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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Distance Energy Work Newsletter No. 23 Love Is the Currency of the Universe

Issue No. 23:
Love Is the Currency of the Universe:
Webinar on April 22 and 23

New Videos on Youtube:

Energy Healing for Past Traumas
Healing for the Heart
A Flow of Divine Light Is Constantly        Moving into the Body
Light Healing at the Pacific Ocean

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Love Is the Currency
of the Universe:
Webinar on April 22 and 23

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 

Love Is the Currency of the Universe

Friday, April 22 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or
Saturday, April 23 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25

This webinar is about manifesting wealth, affluence, and abundance. 

We will look in detail at the most effective method of actualizing wealth by harnessing the potential in the modes of consciousness which originate at the finest manifest level of individuality.

Collectively we will clear away blocks so we may gain direct access to the power of the celestial body. Specific modes of celestial resonation will be examined in detail. Most importantly, everyone participating in the live webinar will receive valuable experience for understanding and working with their own multi-dimensional body system to create precisely the transformations in finance which best reflect the infinite abundance of cosmic reality.

Please feel free to write in questions prior to the webinar. There will be opportunities to ask questions during the event as well. 

Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions and the lively interaction of private consultations with the dynamism of a powerful group consciousness. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating directly from consciousness.

Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.

Please visit 
my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.

Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.

New Blog Post: Turning Insults into Cosmic Flowers
Dear Dorothy: You said that nature is trying to help me grow by bringing into light what I have repressed so I can expand and grow. And that to do so, I should interpret the message in the highest interpretation for my spiritual growth.  I don't think I understand how to do this, or what this is.  Lets say my sister tells me I am selfish.  So the message is that I am selfish.  What is the highest interpretation of this message?  that indeed I am selfish and I need to be more selfless?  That just feels like self-hate--which I have plenty of already :(

I know that this feeling that I am a bad person, who is unlikable is just a story, a miserable story that I developed in this lifetime with my miserable family.  I can see that in transcendental experiences which I can access.  The problem is that when I have to deal on the material plane with human beings, I feel that I don't quite know how to do things right, and if people get angry or upset its my fault. I find human relationships incredibly challenging.

Dorothy: People can only reflect their own stuff into the environment. So, when your sister tells you that you are selfish, this means that she is selfish. She is seeing her own reflection in the mirror of the universe. She is reflecting self judgment back to you. Right? She is judging you. This is an opportunity for deep self inquiry. "Where am I judging myself? Where am I being too hard on myself?" The environment will naturally magnify areas which need attention and send them to you for inspection.

This situation is asking you to respond to your sister in a way which illuminates truth. Take this moment to be completely non judgmental with her, then express unconditional love, which takes non-judgmentalism to its complete fulfillment. This will end her rant in its tracks and turn her awareness deeply within herself.

The fact that she feels so comfortable with you, and trusts in your love so much that she feels safe expression her opinion is totally reason to rejoice. You have a clear mirror which will not lie to you. The more horrible her insults, the more clearly defined your position. When people are rude or cruel, they give the gift of clear definition of what we don't want. This really is a gift which allows one to appreciate ones own Divine reality.

It is worse when people simply lie to not hurt your feelings, or don't care enough about you to say what they really feel. Even if the message is not pretty, one can be grateful for a relationship where one knows precisely what the other person is thinking and feeling. Then you know exactly how to position yourself. Responding to negativity with positivity not only protects you from the negative, it literally restructures the underlying reality of the situation and often the relationship itself. She has sacrificed herself to help you see what you don't want to be. What a gift! Then be the opposite of the horrible warning which she is so clearly offering. It is so much easier to be amazing when the opposite path is clearly defined.

The relationships which are the most dysfunctional are those were you can't tell where the other person stands at all. Again, meet this by being absolutely clear where you stand. Relationships are based on trust, and trust is based on honesty. Authentic communication is basic to a functional relationship. If the other person is ambiguous, unclear, or dishonest, then trust cannot build. Do not be fooled that there is a valid relationship in a case like this. You need a foundation of honesty to create a real relationship which has any chance of lasting. Honesty needs to go both ways. If you are giving it but not getting it, then it is time to look elsewhere for closeness.

People are attracted to you, not because you are talented, or awesome in some way. They want to be with you because of how they feel about themselves in your presence. When you see the Divine shining through the personality, physiology, or soul of another, then they find themselves rising to the value of their own Divinity. This is evolutionary for them and for you. Since life is a field of constant change, people always favor situations, relationships, and circumstances which reflect progressive change. Seeing God in all things, especially other people, will spontaneously structure relationships which lead all parties to their highest potential.

Thank you again for the great question. I hope all this helps. You deserve to feel good about yourself and everyone else. 

Much love,

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Photos of northern San Diego County beaches and flowers by Dorothy Rowe


This healing is activated
as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. 

Feeling utmost compassion for humanity, particularly for those who have suffered as a consequence of their state in creation, because of age, gender, race, etc. Clearing feelings of inadequacy from the tissues of the body, from the skin, from the hair, from the bones, muscles and fat. Clearing impressions, individual identification, and illusion of being inadequate. Clearing self doubt from the feet.

The celestial body is rising in waves of confidence, capability, clarity of intention, resourcefulness. Looking to the whole life story and finding all points which harmonize with these qualities. The presence of God in each reader is knitting these points which reflect your potential to successfully create the reality which will support progress, together in a coherent structure which will color your life story in such a way as to ensure fulfillment as an overall life theme. 

Looking into past traumas of being pushed into action before feeling adequately prepared. Forgiveness, compassion, and comfort flowing from the present moment into the past. This action is activated from the level of the celestial body, nourishing the past, present, and future simultaneously. Clearing fear of making mistakes and fear of success from the four lower bodies.

Under this clearing the fear that one cannot love oneself due to perceived imperfections in personality, behavior, thinking, habits, etc. On the contrary. When we create self made boundaries and limitations (imperfections), this makes us all the more precious in the eyes of the Mother of Creation. She sees our "problems" as opportunities to Self interact with such light of perfection that the boundaries are not only dissolved, but new layers of life created, revealed, manifested. 

What we think of as weaknesses and limitations are actually the structures which allow the most powerful expressions of Divinity shine in the field of the relative. Each little personal "problem" becomes a gem in the crown of Cosmic Life. 

Shifting attention to the core of the body, where the highest concentration of Pure Awareness exists, where the home of Divine Nature is most concentrated. From here supporting the creation of light medicines made by the causal body. These medicines communicate the story of cosmic connection and tenderest love in the universal language of perception and understanding. This language is spoken by the Mother of the Universe Herself, the body, the personality (or conscious mind).

We have been speaking this language all our lives, sometimes without even realizing it. All things in creation share this common form of communication. When the important message of highest spiritual progress is communicated, it does so through this language. 

In this particular case, the energy medicines speak directly to the tissues, cells, atoms, etc. of the physical body. They whisper the truth of the body as the perfect antenna for Divine cognition. The whole universe is you, but it is experienced through the vehicle of the body, through the perceptual function of each human nervous system. Infinite love flowing in through the crown of the head into the central nervous system is speaking to the physical body of its precious status as a witness bearer to the Total expression of reality as our amazing universe. This in turn causes the physical body to create neruopeptides and hormones which creates a sense of well being and connectedness to all life.

These neurochemicals act and interact with the thought process and impulses of the heart, to create harmonious waves of self interaction which give rise to modifications in the very structure of the nervous system, making it an ever more sensitive antenna for even more astounding Divine cognition.

This endless cycle of evolutionary self interacting loops of consciousness are ever offered at the feet of the endless ocean of non material Being without expectation, with only deepest gratitude and devotion to the story of eternal union. 

Thank you so much to the Divine love, and intelligence in everyone in this healing for your role in this session,

Love and gratitude,


Copyright © 2015 by Distance Energy Work.  All rights reserved.

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Distance Energy Work Dorothy Rowe - November 2017 Medicines of Light and Other Healing Methods   Live Webinar o...