Dorothy's Chakra WorkshopFriday, June 24 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, June 25 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25All the subtle organs of our physical bodies are useful, especially when we know them well and can harness their potential intelligently. This workshop is designed to provide a finer understanding of the chakras and the chakra system as well as its relationship to other subtle aspects of the body. Healing will be offered for the chakras as well as technologies which you can employ yourself to support the health of this system. Check out this free sample of how to release psychic hooks and cords from the chakras.I am looking forward to sharing and evolving a unique approach to this ancient understanding of the human energy system with everyone.Please visit my website to sign up for this webinar. The fee is $25 per location.Healing for the Political Process in AmericaSaturday, July 2 at 1:30 pm U.S. Central Daylight TimeFREE LIVESTREAM YOUTUBE EVENT This free live YouTube event is designed to support of a healthy, happy future for America. We will conduct collective healings so Americans can more successfully achieve the beautiful intentions of democracy and a free society. By engaging the powerful tools of energy healing, the deservability of our nation's consciousness can be shifted so that the candidates with the most life-supporting agendas will be favored in this 2016 election cycle.
The outcome of the 2016 elections in the US will impact the whole world family. Please join us for this free event and add your consciousness to the healing process. Together we can bless the whole world with compassionate, enlightened leaders whose decisions will benefit everyone. Healings for Healthy RelationshipsFriday, July 22 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, July 23 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25Healthy relationships need physical aptitude, mental clarity, and emotional maturity to grow to their full potential. Healing work will be addressed for all of these areas. During this live webinar we use the powerful tool of energy healing to enhance and strengthen relationships, making them healthier and more enjoyable. We will focus on improving interpersonal communication, heart flow, closeness, and joy in relationships.
All relationships are founded in the relationship with one's Eternal Self. The nature of this relationship is deeply subtle, delicate, and precious. Even the tiniest shift in this relationship results in dynamic improvements in relationships with others. Using the power of the relationship between self and Self, all good can evolve into the relationship between self and others.Please visit my website to sign up for this webinar. The fee is $25 per location.Mechanics of ManifestationFriday, August 12 at 8 pm to 9:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time, $25 or Saturday, August 13 at 11 am to 12:15 pm U.S. Central Daylight Time $25Pure consciousness, our most essential nature, the most intimate and sublime level of who we really are in essence, manifests as this whole phenomenal universe.
Because it is the mechanics continuously happening within our own Self, the process by which creation unfolds lies within the possession of each one of us. Yet so many of the details of this process remain unseen, unrecognized, under utilized.
We have approached this topic in previous live webinars, laying a foundation for even deeper examination and understanding of the mechanics of creation now. In addition to specific healings to enhance your own manifesting skills, we will evolve technologies together which allow us to use collective intention to create a better world, a sustainable Earth in which everyone's desires are mutually supportive and in tune with cosmic harmonies.
Please visit my website to sign up for a webinar. The fee is $25 per location.
Webinars combine the immediacy and low cost of Distance Energy Work sessions and the lively interaction of private consultations with the dynamism of a powerful group consciousness. Each webinar has lots of personal healing and energy transformations along with an explanation of the mechanics behind the process. Question and answer time is always included. We will collectively go deeply into the fascinating laws which govern the process of creating directly from consciousness.
Energy healing is a method of intelligently directing attention to harness the natural evolutionary flow of creation in favor of a specific outcome. Consciousness loops in on itself to multiply an intention for the sake of manifestation. Together we are always more perfectly aligned with cosmic intention and powerful.Previous webinars on relationships, health, and weight management are now available for rent or purchase on Vimeo. The same site also has both Healing Mother Earth by Healing Ourselveswebinars available for free viewing.
Please visit my Youtube channel to view other healings, selections from webinars, and how-to videos.
New Service: Energetic Clearing for Residences
Energetic Clearing of Residence (Home or Apartment): $150
An Energetic Clearing of Residence is customized for each person or family and includes the following:
- These energetic clearings are uniquely crafted and specific for your location. The healing consists of an initial session of about an hour, followed by two weeks of additional work, at various times of day and night. Night work is done particularly to address illusory influences which are stronger in darkness. The surrounding neighborhood will also receive attention.
- The energy field of the home or apartment is examined in detail. This survey includes the land and surrounding area as well as the structure of the physical building. It also includes the history of the building and the history of the land.
- Additionally various light matrices are adjusted and activated for the whole neighborhood, the home or apartment building itself, and if the residence is an apartment, then a third light matrix for the individual apartment itself, then for each room in your home. These light matrices are tied into the grid-like system of Earth energies which run throughout all cities and countryside, principally underground. This stabilizes the presence and effectiveness of the light matrices as well as aligning the energies in your personal space with the evolutionary progress of the whole environment.
- In this Distance Energy Work series of sessions, we do not talk on the phone or Skype, although I encourage feedback during your Residential Clearing and adjustments are made as necessary during the two weeks to ensure maximum effectiveness. Please use this form to give me feedback during the two-week session and after the session concludes.
- You will also receive a complimentary Mp3 which can be downloaded and played at any time of day or night to support continued stabilization of the highest energy frequencies for your home.
- An Energetic Clearing of Residence is scheduled within a week of the request. After placing the order, a confirmation email with the date of the session and more details about its nature will be sent to you.
- The effects of this work are permanent as they go back to the very beginnings of the history of your location.
- Costs for clearings of businesses and larger properties available upon request.
Blog Post: The God Presence and the Celestial Body
Dear Dorothy: I know that I would be able to heal better if I could love myself more, but I make mistakes every day and I don't like the way I look. All my life I work and take care of others, but never have time for myself. It is hard to find a space of love in a life of imperfection.
Dorothy: Earth is a middle world, a cosmic laboratory of sorts where the light and dark meet in various ways to illustrate the dynamism of the relationship between these forces of creation and destruction. This is why the human experience is so fascinating and highly coveted.
The nature of Divine light, or Being is to expand at infinite speed. There are worlds in our universe where the light flows without hindrance. The forms of life in these realms have no motivation to slow down the Grace of Divinity, for it is perfect and precious as it is. There are also worlds where the darkness of boundaries and density are much thicker than what we experience on Earth. In the worlds of density it is so hard to conceive of how light can penetrate to illuminate its own nature. On Earth, we have both the presence of density and the presence of Divine light coexisting.
Within the context of the human experience it is extremely common to feel unlovable due to self-identified imperfections, shortcomings, weaknesses, etc. Innumerable generations of ancestors have rejected love from both internal and external sources based upon some feeling of inadequacy. Separating from love and feeling separate from one's Divine Nature go hand in hand.
However, the choice to feel separate is itself of Divine origin.
Anything that we can think of as a "flaw" is a kind of barrier which will inevitably be penetrated by the light of Divinity. However, when the light of Being meets the darkness of boundaries, a cosmic dance occurs which causes the light to move slowly as it washes away ignorance, misunderstanding and all other blockages. The boundaries themselves are codes of sorts which are responsible for the light taking particular shapes as it creates perfect interference patterns for the particular densities which it is vanquishing.
Each boundary is completely precious, for each dissolution reveals a new facet of Divinity, a new perspective on the way in which God enters the creation. The choice to suffer a life with boundaries is itself a service to the Creator. I am not advocating suffering here. The Creator can enter the creation through expressions of bliss as easily as through expressions of suffering. The important point is that suffering does have a value in the light of evolution.
Being only wants to know itself, to adore itself through Its own self-expression. The boundaries reveal the truth to the whole universe, not just us. The Creator is blessed by our experience of dissolving ignorance. So are the beings who do not want to slow down the light. They can look to Earth and see the details as they are revealed here. The worlds of darkness are also blessed as they are shown the path which light takes to penetrate darkness. We are the laboratory where this amazing story unfolds.
The more evolved a person's intellect, the more likely that they will need to slow the light in order to satisfy their soul's need to deeply understand the lesson. Energy healing helps to dissolve any egoic attachment to intellectual understanding and can allow a person to move into the light without getting bogged down in details which perpetuate suffering.
Ultimately it is our faults, failings, weaknesses, etc. which make us more adorable in the eyes of the entire creation. It was an old misunderstanding that they made us less adorable. We use these impediments to evolution as leverage to increase light in our own lives and collective life as well. It is because of these shortcomings that the eradication of darkness by light is demonstrated.
As the wisdom dawns, that the potential of human consciousness is naturally infinite, that our individuality is merely a Divine antenna experiencing our own Totality dawns, then false beliefs fade away. Generations in the future are opened to live the reality of their full potential and the DNA, the archive of the ancestors, is transformed. In this present time we can recreate humanity as a race of beings with the ability to harness the infinite organizing potential of Nature to its fullest.
Love and gratitude, DorothyRead more posts in Dorothy's Blog.....
 : Archive of Past Issues of the Distance Energy Work NewsletterDistance Energy Work SessionsPhotos credits: Light in Forest, Iowa, USA, Dorothy Rowe, 2016 Himeji Castle, Japan, Gary McInnes, 2010 Paleokastritsa Coast, Corfu, Michaela Kobyakov, 2010 Native Iowa Flowers, USA Dorothy Rowe, 2016
This healing is activated as you read it.
Thank you to the Mother of the Universe for blessing this healing. Thank you to each participant for being the precious expression of the Source of All That Is. Thank you to the ancestors.
On the shores of the ocean of Being there are no hierarchies, no disparity, only harmonious relevance, clean, clear understanding, fairness, evenness. Every person's soul is intimately familiar with this location. In the center of the ocean is a star of immense proportions. The wisdom of the ages, the greatest masters known to Earth, all this is here. Each participant in this healing session has an investment in this ocean of Being. We come home to this place.
Heart chakras open to receive direct cognition of the truth of our position in the universe as honored members of the ancient tradition of light beings. Whether you directly experience it or not, every person in this healing has origins in the ocean of Being. Every one of us is free to move about in the light, to benefit from the infinite wisdom, and to move to the center star according to our nature.
As a collective we are moving in waves toward the center sun. Anyone can decide to journey alone and go fast to the center, but to move as a collective satisfies the intention of the Creator to manifest uncountable accomplishments, and to illuminate the path of evolution as a path of indescribable bliss. The experience of union is an experience of unfettered joy. Just being in the presence of the light of the center sun is enough to dissolve any blockages to the unrestricted flow of joy, happiness, and pleasure.
Below is a description of a portion of that process ~
Clearing guilt from the spirit body through the physical body concerning experiences of pleasure. Under that clearing attachments and identification with pleasure.
With a flow of forgiveness, clearing the same guilt from the amygdala, nucleus accumbens, and especially the gap between them. Along with the guilt clearing physical toxins from this body and the bodies of previous incarnations. Under the physical toxins, clearing habits, vicious cycles, then pain bodies, more attachments, and under that more guilt. Under that guilt another round of individualized identification clearing in layers with subtle imbalances, such as filters which block the flow of consciousness. These filters are also clearing from areas of the prefrontal cortex.
Under all this clearing sinister force and cords leading to the areas of the prefrontal cortex which is responsible for knowing when a behavior or substance is damaging. Sometimes the damaging substance or behavior disables the part of the brain which warns you not to self sabotage or self damage. Bringing this function back on line through this clearing.
In the astral body (responsible for self-protection), restructuring receptor sites so that the cords from locations which are out of favor with your highest evolution are smoothed away. Download to the God presence regarding the organization and structure of cosmic locations which are primary information sources for Earth. Astral body adapting to receive information from highest energy frequency sources, from locations of purest truth, from authentically heart centered homes.
This restructuring is affecting past lives and the collective consciousness of what we know as the Dark Ages of Europe. Evidently, as miserable as that time was for the vast majority of people, there was something in the structure of the average astral body which was alright. There is a bio-memory from this period, which seems to be offered by ancestors as well as direct past life memory, of a configuration which is well in tune with nature.
Looking to filter out low vibrational impressions from the value in this offering. The offering feels like strength and integration in the astral body as well as an elegantly simple receptor site arrangement. This structure is "speaking" through the medium of experience and understanding to the current astral body. The current astral bodies are larger and lighter than those of the past, so some adaptation of the information will be necessary.
The strength and integration are knitting into the system at a point where inner reality synchronizes with outer expression. We are looking at a very fine point in the manifesting process where what we think and feel becomes reality. The importance of bringing in the purest, truest, heart felt, life supporting perspectives, through the astral body to the field of one's human experience is because the energy system is currently restructuring to make life more instantly synchronous. In other words, closing the gap between what we think and feel and what actually manifests at a physical level.
This quickening is starting in the time of the Dark Ages, with seeds as far back as AD 500 (for some people in this session, much, much farther back than that) through to the present. Waves of protection, (being in the right place at the right time) are rippling through the ancestral lines to preserve those individuals whose lineage will find expression in the present time. Mother Divine is holding the ancestral archive in such a way as to promote huge blessing on the ancestors and receiving tidal waves of love and gratitude in return, with infinite reflections (like two mirrors looking at each other) going back and forth. This movement makes loops of consciousness which ring with sound and are literally the energetic building blocks of our manifest world.
Thank you so much to everyone who participates in this healing and for giving me the opportunity to serve.
Love and gratitude, Dorothy
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