Healings for a Healthy Lifespan
Friday, May 27 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, May 28 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25 This physical health-oriented webinar will focus primarily on concerns which contribute to the aging process. We will engage healing energies which work systemically throughout the whole lifespan, looking at influences which tend to affect the entire life.
Attending to the period prior to birth, we will work with the body blueprint and the life blueprint to understand through experience how to adapt these forms, aligning them with a level of experience which reflects life’s highest potential.
Please feel free to write in questions prior to the webinar. There will be opportunities to ask questions during the events as well.
Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions and the lively interaction of private consultations with the dynamism of a powerful group consciousness. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating directly from consciousness.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.

New Service: Energetic Clearing for Residences
Energetic Clearing of Residence (Home or Apartment): $150
An Energetic Clearing of Residence is customized for each person or family and includes the following:
- These energetic clearings are uniquely crafted and specific for your location. The healing consists of an initial session of about an hour, followed by two weeks of additional work, at various times of day and night. Night work is done particularly to address illusory influences which are stronger in darkness. The surrounding neighborhood will also receive attention.
- The energy field of the home or apartment is examined in detail. This survey includes the land and surrounding area as well as the structure of the physical building. It also includes the history of the building and the history of the land.
- Additionally various light matrices are adjusted and activated for the whole neighborhood, the home or apartment building itself, and if the residence is an apartment, then a third light matrix for the individual apartment itself, then for each room in your home. These light matrices are tied into the grid-like system of Earth energies which run throughout all cities and countryside, principally underground. This stabilizes the presence and effectiveness of the light matrices as well as aligning the energies in your personal space with the evolutionary progress of the whole environment.
- In this Distance Energy Work series of sessions, we do not talk on the phone or Skype, although I encourage feedback during your Residential Clearing and adjustments are made as necessary during the two weeks to ensure maximum effectiveness. Please use this form to give me feedback during the two-week session and after the session concludes.
- You will also receive a complimentary Mp3 which can be downloaded and played at any time of day or night to support continued stabilization of the highest energy frequencies for your home.
- An Energetic Clearing of Residence is scheduled within a week of the request. After placing the order, a confirmation email with the date of the session and more details about its nature will be sent to you.
- The effects of this work are permanent as they go back to the very beginnings of the history of your location.
- Costs for clearings of businesses and larger properties available upon request.
Blog Post: Joints and Judgments
Dear Dorothy: I just found out that I will soon need a hip replaced. This is a huge blow since I have been very active all my life, dancing, hiking, and leading an active life. What can energy work do to help my situation?
Dorothy: Joints afford both flexibility and stability to the body. Healthy joints + sense of balance = stability. Imagine standing on a rocking boat, the joints are working constantly to keep the body upright.
Problems with the joints indicates mental or emotional rigidity, stubbornness, inflexibility, etc. These imbalances can become chronic when habits of self-defense hold them in place. The long habit of inner rigidity eventually compounds as joint pain.
Joints are held rigidly when there is tension in the muscles. Muscles can hold subtle tensions due to self-imposed stress or pressure. I say, "self-imposed" because one always has the choice to interpret external experiences in the light of evolution or in the light of misery. Any experience, no matter how happy, no matter how sad, can be appreciated for its evolutionary value or for its destructive value. This interpretation is a personal choice.
It is a rare individual who tries on purpose to be rigid, inflexible, or stubborn. If you are reading this blog, it is likely that you are already very spiritual, open-minded, and forward-thinking. Most nice people don't spend a crumb of their intelligence on judgment. Deep down, everyone knows that judging others is a complete waste of time.
Deep down, our essential nature is Divine Being, we are all precious and loved beyond comprehension. However living this reality of love is something which seems to be constantly unfolding. Physical pain anywhere is the body's way of asking the conscious mind to better align with cosmic evolution.
Changing behaviors generally means changing habits. Energy work goes after habits which have had time to become so second nature that we hardly register them consciously.
For instance, most of us have had the experience that someone does or says something hurtful which causes emotional pain to be felt. This can send one into a period of rehashing the experience and comparing one's own kindly nature to the unkind nature of the other person. It is common to upgrade a sense of self-worth through such a comparison or judgement, forming a habit of doing so over time. However, this sense of self-worth comes with the price of thinking ill of another person, which lowers personal energy vibration.
In the case of camouflaged judgment, not overt judgment, treating oneself unkindly is projected into treating others unkindly (gossiping, focusing on their weaknesses, failings, faults), which in turn, can be camouflaged as "being concerned" about others. The judgment, camouflaged as concern, remains hidden from view. Hidden from view, it is untreated, and untreated it has a chance to compound, fester, and solidify into trouble in the physical body. In the form of an infirmity we attend to it. However, attending to the imbalance as a physical problem keeps the awareness on the surface of life, and even then the inner seed or cause of the illness can be missed, only to crop up later as a new symptom.
In most cases the other person is a dear family member or someone close enough to effectively push buttons, "Get under one's skin" (joints being under the skin). If the person was not beloved, they wouldn't know where to find your triggers. Yes? One would respond with neutrality rather than hurt feelings. No one wants to think ill of those they love.
I concluded that painful situations indicate a need for more self-love and a stable (joints + sense of balance = stability) sense of self-worth. This may seem counter-intuitive, but responding to externally received insults by self-loving lays the foundation for offering love back to the offender. This really takes the wind out of an aggressor's sails. If one is genuinely self-loving, then the love offered to others is also appreciated as genuine.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy
Read more posts in Dorothy's Blog.....
Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter
Distance Energy Work Sessions
Photos credits: Yellowstone Falls, Wyoming, USA, Cristiano Galbiatiti, 2010 Wild Iris in Maine USA, Betty Wolverton, 2010 Log Home, USA, Robert Linder, 2010 Glencot House, Somerset, England, Roger ----, 2013. Crocuses, Sand Diego, USA Dorothy Rowe, 2016
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
In the long run, the nature of the ever-evolving universe is to strike balance between spiritual development and relative growth. This is because consciousness lends substance to the material level of creation. Consciousness is fundamental to all manifested form. When the orientation of material gain and spiritual evolution align, a golden combination is created in which action fulfills both personal and cosmic need. Such a balance garners support of both the individual and the environment and thus carries great momentum behind its ability to support manifestation. The integration of internal-external is not static, but an eternally dynamic relationship of harmoniously coexisting opposites which supports fastest personal progress on the path to fulfillment.
In this healing we are integrating personal goals with the organizing principles of Nature which under lie and enrich the vision of health, success, fulfillment, etc.
Activating qualities of pure truth, transparency in the celestial body. Clearing illusion from two to ten generations of ancestors of this concept: "I don't deserve to have my desires fulfilled." Also, clearing "I never get what I want." Also clearing individual identification and illusion associated with the concept of "limited good." Clearing greed, selfishness, neediness and feeling separate or different from other people. Under this, clearing feelings of insufficiency, failure, guilt and shame in their four denser bodies. Clearing guilt in the throat. Clearing a feeling of neediness and victimhood in the mouth and throat.
For those who need it, this healing is dissolving the same discordant feelings from the thyroid. With this, also clearing dullness, self deception, and subtle elements which block awareness. Under the self-deception are multiple layers of fear and individual identification (ego). Clearing the fear of being overwhelmed, under prepared, and clearing shame.
One thing which is very important in this healing is to honor the existence of healthy personal limits and boundaries. These personal requirements form the foundation for the construction of desires in tune with Nature's intelligence. Clearing the feeling that it is shameful to have desires which appear to impose limitations on others or on the environment. Sometimes, being in tune with Nature means taking a specific path, adhering to the path of truth, self-protecting, and acknowledging personal preferences. There is no shame in this.
Sometimes innocently, one person's move toward a goal requires behavior or goal modifications for others. This is really alright. When your desires are well aligned, then moving toward your goal also improves the possibility for others to move toward their highest goals. Sometimes the most brilliant move is not the first one considered or even in awareness when an undertaking begins. Sometimes the most brilliant move only becomes obvious when many factors have joined together to reveal the path of greatest potential. When you have adjusted your thinking and so have those around you. Born of collective evolution the most important and profound blessings are revealed.
Being in the right place at the right time to catch such an opportunity requires letting go of expectations and a heart filled with devotion to the highest good of all.
The integration now occurring is of the four subtle bodies (four layers of the soul) with the circulatory system, heart chakra and its auric field to stabilize the energy signature of highest intention, action of maximum good for all, the creativity to solve many problems with one solution. This energy signature is imprinting itself in the awareness both experientially and in the form of brain rewiring. The areas of the brain awakening to the reality of unprecedented success, immeasurable inner growth, and maximum good for the creation are the inferior temporal cortex (hippocampus), the pleasure nodes (nucleus accumbens) and the hypothalamus - pituitary area. This work is also transferring into the ancestral archive (seeing ancestors affected by this work as far back as the 1400's) and the family treasury.
The family treasury is a limb of the akashic record. This concentrated archive resides within the silent inner space of the DNA and contains the details of the spiritual development of each family member in their lifetime. Every aspect of this structure is infinitely precious. The mere awareness of its existence enriches the reality of human potential. Focusing attention on this location within oneself, validates its existence and reveals the spiritual value of humanity's long vital lineage and its relationship to the evolution of the rest of life in our galaxy.
Looking at karma which might stand in the way of good intentions and successful manifestation. Although, for the human mind, the laws of karma are known to be unfathomable, it is not impossible to appeal to the intelligence which lies at the deeper levels of consciousness for illumination of this area and the ability to clear away blockages to progress.
Clearing pain bodies in the causal through astral levels of the being which are associated with feeling important and better than others. Actions based on the need to feel more important than others are not only the cause of much suffering, but also the bi product of inner lack of self love. Under this clearing a host of discordant feelings associated with lack of self love from the subtle bodies through the etheric body, where more pain bodies have been located. Clearing these pain bodies primarily in the etheric version of body systems (digestive system, endocrine system, circulatory system, and nervous system). Clearing all attachments associated with these pain bodies.
I am seeing a big letting go. Congratulations! It looks as if what is leaving the system are habits, vicious cycles, memory patterns and more, which held in place behaviors which were not fully aligned with self-love, self-protection, self-understanding, etc. This includes addictive behaviors, hoarding, and such. The letting go also includes filters which let one delude themselves that fulfillment doesn't already exist. Clearing the illusion that happiness requires input from the environment. In fact happiness is an internal condition which requires nothing from the outside whatsoever.
Celestial body is now laying down delicate layers, like a gossamer web of light, of the simple truth of deepest fulfillment being the very nature, the very fabric, of all that exists. This structure sits at a very abstract, most delicate level of being. I realize that on the surface of life, it is not always practical to interpret experience as merely "bliss." However, this structure is awake now and underlying reality in such a way as to be a self-evident feature of experience henceforth.
Thank you so much to everyone who participates in this healing and for giving me the opportunity to serve.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy
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