our politicians are terrible people. The feeling arises as a byproduct of a keen inner knowing that every one of us is more accountable for our actions than at any other time in history. We are faced with learning how to function in a more sensitive environment without making disastrous mistakes.. It is not easy, but it is the path we have chosen in order to earn the right to have honesty, integrity, stability, and truth pervade our collective. With such a basis, we can create and maintain a social structure for a bright future. 2017 is the year we build a responsible foundation for the unified well being of the entire family of Earth! Go Earth!!Webinar This Weekend: Knowing the Inside TribeFriday, January 27: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday, January 28: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25.
The most powerful tools for self-healing and manifestation come from the subtlest levels of the body. Deep inside Cosmic Being, reality is both individual and collective. The term "Inside Tribe" refers to the wondrous collective structure of the 7th subtle level of the physiology.This area of oneself is experienced as both a profoundly intimate aspect of oneself and as independent sentient beings of creation. The focus of this webinar is how to cultivate a vital relationship with the inside tribe. We will look at how to approach, address, interact, communicate, and successfully coordinate with this most powerful level for natural mastery over the multiple kingdoms of creation.
This is quite an advanced topic as it interfaces with all of creation at the same time, while also being deeply personal in nature. The reason I am presenting this topic is because it seems quite clear that we need to be ahead of the curve of evolutionary flow and strengthen our collective functioning capacity.
2017 is shaping up to be a year of huge transformations, successfully addressed by coherent collective intention. We may all need the support of our inside tribe in order to weather the upcoming changes with maximum effectiveness.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per webinar, or $140 for a six-month webinar subscription which includes both Friday and Saturday webinars held on eight webinar weekends during the next six months.
February Webinar: Falling in Love with Divine Nature Friday, February 17: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday, February 18: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Standard Time $25
The most efficient way to use time and energy is to work from the core of an issue. The heart of a relationship is where souls reside in their pure essence. We reside in union with those we love in the heart of our own true nature. Understanding the details of our connectedness with others can extend to understanding our natural of connectedness with all of life throughout the creation.
All relationships are expressions and extensions of the first relationship: Divine Being with its own nature. This webinar will be an exploration into this relationship, efficiently upgrading everyone’s capacity to create, nourish, and sustain relationships in all areas of life which truly embody the highest values and life supporting effects that are the real potential of relationships.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. Distance Energy Work (Remote Healing)This budget-friendly option is perfect for those who require immediate attention and can benefit from short on-going doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.
Over 30 previous healing webinars available for rent at a nominal fee:
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. Celestial body resonating in a mode of mercy and forgiveness. This creates a foundation for focused healing work to take place at denser levels of the body. Within the story of the soul, each person in this healing has in their long history, times of feeling victimized. The "reason" given for the victimization was something which could not be changed, (i.e. ethnic background, educational background, economic background, gender, age, etc.) This created a longing to be something other than oneself, in some cases, even a hatred of oneself, at the very least, an identification of pain with sense of self, and a separation from the recognition of one's essential nature as Divine.The God presence is receiving a download of the formulas for light medicines, which are made primarily of love and created at the causal level of the body. With this download comes the autonomy to use these formulas freely as well as specific methods of use which promote their original intent. Additionally, in the 7th level of the body, a seed of support is awakening the skill of working with energy medicines with ever increasing facility. This includes opening subtle channels of action, reaction, and analysis which together refine capabilities and build confidence. Clearing from the unconscious mind and subconscious mind and emotional bodies, expectation, judgement, shame, embarrassment, and remorse associated with an evolving learning curve. Mother of Creation is infusing all of these medicines with Her energy, Her wisdom. She is blessing the entire body system to receive these light/energy medicines with ease and grace. Clearing and opening tiniest channels where energy flows to all parts and tissues of the body.Self trust, forgiveness, patience, and tolerance is increasing in the 3rd (mental) through 7th levels of the body. The download is stretching from this present incarnation to past and future incarnations. As it stretches through time, the forgiveness is soothing the ancestors as well. This both increases self acceptance and improves comfort in the learning process. More forgiveness is flowing. In all these cases where one fell victim to the meanness or cruelty of others. Although the perpetrator's individuality had an intention to do harm their Big Self was acting out of Nature's need of the time to create a situation which propelled everyone into a crisis which resulted in heightened awareness and therefore faster evolution. So this forgiveness is opening the door of understanding for the past situations in the light of their highest evolutionary value, in the light of the needs of the collective. Many times, personal safety and comfort was sacrificed so that someone you dearly, dearly loved would not come to harm. However, this gives rise to a lack of self trust, fear of self sacrifice, a belief that life is naturally unfair. Clearing this package from the causal through etheric levels of the body and as calcifications from the spine in the physical body. Under that, clearing memory patterns of pain, trauma, fear, terror, and grief. Mercy and forgiveness flowing. Starting to feel a great shift in energy in the collective consciousness. Channels of self love, self acceptance, self understanding, and of course self forgiveness are opening through the whole body system. This energy shift is washing the root of the pain which causes others to become perpetrators. It is washing the subtle body organs which feel pain but also feel insensitive at the same time. Offering this transformation to Cosmic Self. For every time in the past when you suffered at the hands of someone, that person will now have the opportunity to lovingly make up for any pain they may have caused a thousand times over. As you can imagine, being kind and loving is a joy in all ways.
With love and gratitude, Dorothy
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