Questions & Answers and Energy Healing
Friday, June 10 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, June 11 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25
I am deeply grateful to the exquisite group of dedicated souls who join me for nearly every webinar and for the new people who try the webinars out each month. Thank you all so much. You are amazing!
This webinar is designed to give your voice more room and focus information specifically in the areas that you need most. Structured as an AMA (Ask Me Anything), I will be answering any questions you may have.
Since I work in the area of energy healing, I realize that there is a lot that I tend to assume or presume that everyone knows. I know that this is not really the case, and it would be wonderful to fill in any blanks which may be in the hearts and minds of those who desire to know more about energy healing, self healing through consciousness, and addressing concerns which haven’t yet been addressed in the group setting.
Please email your questions to or come with your questions on the day of the webinar and we will have a great time looking into them together.
Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions and the lively interaction of private consultations with the dynamism of a powerful group consciousness. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating directly from consciousness.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.
Dorothy's Chakra Workshop
Friday, June 24 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, June 25 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25
All the subtle organs of our physical bodies are useful, especially when we know them well and can harness their potential intelligently. This workshop is designed to provide a finer understanding of the chakras and the chakra system as well as its relationship to other subtle aspects of the body. Healing will be offered for the chakras as well as technologies which you can employ yourself to support the health of this system. Check out this free sample of how to release psychic hooks and cords from the chakras.
I am looking forward to sharing and evolving a unique approach to this ancient understanding of the human energy system with everyone.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.
Healing for the Political Process in America
Saturday, July 2 at 1:30 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time
This free live YouTube event is designed to support of a healthy, happy future for America. We will conduct collective healings so Americans can more successfully achieve the beautiful intentions of democracy and a free society. By engaging the powerful tools of energy healing, the deservability of our nation's consciousness can be shifted so that the candidates with the most life-supporting agendas will be favored in this 2016 election cycle.
The outcome of the 2016 elections in the US will impact the whole world family. Please join us for this free event and add your consciousness to the healing process. Together we can bless the whole world with compassionate, enlightened leaders whose decisions will benefit everyone.
Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselves webinars available for free viewing.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.

New Service: Energetic Clearing for Residences
Energetic Clearing of Residence (Home or Apartment): $150
An Energetic Clearing of Residence is customized for each person or family and includes the following:
- These energetic clearings are uniquely crafted and specific for your location. The healing consists of an initial session of about an hour, followed by two weeks of additional work, at various times of day and night. Night work is done particularly to address illusory influences which are stronger in darkness. The surrounding neighborhood will also receive attention.
- The energy field of the home or apartment is examined in detail. This survey includes the land and surrounding area as well as the structure of the physical building. It also includes the history of the building and the history of the land.
- Additionally various light matrices are adjusted and activated for the whole neighborhood, the home or apartment building itself, and if the residence is an apartment, then a third light matrix for the individual apartment itself, then for each room in your home. These light matrices are tied into the grid-like system of Earth energies which run throughout all cities and countryside, principally underground. This stabilizes the presence and effectiveness of the light matrices as well as aligning the energies in your personal space with the evolutionary progress of the whole environment.
- In this Distance Energy Work series of sessions, we do not talk on the phone or Skype, although I encourage feedback during your Residential Clearing and adjustments are made as necessary during the two weeks to ensure maximum effectiveness. Please use this form to give me feedback during the two-week session and after the session concludes.
- You will also receive a complimentary Mp3 which can be downloaded and played at any time of day or night to support continued stabilization of the highest energy frequencies for your home.
- An Energetic Clearing of Residence is scheduled within a week of the request. After placing the order, a confirmation email with the date of the session and more details about its nature will be sent to you.
- The effects of this work are permanent as they go back to the very beginnings of the history of your location.
- Costs for clearings of businesses and larger properties available upon request.
Blog Post: The God Presence and the Celestial Body
Dear Dorothy: A question came up from a Distance Energy Work session when you said, "The God presence is receiving a download of clear understanding of the internal structures which are fundamentally modes of the celestial body." There's so much about that sentence that I don't really understand ("internal structures" ... "fundamentally modes of the celestial body") but what really gave rise to this inquiry is a need for a definition of "God presence." If God essentially KNOWS and IS everything, how is it that a download is necessary regarding a "clear understanding" of anything?
Dorothy: What a beautiful question! Thank you for asking.
Note: This question refers to a point from an email I sent out to clients after a Distance Energy Work session. Group Distance Energy Work sessions are offered weekdays as an economic option for those who would like immediate or ongoing healing attention for concerns. Distance Energy Work sessions are performed remotely. An email with the main points follows each day's session. For more information, see
I devote at least an hour each weekday to these Distance Energy Work sessions. They are the foundation of some of the most powerful healing technologies and concepts that I have yet discovered in the field of energy healing. To everyone who has ever participated in this program, I offer sincere gratitude, as it is their Divine Intelligence which is responsible for the beautiful and transformative healings which have blessed these sessions.
The question above connects to a basic premise which underlies every private consultation and distance healing session. The premise puts energy work into an overall context of the relationship between oneself and God.
The heart of the matter is the difference between personal and impersonal God, between individual Divinity and Cosmic Self.
Cosmic Self is the One, the Field of Totality, everything that ever was, everything that ever will be, everything that might have been, or could be. To This One, nothing can be added or subtracted. Therefore we can infer that Wholeness Itself does not change.
This singular, non-changing field of pure silence constrains itself into the context of human existence, as well the whole material creation. Within human existence, Cosmic Self experiences life as us, with us, ever-changing, ever-growing. It can thus be understood as never-changing from the perspective of Wholeness and ever-changing from the perspective of human experience.
In Vedic science, the Cosmic Self, the One God, the Totality, is called Purushottama. The individualized aspect of God is called "Thousand-Headed Purusha" in its male aspect or "Thousand-Headed Mother Divine" in its female aspect.
Purushottama and the individualized aspects of God are also known as the impersonal and personal aspects of the Divine Being, respectively. For the sake of my work, I sometimes refer to personal God as "God presence."
Since the God presence is experiencing life as us, through us, it knows what we know, it grows as we grow. Our evolution is the evolution of Divinity through us. Thus we become the instruments of Divine or Cosmic evolution. This is such an incredible privilege and honor. It justifies the learning curve and brings glory to every weakness which becomes a strength, every problem which we turn into an opportunity.
Regarding the other question about modes of the celestial body, again I would like to offer a contextual framework. The range of manifestation of the body is from the dense physical level to the celestial. This celestial level of our being is the most abstract level of the manifested self. This celestial level of the body sits right next to the unmanifest Source Field of Creation.
Our celestial body looks and acts like a field rather than resembling a physical structure. The range of our celestial body is from the beginning of creation (the Big Bang) to the end of this cycle of creation, the collapse, when everything will return to a singularity. The range of our celestial body also extends to every corner of space. You have always existed as individuality as well as wholeness. We have all been involved in the evolution of the universe in some capacity or another, since it began this cycle. The universe is ever-striving to know itself more completely, more adoringly. The process of expanding self understanding underlies all we do, and is at the basis of universal function as well.
Because the celestial body is near the silent Source of Creation, it is deeply quiet, like the silent field of Being, Itself, but slightly humming. Any manifestation in the field of creation begins with a mode of the celestial body. In other words, this celestial field of the body hums or resonates in a frequency required to create specific effects.
What we experience as the inner space upon which thoughts, actions, and perceptions evolve is the hum of one's celestial body. The hum is the "nature" of the inner space. I think of these resonations as modes. Just as a musical instrument is capable of playing in a variety of keys, so the potential of the celestial body to hum in various modes is infinite.
When powerful healing transformations are required, first one cherishes the vision of the goal, then offers this vision to the Source of Self. The Source then communicates to the celestial body the precise frequency, or combination of frequencies to form a foundation empowering a sense of "self" fully capable of melting cancer tumors, activating the immune system, regrowing tissues, or whatever the body requires.
Some healers look upon these resonations, or modes, as angels, ascended masters, forms of gods, etc. The value of this approach is that it initiates the frequency of sincere gratitude along with the celestial body mode. Since gratitude is one of the pillars of the healing process, this would be likened to adding an engine to the healing process. Very precious.
However, it is not my experience that anything in the universe actually resides outside the range of the celestial body other than the Source of Creation itself. Even then there is such a deeply intimate relationship between the celestial level of self and the Source Field that to find the difference between the two requires finest perception. The celestial body is capable of creating an infinity of resonations in order to produce literally any effect. May we all learn to harness the infinity potential of the celestial body and create a life and a world which reflects Divinity in its most complete form.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy
Read more posts in Dorothy's Blog.....
Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work Newsletter
Distance Energy Work Sessions
Photos credits: Phlox, Iowa, USA, Dorothy Rowe, 2016 Plitvice Waterfalls, Croatia, Sanja Gjenero 2010 Azaleas, Iowa, USA, Dorothy Rowe, 2016 Rottenburg, Germany, Robert Linder, 2010 Asian Irises, Iowa, USA Dorothy Rowe, 2016
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
I feel a deep present connection between everyone in this session and the Mother of Creation.
There is an energy medicine coming form Earth. It is resonating in the four dense levels of the body. This energy medicine brings an antidote to despair, hopelessness, and apathy.
It looks as if these feelings are a byproduct of beliefs and habits of self-abuse. Clearing first individual identification, habits, impressions, and memory patterns associated with behaviors and memories of actions which have a destructive effect on the self, from the four dense levels of the body, especially the etheric level. Under that, clearing pain bodies and their attachment and connections to discomfort. Clearing the illusion that experiences of self sacrifice and suffering are somehow honorable or righteous. What we experience radiates through us to the whole creation. If we are intentionally hurting ourselves, this radiates as a destructive energy to the environment.
Clearing filters to consciousness from the physical brain structure, mental and emotional bodies which block the ability to see the effects of one's actions towards oneself reflected in the environment. Clearing pain bodies, attachments, and ego associated with self abuse, from the four dense levels of the body.
The superconscious is the energy structure responsible for self-love, ranging from celestial to physical levels in the body. This structure is affecting healthy upgrades for the hypothalamus and pituitary gland. It is interfacing with these organs to support maximum pleasure and joy in the human experience. The pituitary gland especially has the potential to make one feel truly wonderful through healthiest hormone regulation and production. The formula for a balance of Divine pituitary function is downloading from the Source of Creation directly to this organ. For most people in this session this healthy condition will stabilize fully with about a day.
Can anything more can be done for the superconscious? Clearing judgments and expectations from superconscious. Clearing the same for the ancestors for five generations. Feeling an emotional catharsis coming on. There is a great outpouring of discordant feelings from ancestors. Ancestors are releasing much grief, sadness, more depression. Under that, they are releasing anger, frustration, and rage. Under that there is a red line. Everyone has a line which, when crossed, gives rise to intense responses. Usually lines are respected. When the line is crossed, one must decide how to move. These lines are internal ultimatums.
Two things: 1) The placement of the line. All lines need to be assessed in the light of reason and one's ultimate goal of complete union with God. Any line which does not support one's highest spiritual goals is probably squandering precious internal resources. These lines are soul contracts which make a person vulnerable to unhappiness and illness. The crossing of a line nearly always the catalyst for the onset of serious or life threatening illness.
2) Respect for the line. I am seeing a pattern of the line being violated repeatedly as the foundation for deep-seated stress in the system, particularly through the distant past and the collective of humanity. Violation of human rights, for instance are behind the build up of collective stress which leads to collective outbursts such as war.
Addressing this by placing necessary lines in a position so that one always has the autonomy to self protect prior to the line being violated. Clearing soul contracts, vows, commitments, promises, etc, in the spirit world before entering this incarnation. Working with the organizing principles of karma at the celestial level of the body. Seeing the karma. Seeing the collective of this healing session addressing the karma with a golden light emanating from the third chakra. For some people there is a habit of trying to address this from the 5th chakra (speech). The 3rd chakra approach can combine with speech, but ultimately it is the light of the sun in the solar plexus which is really creating the transformation.
This sunlight is reflecting off and through the geographical bodies of water thus gaining support from the intelligence in these living forms. This function is allowing the transformation of karma to reach the larger collective, causing a rippling effect to move throughout the entire region. Around 13,000,000 people were touched by this healing. Wave upon wave of relief, release, gratitude, comfort, and love are returning home to the Source of Creation within each participant in this session. Thank you for helping to heal the World by healing yourselves! The love and gratitude is well-earned.
Thank you so much to everyone who participates in this healing and for giving me the opportunity to serve.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy
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