Healings for a Sustainable World
Saturday,May 7 at 1:30 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time FREE
Click here to access the YouTube Livestream on May 7
This free event will be offered to all who are specifically interested in participating in global healings for the family of humanity and for all cosmic life in general.
Now is a perfect time to focus attention on integrating unity in the world family as well as the relationship between humanity and nature.
Scientists tell us that Earth is in for our hottest year yet. May we collectively address the problems facing all of mankind with the tool of energy healing, thus clearing the way for effortless application of viable solutions to not only abate climate change, but stabilize ideal conditions for all life.
Helping Family and Friends through Energy Work
Friday, May 13 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, May 14 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25 We are one collective of life, intimately connected and overlapping in the subtle realms of our being. Extending upon the experience and understanding of self-healing work which we have covered in previous live webinars, we are now poised to help those we love. This is a way of strengthening our support system. Some areas that we will explore are: 1. How to sense what is happening with others, locally and remotely. 2. How to interpret this data. 3. Differences between activating one’s own healing mechanisms and the activation of the healing potential of someone else. Ultimately there is only one Self, and as we do our best for those we love, our own health and well-being improve also.
Healings for a Healthy Lifespan
Friday, May 27 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, May 28 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25 This physical health-oriented webinar will focus primarily on concerns which contribute to the aging process. We will engage healing energies which work systemically throughout the whole lifespan, looking at influences which tend to affect the entire life.
Attending to the period prior to birth, we will work with the body blueprint and the life blueprint to understand through experience how to adapt these forms, aligning them with a level of experience which reflects life’s highest potential.
Please feel free to write in questions prior to each webinar. There will be opportunities to ask questions during the events as well.
Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions and the lively interaction of private consultations with the dynamism of a powerful group consciousness. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating directly from consciousness.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.
New Blog Post: Self-Definition and Self-Love
Dear Dorothy: I have a relationship with a spiritual mentor and friend who is very dear to my heart, which has been causing me a lot of emotional distress for quite some time. This has to do with my attachment to her and my sensitivity to how she sees me. I am wanting to learn how to give love and connection to someone I treasure without wanting it back in equal measure.
Dorothy: Regarding your friend and mentor, I wanted to say that this situation sounds very similar to several situations that I had experienced in the past. I finally followed them back to my relationship with Mother and then to my relationship with God. In this process, I became empowered to trust only myself to define who I am. Never, never to define myself through the eyes of anyone else, ever. This was deeply liberating. Also, not identify myself with any of the roles which I play in life: mother, wife, teacher, student, etc, etc. These are only hats worn by Divine intelligence. Ultimately, Divinity is all there is. The phenomenal world ever attempts to reflect that Divinity, getting closer all the time, but always showing only a portion of It.
So, I offer this perspective. Your desire to love unconditionally is a way of self-strengthening, self-empowering, and self-communicating in your own divine nature. What it means to your friend is irrelevant, and she may not ever completely understand your offering. It doesn't matter. What matters is that your heart expands when you love. If you do so under compromised conditions this makes your heart even stronger. However, in the end, the lesson is to stay inside your comfort zone. Never self-sacrifice, because this will breed resentment and ultimately have a destructive effect on the relationship. Remember, when you love, it is your heart which is feeling the joy of love. The other person just gets the reflection of love.
This shows how valuable it is to receive love graciously. Yes? By being adorable, others enjoy the opening of their hearts through their relationship with you. What a beautiful gift to give the world!
This kind of relationship can be very challenging. The moment you do not feel easy in the relationship is the moment that the karma has been paid and you no longer owe anything. Do what ever you need to do to protect yourself, and don't count on anyone else to be watching out for your well-being. Even if another person is watching out for you, they will never be able to protect you as well as you will be able to protect yourself.
No one will ever be able to love you as well as you can love yourself. This is the fact, because only you live in your skin. Only you know truly how you feel and what you need at any given moment. Putting the responsibility to feel loved or protected on any one outside yourself is too much to ask of them, regardless of their strength and wisdom. Does this make sense?
Even parents have imperfections. There isn't anyone in the world other than yourself who can love you best. So, cultivate this relationship of self-love and you will never lose your beloved. You will never be let down. You will always have the highest quality care, protection, and nurturing. Are you on to this exercise? Big Hug. If not it will be very helpful, feels good and only takes a few moments.
Sending all my love, Dorothy
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Photos credits: Delicate Arch, Arches National Park, USA Cristiano Galbiati, 2010 Crocuses, Iowa USA Dorothy Rowe, 2016 Scottish Castles, Oban, Scotland, Phil Edon, 2009 Blossoming Cherry Trees, Germany, Michael and Christa, 2010
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
Looking at the relationship between freedom of choice and life's limitations. Whether limitations appear to be externally imposed or whether they are understood as self-imposed, they provide the structure upon which your true nature finds its expression.
Clearing the illusion that life's boundaries and limitations are "problems". Clearing fear of the possibility of desires remaining unfulfilled and habits of reacting with fear or anger to the prospect of unfulfilled desires, from the four lower bodies. Establishing instead a habit of gratitude for the opportunity to see the light of Divinity penetrate and dissolve life's limitations in amazing detail. A relationship between heart and mind is forming to support the spontaneous flow of gratitude and grace in even the most extreme situations and conditions.
Forgiveness flowing to the ancestors for all the times that they chose not to approach challenges from the angle of gratitude, tolerance, and love. Clearing from at least 12 generations of ancestors, justifications for fear and anger, particularly a myriad of illusions which have been built on values of small ego. Clearing smallness in many forms from the their spirit bodies through physical bodies. In addition to that clearing dramas, attachments, and pain bodies.
Looking at illusion in its simplest state. Illusion is both a tool and a hindrance for evolution. Without it, there would be no "material" creation. Without material creation, the Divine would miss an opportunity for self-expression. Simultaneously, dense matter acts like inertia to the flow of Divine Light. It is Divine Light, wrapped tight, folded in on Itself so tightly that form results. Celestial body humming in the mode of Pure Truth. Pure Truth in the celestial body is acting like a magnet which attracts or draws into the physical body Divine cognition, pure knowingness. In the cords of light which connect the sahasrara (crown, 7th) chakra and ajna (third eye, 6th) chakra with the God Presence, clearing fatigue, filters which block awareness (3Ms). Clearing fear and mistrust from the 7th chakra, also 3rd chakra and adrenal glands. Now from the 5th chakra and thyroid gland. Under this, in the 5th chakra clearing self doubt, mistrust. Under that 3Ms, and finally more illusion. In this case clearing the illusion that the nature of life is to inhibit the fulfillment of desires. In fact, life slows the waves of fulfillment the in order to give us the chance to enjoy every nuance of the evolution of fulfillment.
Forgiveness flowing through all values of the spirit body (area of the soul story through all incarnations) for any time that you addressed challenges with fear and anger rather than gratitude and love. Forgiveness from the present moment is moving on the wings of angelic intelligence from the celestial level of the body to all these points in the soul's history. This resonation of your own intelligence is offering gratitude and love in specific forms which address the points of contact with maximum value.
This angelic celestial body intelligence is working its way into the denser levels of the body as well. I am seeing an activation of heart and mind, engaging practical considerations with intuitive wisdom. This is increasing the capacity to find life supporting solutions to scary or threatening challenges. In very many cases, resistance to change or attachment to specific outcomes hampers the opportunity for maximum success and positivity to result from challenges. The innocent ability to recognize even the tiniest value of fulfillment present in a problem reveals the direction of cosmic evolution or the spiritual reasons behind the discord. This integrative activation of heart and mind makes even a tiny taste of the evolutionary potential in a difficult situation sufficient for the heart/mind system to extrapolate the Divine intention behind life's strangest manifestations.
That tiny taste of fulfillment, present in every boundary of manifestation, is the gift for which the gratitude flows. The infinite intelligence of the Creator, responsible for every boundary or limitation in the created world, is the source from which the love comes and to which the love flows. Always we have the choice to address each challenge with gratitude and love. The solutions are contained within the structures of life's limitations. In this healing we have worked with both the ancestors and personal ancient history to wash away old habits of fear and anger and to establish the inner resources to capably develop habits of gratitude and love when facing the natural limitations and boundaries which make our universe such a fascinating place to exercise the human experience.
Thank you so much to the Divine love, and intelligence in everyone in this healing for your role in this session,
Love and gratitude, Dorothy
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