Healing the HomeHome is where the heart is...we long to be in a special place that nourishes us.
How can we nurture the hearts of our homes and apartments so they naturally nourish us?
Everything residing in the field of life is a conduit for eternal Being. A person's home is no exception. Almost all of the rules which apply to the healing of a person's body also apply to a residence. The home has a soul born of the intention behind its original conception. Homes have feelings.
In our human bodies, our consciousness is the presiding entity, but each body system, each organ, each cell has an overseeing intelligence. Residences are the same. Each room has its particular energy signature. These energy signatures are based in part on the function of the room but can be modified by the way we utilize the space.
Homes and apartments also have fascinating, intimate, and complex relationships with their larger environments. When performing a healing or clearing for a home or apartment the whole range of manifestation is taken into consideration. Often if a building is more than a couple of decades old, there are memories and impressions set deep into the dense levels of its structure. Setting up an energetic selenite matrix in the building and on the property is a wonderful way to create orderliness in the energy field of the location, thus providing an easy exit for old energies.
The main principle in most healing work, especially in 2017, is to bring orderliness, balance and stability to subject of the healing. The greater orderliness, the better the flow of knowingness. The flow of knowingness is really eternal Being on the move. Being in a progressive state of evolution. What can be more useful and precious to life than this wholeness, or Being, moving and self-evolving?
In order for the life force in a home to evolve with maximum grace it needs space. So, creating a space of silence in the home where the soul of the home can reside with comfort and security is essential to the healing process. It is wonderful if you can do this physically. If you live in a tiny home the space can be created outside your home or can be established within the home energetically.
A home can feel hopeless if it isn't properly connected to the life force in the Earth. Our beautiful Earth is our first home, and has an exquisite system of flowing energy channels and nodes within the ground and geological features. Therefore the relationship between a home and the flow of Earth's intelligence is an essential component in residential healing. If one lives in an area with very few natural features, it can happen that the local energy grid will require some healing before integrating with one's residence. Once this is done, the feeling in the home is often greatly uplifted. Progress is activated and with that, peace and happiness.
Finally, each room has great potential, but of all the kitchen is subject to upliftment more than any other. In most homes, the kitchen is its functional heart. It is possible to organize an energy grid in this room which affects all of the food which is consumed in the home, to purify, enhance, and support its greatest value for the people who eat there. Through the evolution of proper nourishment the people and the microbiomoe in a home can live their full potential.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy
Energetic Clearings of Homes and Apartments on Dorothy's Website Webinar April 7 and 8: Manifesting Prosperity
Friday, April 7: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday, April 8: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25
This webinar will be an exploration into the details of what constitutes true prosperity. We will examine prosperity through the lens of systematic refinement, thus uncovering its essential blueprint. As we do this, the areas where our beings are not aligned with fullness and fulfillment in the area of wealth will be uncovered and addressed through energy healing.
We will work with simple practical steps for creating a realistic vision which exceeds personal expectations. Then we will systematically integrate that vision with denser and denser levels of expression until the original vision has fully blossomed in the field of personal experience.
We will also examine how to bypass negative karma, how to gain the favor of our personal manifestation powers, and how to work at a level that cannot be shaken by any kind of chaotic energies, whether dense or subtle.
Webinar April 21 and 22: Advanced Topics in Energy Work:The Lexicon of the Universe – Gaining Mastery in Communication With All Life
Friday, April 21: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday, April 22: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25
We have identified the location and nature of our powerful inner reality through “Knowing the Inside Tribe” and “Falling in Love With Divine Nature.” Now it is time to get to work. In this interactive webinar we will consider what it takes to master communication with Divinity and the finest, most powerful aspects of our healing and manifesting potential.
We will look at the similarities and differences between standard self-communication and communication with the subtlest strata of the manifested world. We will work with tools of consciousness for effective transactions of energy and matter. We will find out what Nature wants from us, so that we are ever-positioned for highest favor from the level of our total potential.
We will learn how to ask and how to receive clear transmissions of understanding from the filed of pure knowingness.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. Distance Energy Work (Remote Healing)This budget-friendly option is perfect for those who require immediate attention and can benefit from short on-going doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.
Over 30 previous healing webinars are available as rentals at a nominal fee:
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. Feeling a systemic "massage" of energy oscillating from the front to the back of the body's magnetic field. This is happening within the cranium at the same time that it is happening from the emotional to physical levels of the body. Each energy node within the body is experiencing the wave of energy. This is causing a unification of the resonation of the nodes. Their individual energy signatures remain unique based upon their location in the body, but are "singing in tune" with the introduction of this energy wave.
The wave is, of course offered to the field of Pure Wholeness.
With increased unity in the nodes of the body, the system is able to receive clearer more complete information from the universe. Our bodies are functional transmitter/receivers of cosmic reality. A coherent body experiences enhanced information flow. Unification of the energy in the nodes, even a little, substantially improves reception. Improved reception is fundamental for success. Clearing ancestral habits associated with closing off or blocking reception of information. There is a ton of karma that goes with this blocking of information. It is a mountain range.Clearing fear in the organs of perception and the cortical zones associated with sensory input. Under the fear, clearing the illusion that facing truth is painful. Facing truth can be challenging, but also gives life great meaning. Clearing habits in the mental and emotional bodies of choosing the easy way, choosing to do nothing, or procrastinate rather than sort out problems and install solutions. Feeling a very nice, focused, orderly, but easy energy frequency stabilizing in the collective and causal levels of the body. Causal especially, this is where the contracts with procrastination, and avoidance of addressing challenges are dissolving. Sometimes one focuses on any number of minor issues, in order to avoid focusing on the essential issue. Why? Because the thought of taking out a core issue is terrifying. Deconstruction of a core issue will destabilize the foundation of one's reality. Ironically, the ultimate purpose of this destabilization is to expand the world view. This doesn't change the fact that the initial destabilization of life's foundation can be terrifying. Destruction of the old is necessary for emergence of the new. It is natural to experience some excitement, some upsurge of energy when a life transforming step is taken. Bliss guides the transformation to its highest outcome. Clearing terror from the mental and etheric bodies associated with this process in the present incarnation and in multiple previous incarnations. Under the terror, clearing impressions, memory patterns of ghastly events surrounding mass social and cultural transformation. Under this clearing from multiple physiologies contracts and habits of entanglement with very dense emotional structures in the astral through physical bodies. Forgiveness. Self-forgiveness for being in such a situation in the first place. Downloading recognition that this was chosen by Divinity, from the God presence, to allow the light of Being to penetrate the dense forms of creation. More forgiveness. Seeing the presence of angelic threads of the collective body stretching through history to sooth the suffering resulting from associations with traumatic situations and dense emotions. More self-forgiveness. Now clearing expectations and judgments along with belief systems which underlie an inability to self love. Here comes the part where we address the mountain of karma! Under this feeling a washing of the collective consciousness of humanity in the area of religion of the western world, also some other areas. Clearing greed and selfishness from subconscious and unconscious levels of the mental body of the upper echelon of society for about 500 years. (This segment of the healing took about 5 hours). So important for everyone. Thank you to everyone in this session for revealing the need and opportunity for this to happen. More forgiveness combined with understanding that human nature moves life toward greater fulfillment, happiness, progress, etc. There is such a well defined feeling of the love of Mother over seeing this segment of the healing. Focusing a broad perspective on the inherent goodness of the soul, and stabilizing life experience in its relationship with the vastness of Totality. This relationship forms the foundation for the transformations which integrate Divinity in the relative. All the places where life has fallen down, where it fails to shine in the full value of the truth of reality, these are the spots where the power of the immutable relationship with your Source is focusing. Like a lazer it is addressing the tiniest points. This relationship is speaking its reality to the flesh, to the consciousness, and molding the body into the form of its greatest potential.Thank you for being with me. With love and gratitude, Dorothy
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