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Sunday, May 28, 2017

Issue No. 41: Reverence Is the Key to Open the Door to Eternal Wisdom

Issue No. 41:
Meaningful Relationships that Nourish the Soul - Webinar on May 12 and 13
New Videos on YouTube

New Blog Post: Reverence Is the Key to Open the Door to Eternal Wisdom

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Reverence: Opening the Door to Eternal Wisdom


Meaningful Relationships that Nourish the Soul:

Webinar on May 12 and 13

Dorothy Rowe - Distance Energy Work 
Reverence Is the Key to Open the Door to Eternal Wisdom

The great celestial field which is the subtlest level of human manifestation sits quietly, until awareness activates it with a resonation of intention. This process of self-activating is the foundational first step to creating anything directly from consciousness. When awareness folds into the field of the celestial body, it can enhance the celestial body with any type of energy frequency or resonation of intelligence. There are infinite frequencies and combinations of energy which will resonate in the celestial body when awakened there. Each resonation provides a unique foundation upon which to define oneself in order to achieve a desired goal.

Reverence is one of these resonations. This particular manifestation of consciousness is an extension of love, devotion, and respect. It is my experience that reverence is the key that opens the door to the Eternal Tradition of Wisdom. The aspect of creation which we think of as the Eternal Tradition of Wisdom is directly accessible to anyone who chooses to approach with reverence. This living archive of all knowledge has been evolving since the beginning of creation. It is organically growing by the loving cultivation of all the greatest knowers of reality throughout history. 

The Eternal Tradition of Wisdom resides in a range of manifestation from the denser end of the celestial body, through the whole collective body, and into the subtler levels of the causal body. This Tradition of Wisdom is the nourishing source of knowledge which feeds the healing intelligence of the body. Clustered all around it, all through and through it--it is actually comprised of---the being or the souls of the greatest knowers, geniuses and seers that have ever lived, that have ever existed, that still exist. They may not necessarily still be existing in fleshy human form, but they absolutely still exist.

They are eternal. That is why we call wisdom eternal. Reverence is the key.

When reverence resonates at the celestial level of the physiology, it resonates not only like a single thing, but also like a matrix. The matrix of reverence includes many other immediately obvious positive effects and benefits but also remote effects and benefits. Reverence is what is humming at the celestial level of the physiology when all the doors of wisdom open to individual awareness, and the light of knowingness floods in.

Eternal wisdom feeds into the collective level of the body. The collective level of creation is where the vital beings reside. With bodies which resemble threads of light, these beings are responsible for the dynamic effects of consciousness on the field of matter, making the world as it is. (Please see the healing in this newsletter for a perspective on this aspect of your consciousness.)

From the experience of genuine reverence, the Eternal Tradition of Wisdom awakens the flow of pure knowingness in the body. Knowingness affects all densities in the body. This self-interaction nourishes the whole being from the subtlest to densest levels, which results in improved health, happiness, wisdom, and blossoming of the full potential of consciousness. The self-interaction is a resonating loop. When the precise frequency of the resonation is reverence, then the gap between Pure Unmanifest Being, the source of creation, and the deepest level of manifested Self gets oiled up. In the language of Vedic Science, reverence is connected to ojas, the vital essence that promotes health. There is a relationship between reverence and ojas. They both have a oiling or nourishing effect on consciousness.

The collective level of the physiology looks like a fabric, interwoven threads of light. At the denser end of the collective body, right before it meets the causal body, there starts to become sort of a clumping of the threads. Every thread is woven through the whole fabric of life and therefore understands itself in terms of Wholeness. These threads are completely, systemically enmeshed in the collective level of creation. At that level, one identifies with Wholeness. At the denser end of the collective level of the body, the threads start to self organize according to similarities or families.

The Eternal Tradition of Wisdom is the clumping of those threads which are none other than the great knowers of reality, who  have expanded on to be even greater than they were when they were in this human realm. All the Masters are there. And that clumping together has created a sacred space around it. The denser end of the collective realm is exactly where we run into the sacred spaces of creation. At the finer end we come closer and closer to the field of Pure Being which is the blazing light of pure knowingness.

Reverence is the key to gaining access to these sacred spaces of knowledge and wisdom. It is also fundamental to the establishment of one's spiritual body within the heart of Being.

Love and gratitude,

Webinar May 12 and 13:
Meaningful Relationships that Nourish the Soul

Friday, May 12: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central  Time $25 or
Saturday, May 13: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25

This webinar will focus on the unity in every part of creation reflected in the human soul.

Ultimately every relationship is the relationship of Divine Being with itself, through each of us. Everyone is an antenna of creation, and everyone has the potential to realize the fullest expression of Divine embodiment.

​When this happens, the chaos and challenges of life fall into a state of order. One experiences life “in the zone.” All actions are harmonious with the entire field of creation.

The healing work in this session will focus on those aspects of our relationships which have the purpose of challenging life into expanding. Situations which spontaneously create tension, discord, and misunderstanding will be addressed through energy healing to support a new paradigm in the field of relationship for everyone. We have access to enough truth now to recreate successful patterns which will allow smooth communication and a greater capacity to love within all of life’s relationships.

visit my website to sign up for a webinar.

Webinar June 2 and 3:
Wake Up Your Inner Healer

Friday, June 2: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central  Time $25 or
Saturday,June 3: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25

The process of mastering energy healing continues. In this session, we will examine how to best integrate the areas of our life in which we already have good control with areas where there is still uncertainty.

I love to use the health oriented webinars to do lots of healings for all kinds of concerns. Please feel free to send in your questions and requests prior to the session. The more areas we can focus on together the more powerful the healing work will be for everyone.

Looking at the symptoms of imbalance, we will focus on gaining more autonomy over the areas of our consciousness which can effectively eliminate those symptoms by removing the source of imbalance. As we do this, the mechanics  of the healing process will continue to reveal themselves so that everyone can become more and more cozy with their personal inner healing capacity.

visit my website to sign up for a webinar.

Live Events In Walnut Creek ( East of San Francisco Bay) May 19-20, 2017

Please click here to register for the Walnut Creek events

Distance Energy Work (Remote Healing)

This budget-friendly option is perfect for those who require immediate attention and can benefit from short on-going doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.

New YouTube Videos

Healing for Financial Afflucence

Reverence: Opeing the Door to Eternal Wisdom

Energy Healing for Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Healing for the Flow of Wisdom and Knowledge

Please visit my YouTube channel to view more healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.

Previous Energy Healing Webinars for Rent

Over 30 previous healing webinars are available as rentals at a nominal fee:

Dorothy’s Webinars for Rent on YouTube

Dorothy’s Webinars for Rent on Vimeo

Other Services

Distance Energy Work Sessions

Personal Consultations

Residential Clearings


Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter

Photos by Dorothy Rowe, Pella Tulip Festival, Pella, Iowa, 2017


This healing is activated
as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.  Clearing rejection from the causal through physical bodies. Under that clearing grief. Under this is a big karma.

It is the nature of karma to sit at various distances from the soul. Ideally as far away as possible. When karma is sufficiently distant, then it doesn't have an influence on life. However, when consciousness expands, it can make contact with karma which was previously distant, and draw that karma into the life flow. The problem with this is that the karma appears to come from nowhere, and often one feels unprepared to cope with its consequences. In fact, the karma is strategically placed so that the expansion of consciousness required to reach it is also capable of handling the challenges presented by it.

If the karma can be pushed far enough away from the soul, then the greater expansion of consciousness can very, very easily handle the details of the karma, as if it was hardly there.

In the case of this healing, another approach has surfaced. This is to address and dissolve as much of the karma as possible, so that when the soul makes contact, the karma is quite insignificant and it resolves leaving no trace. This requires an engaged approach to karma rather than an indolence.

Clearing fatigue and dullness in the collective of humanity in the four dense levels of the body. Primarily from the physical body, clearing habits of favoring satiation of senses over meaningful character transformation. Evolving beyond one's highest ideals requires vision, dedication and Divine Grace. It is absolutely no wonder that the majority of people opt for instant gratification above the work of achieving long term goals. 

The karma up for question is related to family relationships, intimate relationships.

There are some kinds of challenges, the ones which leave a person utterly transformed, which require facilitation from an intimate relationship. Sometimes the area of the soul which requires attention is deeply hidden from superficial relationships, and only visible to one who knows you well. The transformation destroys the previous condition in order to make way for a blossoming of the self, more aligned with Divine intention. Often, it is through very intimate relationships that the fundamentals of personality can be accessed. Once accessed, if any require a modification or transformation, the relationship becomes the vehicle for the experience of destruction and/or rebirth. It is hard not to blame those we love for this drama of such an experience. It can seem very clear that it is the fault of the beloved that one goes through an ordeal.

For those in this healing with physical concerns, the lover and the beloved are the conscious mind and the body. Still an intimate relationship is here to consider in the light of healing, and boldy, bravely taking appropriate action toward the lofty goal of living full potential. Full potential in robust health is absolutely an achievable goal.

Celestial body activating such tender angelic forms. Like the sort created by the body of a new born baby (just embarking on the most important relationships of their life).

The angelic forms are the messengers of Divine Being. They can be trusted to express your truth. I say "they" but they are what you look like in the collective level of self. They are you. It is like saying "they" the glial cells, or "they" the fingers. They are you.

As messengers of Divine Being your angelic forms are supporting the ability to respond to the challenges of destruction of the old with the ability to reflect your highest moral integrity, your highest wisdom, greatest compassion and forgiveness. When life seems to be falling apart, (for some people in this healing we are dealing with specific challenging times in the past) it is your response to the challenging situation which has maximum impact on your being. It is not the awfulness of the circumstances which defines you, but your response of patience, tolerance, kindness, mercy, honesty, etc. These responses are Divine Being exercising its integrated presence in your being.

This directly relates to the tension that arises between people who know each other so deeply that nearly every weakness is known by the other. Strengthening the channels in the brain which form a matrix of intelligence related to conscience. This quality is responsible for making decisions which make life easier, happier, smoother. Conscience isn't just a simple thing which is found in one place in the being. It is the culmination of alignment if the inner compass (happening now) with smooth functioning of neuro pathways in the prefrontal cortex. Clearing distractions, procrastination, and excuses from particular areas of the prefrontal cortex, and the channels from these areas to the limbic system.

Clearing the illusion that anything that happens is anyone's "fault". In fact Divine Being is just living its path of self knowing through every experience. If there is discomfort within, this is the call of your inner Being to complete the incompletion, to right the wrong, to expand your definition of self to embrace your own Divinity. 

With love and gratitude,


Copyright © 2017 by Distance Energy Work.  All rights reserved.

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