Living Your Passion for Success
Friday, March 25 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, March 26 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25 This live webinar will focus healings for the emotional, or feeling level of being to support successful manifestation, relationships, and evolution.
The deepest level of feeling, the mode of in which we hum drives the process of unfolding consciousness. It determines the direction of life's change. This live webinar is designed to open awareness to the details of this area of consciousness, and clear impediments which hamper the ability to harness its full potential.
I am so excited about the work that we will do in this area because it is at the very forefront of evolution for everyone. We are moving into and area which I consider to be very advanced with regard to creating a quality of life which will result in the greatest benefit for our precious world and our family of humanity. The potential benefit resulting from the work in this webinar is really vast. I am looking forward to sharing it with all my dear friends and everyone who can gain benefit from joining the event.
Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions and the lively interaction of private consultations with the dynamism of a powerful group consciousness. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating directly from consciousness.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.
April Webinars
Infusing Relationships with Divine Love
Friday, April 8 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm US Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, April 9 at 11:00 am to 12:15 pm US Central Daylight Time $25
Liberating the flow of Divine love to penetrate all aspects of one’s relationship with the self and others is the purpose of this live webinar. Gracefully awakening to a state of greater synchronicity internally and externally will establish a ground for the frictionless flow of Divine love in the vast array of relationships in which we engage.
Stabilizing a condition of total self-acceptance, self-understanding, forgiveness, and comfort from the densest to the finest levels of the body will empower each participant to approach all external relationships with the capacity to create deeply fulfilling relationships which serve the individual and society alike.
Love Is the Currency of the Universe
Friday, April 22 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm US Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, April 23 at 11:00 am to 12:15 pm US Central Daylight Time, $25
This webinar is about manifesting wealth, affluence, and abundance. We will look in detail at the most effective method of actualizing wealth by harnessing the potential in the modes of consciousness which originate at the finest manifest level of individuality.
Collectively we will clear away blocks so we may gain clear access to the power of the celestial body. Specific modes of celestial resonation will be examined in detail. Most importantly, everyone participating in the live webinar will receive valuable experience and understanding working with their own multi-dimensional body system to create precisely the transformations in finance which best reflects the infinite abundance of cosmic reality.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $15 per location for weight loss webinars, and $25 per location for all other webinars.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
Share-A-Webinar Program
Now you can give webinars as gift to a friend or loved one at no additional cost when you sign up yourself.
Everyone signing up for a March or April webinar will receive a courtesy registration email for the same event that may be sent to one friend or relative who has never experienced a Distance Energy Work Webinar.
Webinars make amazing gifts. Share a webinar with a dear friend or relative, even if they live in a distant city, so you may participate together in the dynamic interplay of consciousness for individual and collective evolution.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.
New Blog Post: A Woman's Sexual Power Can Support or Destroy a Marriage
Dear Dorothy: I am a successful dentist in Los Angeles. Two years ago, my wife left me and taking our two teenage children with her. I was and still am completely crestfallen. What did I do wrong? My wife was everything to me. I loved and adored her.
During the 19 years of our marriage, I was very happy, I would do anything for her, even though she sometimes seemed distant and unsatisfied. A year before she left me, she became very cold and started to make herself more beautiful - exercising and dressing up every day. Then came the divorce. She said that we were no longer right for each other, that we did not understand each other any more.
What happened? Do you think I can get her back? I miss my wife and kids so much.
Dorothy: It appears that your wife was cheating on you. I am sorry. Her four dense bodies are gripped by the illusion that feeling loved is dependent on input from her environment, rather than the inner stability of her own Divine relationship with pure love. Because the field of the manifest is basically an empty reflection of inner reality it is ultimately unsatisfying. This is why, in spite of your devotion she is seeking more, never satisfied. One must build on the mountain itself, not on its reflection in the lake
When a woman finds the power to control a relationship with her sexuality this awakens great evolution and brings tremendous stability, happiness, and progress to a marriage. Balancing the energies of her femininity against the masculine energies of her husband, she can help him develop habits which will make her life happier. Using her understanding of his nature, she can provide favors and pleasure customized to his preferences. Thus, based on a system of rewards a couple can establish a luscious tension between the male and female energies which satisfy of both.
We are all infinity made manifest. Our world is our reflection. No one person, situation, or thing can reflect the totality of your Divine inner love. If one expects the spouse to be “everything”, to masterfully express the totality of perfect love, this is asking too much and not practical. At best, each person in our universe will reflect a portion or fraction of the inner experience of total love. However, knowing oneself as Divinity loving Itself results in reflections of love from every corner of creation. When synthesis of all relationships and experiences reflects the story of eternity, then every relationship resolves to fulfillment.
Bless your wife for bravely opening to her creative powers. However, I am so sorry that she wasn't able to analyze the situation better and consider ways of expressing that creativity which brings the family closer together. Time is required to establish enough trust to support deep powerful love. Starting over now, your wife will find herself back at a superficial level with new relationships, and lovers who are no better at being "everything" to her than you were.
Menopause brings a sense of sexuality which feels nearly out of control. A lot of women make rash decisions at that time which do not take common sense into consideration. This phase is temporary. It may not seem obvious in the moment, but the intensity of a woman's sexuality reduces a lot when she finishes menopause. She could feel very different in a few years.
You are now in a position to create anything you want. Usually a break like this cannot be properly repaired. But the karma released by losing your wife and family in such a way will create an open door for a relationship of much greater value, much greater stability. There is still so much life ahead of you and this experience will help your discrimination as you move ahead.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I am very sure that your ability to submit to a sweetheart will find its resting place in a wonderful relationship. Someone who is stable in her own self love will be able to treat you with more warmth and more sensitivity to your needs.
May you find the resolution to this situation which brings maximum fulfillment to the goal of total unfoldment of full potential and union with cosmic evolution.
Much love,
Read more posts in Dorothy's Blog.....
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
Feeling the areas most in need of addressing at this time. Clearing discordant feelings in the mental and emotional bodies. Clearing frustration over anticipated problems. Deep stable hum of the celestial body bringing awareness back to center and the realization that the point of power over the future resides in the present. Clearing illusion from the mental body. All that exists in the whole creation (even past and future) resides in the present moment. Both past and future are handled from the present moment only.
When problems are anticipated, this is fear and drama projected into the future. Clearing fear directly from the central nervous system. particularly on the left side of the brain. As this happens it is also loosening up fear in the collective consciousness of humanity. Under this individualized identification is also clearing. This tendency to identify oneself with fear, suffering, problems is connected to the creation or manifestation of dramas.
The source of the release of these imbalances, is a beautiful, stable, strong flow of light energy, or frequency of function in the celestial body. This flow or frequency is feminine in nature and holding very steady. It is emanating from the Holy Silence in the center of the inner sanctum of the self, from that quiet space deep within the heart where one is in union with oneself, safely residing in one's own company.
Working now with the bodies of each person in this healing session, but also the ancestors. Going back at least 12 generations. Clearing habits of looking for discord and attaching attention to that discord from the brain particularly in around the inferior temporal cortex and out lying points of the limbic system.
Clearing vicious cycles from the etheric, mental, and emotional bodies, connected to looking for troubles and becoming gripped by them. Clearing pain bodies from the unconscious mind, subconscious mind, and emotional bodies which make the gripping appear less painful, but also keep one attached, or yoked to it. Clearing more attachments and more vicious cycles, associated with getting some kind of thrill from discord, darkness, or suffering.
Still with the ancestors.
There is a very big illusion connected to getting a thrill from moving toward darkness rather than light. This illusion has to do with the laws of Nature which are behind creation and destruction. I know that you are here because you love the light. However, there are pockets, with the ancestors, with the collective consciousness of mankind which are so gripped by darkness that rather than attempting to dig themselves out, they have decided to embrace that darkness, find some pleasure in it (guilty pleasure). The clearing of this illusion and the energies behind it are basic to helping those with addictions, abuse issues, self sabotage, and of course, anxiety, fear, and stress about the future.
We all live in the web of life on Earth together, and cannot heal ourselves unless we heal all of humanity. Each of us carries a little bit of everyone else with us. Therefore, to reach and heal the more remote sources of personal concern, all of life must heal. This turns the tide of karma in favor of those who wish the very best for everyone. It also creates a softer, sweeter, more life supporting field for all of us to live.
This illusion that convinces people that destructive behaviors are somehow pleasurable, sits in the area of the causal through physical bodies. Although slightly different for each person, it can also be found in organs, chakras, gaps, and connections. Clearing from all these areas. Some man made places, houses, buildings, and structures also hold this illusion. All are being cleared.
The aspect of self which is affecting this healing is stability in Divine Being/Divine Wisdom Itself. Your true Self, your essential Self remains ever liberated from any and all illusion. Resolving contracts and clearing self identification with aspects of the self which are responsible for getting into pain, creating problems for oneself, creating dramas, self sabotaging, etc.
Deep flow of forgiveness to the ancestors. This forgiveness emanates from the inner sanctum of the self. A complimentary combination of energy forms are being created at the causal level of the body to further support this process by stabilizing the nervous system. This results in your ability to function from the present moment as the default mode. Evidently this wasn't already the case for everyone. Luckily, it is now for participants in this session and their ancestors.
Establishing cycles and habits of behavior which support finding good in each moment. Rewiring the brain to draw the maximum evolutionary value from this second and to revel in the exquisite brilliance of how awareness, as light, how consciousness, the expression of pure Being, penetrates everything and uplifts it to its highest value. One need only put attention on anything what so ever, and that thing is activated to come closer to its full potential.
We already effortlessly possess the most powerful tool in creation for creating good, for manifesting anything. How attention is directed is the key to making this moment into the most valuable, important, shining moment that ever was.
The best part is that we are all already experts in directing our attention. It goes without even trying. May you take delight in the ways in which your attention flows. May you use this tool for the good of all people. May it insight happiness wherever it falls, and may we collectively create a world which will be of greatest use to ourselves, to others, and to the purpose of cosmic evolution.
Thank you so much to the Divine love, and intelligence in everyone in this healing for your role in this session,
Love and gratitude, Dorothy