The Role of the Mouth and Speech in Energy HealingThe mouth and teeth are the place where we begin the process of unpacking our life experience. Teeth represent the tools, belief systems and deep root thought patterns, which we use to refine experience, recognize patterns and make sense at a conscious level of the mind.
The mouth prepares the abstract (universal input) to become concrete (the body). It also prepares the concrete (material substance) to become abstract (individual consciousness). From this perspective the mouth represents the level of creation, before the action begins. It is also the home of Logos (personified speech), the Divine creator, and it is the location of a secondary chakra between the throat and third eye chakras.
When the teeth are not doing well, this reflects some inability to communicate personal requirements to others. If one is so concerned about not hurting the feelings of others, that the voice is silence. The silencing of speech is a self-sacrifice which extends through oneself to others. Those who love you don't want to act offensively. Likewise you don't want to act offensively. However, if you don't have the freedom to speak your truth, then life deteriorates painfully.
On so many levels speaking one's truth is a risk which ultimately grooms the speaker to master verbal communication, if practiced consistently. Never underestimate the power of your ability to speak truth. You know a thousand people, and they know a thousand people and so forth. Any one of us is just two people away from a million others. When embracing opposing viewpoints from friends and family who are authentically speaking their truth, one's ability to communicate more accurately, more powerfully, more lovingly and more effectively stabilizes.
Ultimately the importance of constructing well crafted verbal expressions is to capture the spirit of Divine intention, which uplifts the listener (oneself included) with values supportive of their highest good. Speech heals not just friends and family, but all living forms in the field of life. Animals, plants, and minerals respond to the meaning behind speech. When expressions are clear, then the meanings behind them are also clear. It is the meaning to which all beings recognize and respond.
If one's truth is not clear, then the chances of speaking it authentically are remote. The ability to confidently know your truth is based upon energetic integration of the three energy centers in the body (mind, body, and gut). Lovingly honoring, recognizing and balancing the life force in these three areas provides a simple, accessible means to sincerely understand the nature of one's life expression. Your life expression, your truth, is the cosmic dance of Divinity knowing its own nature. Therefore, the first step is just knowing. From knowing the practice of finding words for that knowing delightfully expands the essential nature of Self. From there it is only a matter of time before your highest vision is realized.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy Webinar June 2 and 3: Wake Up Your Inner Healer
Friday, June 2: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday,June 3: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25
The process of mastering energy healing continues. In this session, we will examine how to best integrate the areas of our life in which we already have good control with areas where there is still uncertainty.
I love to use the health oriented webinars to do lots of healings for all kinds of concerns. Please feel free to send in your questions and requests prior to the session. The more areas we can focus on together the more powerful the healing work will be for everyone.
Looking at the symptoms of imbalance, we will focus on gaining more autonomy over the areas of our consciousness which can effectively eliminate those symptoms by removing the source of imbalance. As we do this, the mechanics of the healing process will continue to reveal themselves so that everyone can become more and more cozy with their personal inner healing capacity.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar.
Webinar June 16 and 17: The Energy Healing Algorithm: How to Use It
Friday, June 16: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday,June 17: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25
As many of you know, there is a lot of theory behind energy healing. All of this theory is presented for the sake of the intellect, for the sake of the conscious mind. The words and discussions open the door to the experience of moving energy masterfully, to create precise results.
Behind all of this is the actual practice. This webinar is about the practice itself. In this webinar we will break down the process of moving energy down into a simple algorithm which you can practice to create health, wealth, loving relationships or anything else that your heart desires.
During this webinar I will present the process of the energy healing algorithm, then we will practice it together. We will do this from several angles in order to stabilize the practice for everyone participating in the session. This is somewhat experimental, and we will see how it works with our group. At this point there are about 100 people attending the webinars at all remote locations. I really don’t know if it will be successful for everyone or not, but we will never know how successful it will be unless we give it a try.
The nice thing about the webinar format is that you can share your experiences with this process through the chat window, and ask questions on the spot, to clarify the experience.
I am so looking forward to sharing this beautiful technology for healing with everyone. Thank you for joining me.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar.
Webinar July 7 and 8: Healing the Past and Future History of Humankind
Friday, July 7: 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Time $25 or Saturday,July 8: 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S.Central Time $25
You are the universe, as it has always been and as it will be.
In this moment, health of the body and health of the society is not really separate. We create health in our bodies, by healing the collective reality of our being. No wonder it is so difficult to heal some illnesses when the seed of the illness lies deep in the annals of human history, through ancestry as well as culture.
Since the field of consciousness is unbound by space and time, it is possible to draw upon the advanced evolution of the future to heal the past. When the past has released trauma, pain, and transformed beliefs which are often the source of suffering, then our future becomes brighter and brighter.
In this webinar we will stabilize the relationship with those aspects of our collective bodies which have mastery over time, karma, and the laws of nature in order to protect the trajectory of our collective life stream and ensure a beautiful future for ourselves, our families and the human race.
I am looking forward to your company on this amazing journey..
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. Distance Energy Work (Remote Healing)This budget-friendly option is perfect for those who require immediate attention and can benefit from short on-going doses of healing through consciousness. No prior experience is necessary.
Over 30 previous healing webinars are available as rentals at a nominal fee:
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors. Looking at a pattern which involves sacrifice of personal evolution in order to satisfy someone else's (claimed or perceived) evolutionary needs. The importance or value of a need is really subjective. The truth is that the requirements for anyone's evolution is determined by one's Divine Self, not by the small self, individual self, or ego. Because Divine Self is all inclusive, the actual evolutionary needs of any situation will satisfy the individual evolutionary needs of everyone and everything to the ends of creation. So, if it appears that one person's needs supersede someone else's then this is actually an illusion. Being is evolving in all places at all times in such a way that everyone is receiving according to the priorities of their greatest good.
Additionally, the evolutionary movement of the individual soul, the process of expanding consciousness, is a form of Divine communication to the wholeness of creation. The nature of individual evolution sets the tone or condition by which Divinity evolves. In other words the conversation of the Divine with itself, is a sort of expansion/contraction dance between the field of the relative and the field of the Absolute. Does this make sense? Neither is above the other, all are part of the same conversation.
Once this pattern is realized, it becomes easier to broach solutions to life's larger problems, to address social, political, and cultural problems, or even personal life problems which have previously seemed impossible to solve. If the big challenges of our world are seen as too complex, too abstract, or overwhelming, then no effort will be made to amend them. However, from the subtle levels of creation, even the densest energies are eliminated by the light of Pure consciousness.
Clearing the illusion of separation from the mental and emotional bodies of 16 generations of ancestors. Angelic energies from the collective and causal levels of the body are softening the pathways of perception in order to increase receptivity to the direct experience of Union (self + Divinity = Unified wholeness). Along with this multiple layers of egoic forms are clearing from the causal through physical levels of their bodies. Clearing narcissism, other psychosis and miasms associated with psychosis in the form of a deep knot of stress, karma, and ego in the 4th ray of the causal body and the cord of light. Clearing habits of manipulation.
With this a beautiful resonation of Pure Truth in the celestial body is supporting all ancestors..With this a download of the wisdom that no one is responsible for anyone else's well being or happiness is dawning for many generations of your family. This realization liberates the cells of the body from a molecular level. Not only is happiness not dependent on others, it is not dependent on anything, or any set of circumstances. This allows layers and layers of belief patterns to dissolve from the molecular, sub-cellular and cellular levels of the body. It opens up the possibility to create, directly from consciousness, the materials needed to sustain the body in highest health, without outside material input. I am not suggesting that you stop eating, exercising or taking rest. Always care for the body in the best way possible. However, the actions at a gross level of life, will translate to really useful, tender self care at a cellular level when the cells are able to receive that care with grace.
It is literally not possible to "make" anyone happy. Happiness is created from within a person's being. Happiness can be activated by external cues if one has decided to accept a cue as the catalyst of happiness. So, it takes two to play this game. The problem is that it is really easy for a child to fall into a dependent relationship with a parent. It is really easy for a child to expect a parent to "make" them happy. But it is not the external cue that makes one happy. The cue is just a point of reference which activates a happiness response from within.
There is such a beautiful light medicine being made by child bodies, like an oil (ojas) which is particularly penetrating the organs and senses of perception to support discrimination between happiness generated by truth, transcendental bliss, and sensory input confused for happiness. This material is also penetrating the hypothalamus and thyroid as well as the dense and subtle channels which connect to the cellular field of bodily experience. From the cellular field of bodily experience the ojas is softly connecting inner body awareness with conscious mind in waking, dreaming, and deep sleep.
The channels for connecting the source of happiness which is also the Source of Creation with the emotional experience of happiness are oiling up. All this to support the ability to accept that happiness is generated within the soul, and not dependent on outside sources.
Clearing generations of guilt, helplessness, manipulation, frustration surrounding interactions associated with putting responsibility of one's happiness on the shoulders of another. Survival - yes. Children won't survive without the support of parents or adults who can provide basic needs. So, the physical well being of children, elderly, ill, or weak individuals does fall to others. But physical survival is quite different from happiness. Clearing fear of the small ego loosing what appears to be control over others. Actually, only in a two way agreement is such an illusion possible.
Reverence for the collective body structures responsible for karma. Alignment with the intelligence which oversees the laws of karma. In the causal body, clearing agreements, vows, promises to engage in relationships which do not align with Divine intention, cosmic evolution, which are not supportive of the expression of your full potential.
Clearing from the causal through mental bodies memories, impressions, habits, and self identification associated with surfdom. Clearing vows of poverty, and relationships with not just people, but also principles, and non physical realities which are not aligned with your highest and best interests. Clearing pain bodies and attachments in the mental level of self associated with poverty consciousness.
Unblocking these qualities in the throat area. There is a natural intelligence in the throat which oversees speech. This intelligence is associated with liberation from problems, with solutions, with personal and Divine power to create reality. Healthy boundaries are gracefully created through speech. Bringing the light of Divine grace into the throat area to bless and purify speech. Manning the forces of purity to guide speech to forge pathways to the future which will provide a comfortable ride for all people to be of real service to themselves and others.
With love and gratitude, Dorothy
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