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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Distance Energy Work Newsletter No. 22 Infusing Relationships with Divine Love

Issue No. 22:
Infusing Relationships with Divine Love:
Webinar on April 8 and 9

Share-A-Webinar Program
New Videos on Youtube:

Healing for the Pacific Ocean
Healing at the Pacific for Our Ancestors

Energy Healing for the Air and Atmosphere
Energy Healing for How We Think of Ourselves

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Infusing Relationships
With Divine Love:
Webinar on April 8 and 9

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 

Infusing Relationships with Divine Love

Friday, April 8 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or
Saturday, April 9 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25

This live webinar will focus healings for the emotional, or feeling level of being to support successful manifestation, relationships, and evolution. 

Liberating the flow of Divine love to penetrate all aspects of one’s relationship with the self and others is the purpose of this live webinar.

Gracefully awakening to a state of greater synchronicity internally and externally will establish a ground for the frictionless flow of Divine love in the vast array of relationships in which we engage. Stabilizing a condition of total self-acceptance, self-understanding, forgiveness, and comfort from the densest to the finest levels of the body will empower each participant to approach all external relationships with the capacity to create deeply fulfilling relationships which serve the individual and society.

Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions and the lively interaction of private consultations with the dynamism of a powerful group consciousness. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating directly from consciousness.

Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.

Please visit 
my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.

Another Live Webinar in April:

Love Is the Currency of the Universe

Friday, April 22 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm US Central Daylight Time, $25 or
Saturday, April 23 at 11:00 am to 12:15 pm US Central Daylight Time, $25

This webinar is about manifesting wealth, affluence, and abundance. We will look in detail at the most effective method of actualizing wealth by harnessing the potential in the modes of consciousness which originate at the finest manifest level of individuality.

Collectively we will clear away blocks so we may gain clear access to the power of the celestial body. Specific modes of celestial resonation will be examined in detail. Most importantly, everyone participating in the live webinar will receive valuable experience and understanding working with their own multi-dimensional body system to create precisely the transformations in finance which best reflects the infinite abundance of cosmic reality.

Please visit 
my website to sign up for this webinar. The fee is $25 per location.

Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.

Share-A-Webinar Program

Now you can give webinars as gift to a friend or loved one at no additional cost when you sign up yourself.

Everyone signing up for an April webinar will receive a courtesy registration email for the same event that may be sent to one friend or relative  who has never experienced a Distance Energy Work Webinar.

Webinars make amazing gifts. Share a webinar with a dear friend or relative, even if they live in a distant city, so you may participate together in the dynamic interplay of consciousness for individual and collective evolution.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.

New Blog Post: Using Negativity to Create Positivity - A Step by Step Process

Dear Dorothy: After my first consultation with you, for nearly 24 hours, I felt well on most levels for the first time in over a decade. Then my body and mind went back to the familiar set point of increasing symptoms, gradual decline and worry, despite my best attempts to support that shift. Can you speak to that experience, i.e., why such a strong, positive response that I could not maintain to at least some degree? 

Dorothy: The positive response to our private consultation was your Divine Intelligence showing how quick and effortless the transformation to health can be.  Although the effect didn't last long because evidently this was all your intelligence needed to remember how robust health feels. In just one day the feeling was recorded. This feeling is used as a blueprint to structure your path to health. It is a tool, for the total restructuring of your journey to freedom from disease.

The process is very simple:
  • Mentally compare the feeling of being ill with the template of health, the feeling of returning to health offered after the last private session.
  • By way of contrast, let the distress of the current situation define the comfortable state of robust health.
  • Feel that state of health as delicately as possible. Not a concrete thought, or an affirmation, but a subtle feeling, a flavor of health, a state of being. 
  • Love this feeling. 
  • Offer it at the feet of your Divine Being. Totally let it go. No expectations.
  • Your Divine Self will tweak the vision, aligning it with your highest potential, total union, then offer it back. 
  • Quietly enjoy the flow of Divine cognition as it flows in through the crown of the head directly to the body. The body reads the response from your Divine Self extremely quickly, it comes in as a feeling. The body is the antenna for Divine Knowingness.
  • The body will "speak" to the conscious mind through the universal language of perception and experience. You will notice ideas, sensations, visions, dreams, impressions, etc. This communication might be experienced in a variety of inner sensory activations. 
  • You will notice that the conscious mind/personality will feel enthusiastic or excited about some or all of the ideas which come. The ideas which align with the original feeling of robust health, no matter how illogical or hair brained, will be the ones which, acted upon, will bring the results you desire. 
Taking some action is also part of the healing process. The actions which are presented to the conscious mind may or may not be actions in the manifest field. They could be inner actions, ways of adapting some of the exercises on my website to suit your needs better or maybe the inspiration to try an herb that you didn't know about before, or change some habit slightly to support better rest, etc.

Going through the process outlined above has many other side benefits, least of which is the integration of your Divine self with the definition of who you believe yourself to be. You are actually awesomely powerful, and fully capable of self healing. The more times you do the process above, the faster and more efficient you become. After a little while, you will find that it takes only seconds to practice.

One thing can be added here. The feeling of fear can be used as leverage to create the feeling of confidence and progress just as the feeling of ill health is recommended to be used in the process above. Any discord helps one define the direction of light in which they need to move. My Dad used to say, "If you can't be a shining example, you can always be a horrible warning." Use the fear like a "warning" and move in the opposite direction. Use it like a tool which shows you the direction that you don't want to move. You are not your fear. You are much, much bigger than the fear. It is a tool which illuminates the feelings which you choose to cultivate.

Think of a blank canvas. It shows nothing until a small black dot is placed upon it. Then suddenly, one is quite aware of the expanse of the white area. Without the black dot, one doesn't really notice the white canvas. Right? But even one little dot, and voila, the vast expanse of whiteness is illuminated by contrast to that dot. The fear is like the black dot, and your infinite, powerful consciousness is like the canvas. You don't know how awesome you really are until there is something there to contrast with your brilliance.

Did I send you this
 TEDx talk by Dr. Lissa Rankin? It is very inspiring. The work we do together takes off where her observations end.

May you quickly find your feet on the path to improved health again very soon. This time stable, knowing precisely where you are going. 

Much love,

Read more posts in Dorothy's Blog.....

Distance Energy Work Sessions

YouTube Channel

Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter

Photos of northern San Diego County beaches and flowers by Dorothy Rowe


This healing is activated
as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. 

Feeling waves of compassion and grounding combining to address fears seated deep in the torso. These fears borne of traumas long past are embedded as bio memory. This means coming from the collective consciousness as well as ancient memories. They are manifested physically as methyl groups, which silence DNA. Talking to the DNA. Methyl groups can be dissolved or released with the energy frequency of resolution and letting go. Causal body producing the correct energy frequency, celestial body administering it to the molecular level of the body.  Lots of forgiveness moving into this area as well. Softness moving. Feeling the relief that goes along with release.

Suddenness or surprise are also present under the fear. This can happen when intuition is not engaged. Again causal body creating the appropriate energy frequency, celestial body activating to ensure that intuition integrates systemically in astral through etheric levels of the body.  In addition to this clearing impressions of dullness, lack of motivation, or desire to know truth from the distant past (spirit body). 

Clearing feelings of being overwhelmed, unprepared, set up for failure in the mid torso area. For some people this is sitting in the digestive system, for others in the chest, others throat, thyroid, heart, etc. Softly addressing the neck, and gently washing the feeling of being overwhelmed with showers of healing and liquid white light. 

Another challenge presented by this fear is that it is held in common with nearly everyone. So, it feels huge. 

Extending the clearing above to humanity. Feeling the anticipation of change in all of humanity. Addressing this by stabilizing awareness in the field of Pure Awareness. Clearing 3Ms (blockages to the flow of consciousness) and distractions. Reactivation of the memory of the blueprint of cosmic evolution. This coming as a download to the family of humanity.

Clearing illusion from spirit body. Angelic forms of the self are blessing you with abiding inner peace during times in the past when you were going through major transitions. The causal body is making light medicines which promote a sense of well being. This well being is understood first by the physical body, as an energetic nectar. Then understood by the awareness, and the energetic signature of well being logged for revival at any time. 

It is very useful to stabilize the ability to simply receive whatever is happening with innocence and neutrality in the present moment, witness it. Doing so cultivates flexibility in the nervous system so that on can appreciate each experience from the level of body, Divine Mind, and conscious mind simultaneously. This supports evolution by infusing the perspective of infinity, truth, and broadest comprehension into the details of life experience. 

Now clearing attachments, pain bodies, assumptions, more fear (anticipating failure) in the mental and emotional bodies for yourself and ancestors. Clearing fear from the throat, moving down to the heart. Download to the God presence and higher self for heart centered means of living. This doesn't mean that you have to do anything that you don't feel to do. It merely extends your options for experience, understanding, and expression of your essential nature. 

Drawing upon the wisdom from the family treasury, collecting resources to deal with big transformations, collective transformations. The family treasury is an extension or subset of the akashic record. It holds record of the spiritual story of each ancestor and resides as the silent spindle of the DNA. Anticipation of accelerated collective transformation is allowing a wonderful download of information pertinent to times when everything turns around. This includes enhanced intuition, bliss establishing at the junction between manifest and unmanifest levels of the self, increased ability to detach from the outcome of actions (especially in the mental body).

Feeling the Source of Creation holding the vision of unity gently in the face of diversity and change. Every little wave of evolution or transformation tying back to the wholeness of creation, remembering its role in relationship to all other waves and ensuring success in supporting all good for everyone. 

Thank you so much to the Divine love, and intelligence in everyone in this healing for your role in this session,

Love and gratitude,


Copyright © 2015 by Distance Energy Work.  All rights reserved.

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Distance Energy Work Dorothy Rowe - November 2017 Medicines of Light and Other Healing Methods   Live Webinar o...